
March 26th.

"Sir it will happen in 5 minutes.", "God bless us all." This was a common phrase said by most government leaders. They had kept something from the public, secret. Something which will cause anguish and sorrow to most, yet power to some. A power yet unknown.

Thomas Kaiser, he huffed and puffed as he laid on the floor. "Your doing well for a beginner." His friend said as he started undoing his gloves. "Look you even bruised my face." He pointed as he looked at the 18 year old on the floor unable to talk.

Suddenly both their eyes opened wide as the ground rumbled and shook to the point that cracks were appearing in the garage's roof. Multiple messages were being sent to their phones which if they checked they would have seen multiple warning messages to not go outside and yet they did.

Holding his stomach and following his friend to the road, they looked up and saw a huge tower and people screaming. Some buildings fell and above the rubble of those a pitch black beast could be seen. It had the shape of a wolf with a long snout and razer sharp canines, yet no eyes. On its neck were what seemed to be gills and at the end of their tail was a fin. Their webbed feet let them climb up steep surfaces as well.

The amphibian wolf was the size of a car and was devouring anything that came close to it. At the sight of it both Thomas and his friend fell to their knees at mercy of the power it held. No MMA fighting style would've managed to kill that beast with their mediocre strength, let alone the others in the pack.

'I have to get home.' Thomas thought, his parents and 2 siblings would've been in danger especially since they lived next to the sea and these beasts were aquatic.

"Run!" He shouted at his friend as he grabbed his arm and ran away searching for a car. He grabbed the handle and tried to open it but it was locked so he took off his shirt wrapped it around his arm and tried smashing the glass. After 4 times of hitting the glass he managed to break it but his elbow was bleeding and started to swell. He kicked the plastic cover and started trying to hotwire it but then his friend found keys in the sun visor.

"I'll stay here with my family, you go to yours."

And so Thomas drove away in the panic, the roads were full of rubble and beasts eating people. As he drove he gagged and hoped the car wouldn't hit anything. But suddenly the roof was crushed inwards and the windscreen burst covering the teen in cuts.

A snarl was heard from above and suddenly as if smelling his blood it looked into the car and went to bite his head. At that moment he closed his eyes and hoped for a painless death but after a couple of seconds nothing happened.

Everything felt silent and he felt the soft and continuous ground beneath him. He slowly opened his eyes and saw he was on a meadow surrounded by trees. In the distance all around a large wall going up as far as he could see and the sun perfectly in the centre of the circular walls.

"Where am I?" He asked out loud and he looked around seeing no one.

[Welcome, you have been chosen to enter the trial tower.]

[State status to open your profile]

Thomas stared at the semi transparent dark screen with white words on it and couldn't believe it. It was just like in novels and just like games, when he saw this he said to himself,

"I have to become the strongest."