Chapter XXXVI: The Bearer of Mirim’s Mark [1]

ALONG THE EASTERN main road that directly connected the Royal Capital with the Duchy of Regalia, three columns made up a lengthy stretch of men, beasts and transportations alike that far exceeded that of any merchant caravans. The center column was comprised of warriors in a wide assortment of outwear, some with plate cuirasses, lamellar armors or mail shirts, but prominent were those in gambesons, too. They held spears, swords, pole-arms and two-handed weapons, but carried no banners whatsoever. Such attributes exhibited the typical appearance of a mercenary warband. Soldiers of fortune, as they were often called. They swore no allegiance to any lord or king, only to the promise of gold and silver. Trailing behind them in the rear were mules and wagons harboring grains, dried meats, weapons, arrows and other supplies. These too were surrounded by men in mismatched accouterments, with the addition of a multitude of servants in modest clothing.