Name: Biala

Age: 15

Race: Half Yautja Half Dathomirian

Gender: Female



Bio mask

Body Armor





Wrist blade

Shoulder canon

Brightsword (main)

Twin lightsabers (secondary)

Laser Pistols


Laser mines

Net gun (goes under the wrist)


A long time ago in a galaxy far far away there lived a race called Yautja. The Yautja were a hunter-species that traveled the Galaxy for the most worthy prey to hunt. They had a high code of honor and we're technologically advanced.

Their technology was so advanced that they created a cloaking mechanism that shielded them from force-sensitive beings. This made them a nightmare for the Jedi and Sith.

They had many clans that hunted on various planets while some were skilled enough to hunt alone. They did not seek to rule or destroy like the Jedi or Sith. They only wanted to fight and kill for sport and honor. This made them the enemy of both the Jedi and Sith since they were not on either side but still hunted their most formidable fighters which were not beneficial to either warring sides.

So the two decided that the Yautjas were too much of a threat to be left alive. They formed a temporary truce until this threat was eliminated. The Yautjas had a celebration that they held one day every year, where all the clans would return to their home planet Yautja Prime, to see which clan had the biggest and most dangerous hunt.

The Sith and the Jedi used this day to ambush them while they were not prepared. The Yautjas held their ground but being caught off guard and not having any defense against the force except being invisible to them something that only high-ranking and blooded hunters had access to, they were losing.

In a last-ditch effort, they decided to blow the planet up so that no one can have access to their technology. And that was the end of the Yautja race or so they thought.

One female Yautja survived because of some issues with her mother ship which delayed her arrival. After learning the fate of her race she decided that, that can not be the end of their legacy. She searched the Galaxy for a race worthy of carrying on the Yautja blood which led her to Dathomir.

Mother Talzin met the predator, already knowing why she was there, and offered her DNA with the condition that the child be raised and trained in Dathomir in both the Yautja and Dathomirian way. The Predator seeing this as a win agreed.


Ahsoka Tano

Darth Talon