I no longer focus. He heard nothing else, only the sound of his own blood running down the knife blade. "Please," he whispered. He felt the knife begin to move. He felt a warm trickle run down his neck as the knife pierced him. "Do you think that makes up for everything I've ever done to you?" he spat in his ear. Yuusuke pressed harder, plunging the knife even harder into his skin. "How long will your life be, Yuusuke?" his father said. "Your body will soon stop functioning. It doesn't matter if you open your chest, because your insides are already torn apart." "My whole family has already died," Yusuke hissed venomously. He pressed harder, causing Hawke to scream. "And you too," Yusuke growled. Yuusuke pulled out a knife, causing Houka to scream in pain. He wiped his mouth on his coat sleeve and grinned maniacally. "Now we'll have a whole generation to replace you." O~~O**~~May I have the honor to introduce myself? Hawke shook his head slowly. No. Yusuke chuckled in disbelief. He stepped closer and pressed the hilt of the knife against his bare skin. the metal pressed against his pale, pale skin. Houka looked into Yuusuke's eyes. His red eyes. They reminded him of fire. "No…please, Yusuke. Don't… don't do this…" Hawke begged plaintively. Yuusuke's father sighed. "It's not going anywhere, Hiroko. Let the boy live. He is already dying. Hawke screamed silently. He felt the cold from the knife seep through his veins. He watched helplessly as a drop of blood rolled down his neck, landing in the center of the puddle at his feet. He wanted to die. He wanted the pain to end. He wanted to wake up. But when he opened his eyes again, the knife disappeared into the folds of Yusuke's jacket. "Goodbye, Hiroko," Yuusuke waved. his dead parents. Hawkeye's mother looked at him with regret. "Poor child..." she whispered. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. She squeezed him so hard that she broke several bones. t come to Japan. But it's for the best. We'll be going home soon. Tears clouded Hawkeye's vision and he tried to blink them away. "I don't think I belong here either..." he sobbed. You're just scared. You are afraid of getting hurt. But you know that you will never be hurt if you stay with us. This place is not home. But it will be safe for you. Hawk nodded. His mother smiled sadly. She kissed him on the forehead. "Take care of yourself, honey." "You're such a pretty boy," came the voice in his head. He wanted so badly to get away from that voice. Run away. Hide. Leave this world once and for all, leaving the only person who loved He most of all will burn in hell forever. The voice chuckled, "Oh don't worry, you'll see your precious little brother again soon." The image vanished and Houka woke up sweaty and panting. It was so real. It scared him. But he tried not to worry. It has been almost two months since he arrived here. Two months of running and hiding. People here treated him like he hadn't committed any crime.