
Jana" stands in the kitchen preparing food for her husband with love and waiting for him to come home from work to have lunch together. The doorbell rings, and she feels happy as she runs to open it.

Her husband enters eagerly, kissing her as if he had returned from a long trip. He embraces her as if he will never see her again, looking at her longingly and

studying her features. She interrupts his gaze and says, "What's wrong, my dear husband? You look at me strangely, as if you won't see me after today. You hug me eagerly as you do only when you return from a long trip. I see in your eyes a long conversation you want to have.

I understand you from your eyes." He turns his eyes away from her, tears filling his eyes. He wants to hide them from her, wiping his eyes quickly so that she does not see the tears. He says to her, "Isn't it my right to miss you? Why are you surprised? I just missed you. That's all." She smiles broadly,embraces him, takes his hand, and says, "Go change your clothes, and I will prepare lunch for us. I made you delicious food. Come on, my love. Hurry." "Ali" goes to the bedroom to change his clothes, his face still filled with sadness.

He changes his clothes and goes to the dining room to have lunch with his wife. Jana places the food on the table with love and a beautiful smile because she

loves to see her husband always beside her. They eat lunch and exchange small talk, but "Ali" still looks at his wife's face, studying it carefully, not hearing

what she says. He is thinking about one thing: he wants to feast his eyes on his wife before surprising her with his dangerous decision, which may cause

her to never forgive him and turn this great love into even greater hatred. However, he believes that the decision he made is the best for him. He loves her so much that he must do this so that she will not suffer in the future from his departure. He wants to talk to

her about his decision, but his tongue cannot bring itself to utter the words.

The couple finished having lunch, and each of them went to wash their hands. Then "Janna" went to make a cup of coffee for her husband as he usually

drinks it right after lunch. Janna came holding the cup of coffee and offered it to her husband. Ali took it from her, kissed her hands, and said, "My love,

you have been the best companion and wife I have ever seen. You filled my life with love. You were a blessing from God." Janna interrupted him and said,

"And you were the best husband and the best lover.

I lived with you the most beautiful days of my life, and I had a love story of the sweetest stories. You never hurt me in my life. You were the best support

and the best lover. May Allah keep you in your life and gather us in paradise." Her words were beautiful and, at the same time, made the situation even more difficult for him. How could he tell her that they had to part ways? Time is not always on their side, and the moment was not suitable for this conversation. It was difficult for him to confront her and see the pain in her eyes.

He didn't want to hurt her because she was the love of his life, but fate had decreed that they must part ways. Ali decided not to confront her at that moment, but she would know soon enough.

The words became difficult for him, he couldn't say a word. His heart was squeezed with pain, as he was forced to leave his wife and part with her. How could he tell her this? His words would be like a lightning bolt on his beloved and wife. Why did his mother put

him in this difficult situation? If he didn't carry out what his mother asked of him, she would get angry with him and deprive him of everything. Ali said to

himself, "Oh God, what should I do? I am confused. Inever imagined that I would be in this situation, and

I never imagined that it would be my mother who would put me in this situation "

Ali talks to himself in his mind and can't utter a word to tell his wife what he will do, and that it will be like a dagger in her back. She will never forgive him for

what he intends to do. Ali implores his Lord in his heart to help him get out of this difficult situation.

Ali's phone rang, but it was a message from his mother saying, "Get ready, you have to finish everything before tomorrow. I'll wait for you at the court

tomorrow to finalize the divorce proceedings. You must be in the court at three in the afternoon."

Ali's eyes filled with tears and he wished that morning would never come. He wished that all of this was a dream and that he could wake up from it. But

unfortunately, this painful truth was real. These few moments were the last time he would spend with his beloved wife before embarking on a journey whose

end only Allah knew.

It was destined that he would be a part of the "Bani Khalid" family, and the laws of this family could never end. The laws that were written for the eldest grandfather of the Bani Khalid family were some of the toughest laws ever seen, and they were written for the children of this family, generation after generation.

Ali Al-Sulmani was the noblest descendant of this great family, whose origins canbe traced back to one of the great tribes in various Arab countries.

The laws of Bani Khalid and its regulations must be applied to those whom fate chooses, according to the laws that were imposed on Grandfather Khalid.

A book was written containing a set of laws that must be implemented in every generation. And fate had decreed that Ali was the one who was chosen to

execute the last part of the laws written in this book, as his fathers and grandfathers had done before him.

This was the end of the laws, the last law. And he had to execute everything in it. In order to be free, he had to get rid of the most precious person he was

attached to, his wife, so that he would be light when carrying out what was written in the last chapter of the laws that were imposed on Bani Khalid.

"It is the beginning of a journey whose end is known only to God. In each generation of the Bani Khalid family, a certain individual is chosen with specific

qualifications according to the book of laws, a book that only the head of the family possesses. This person is chosen to execute one of the laws. The time has come to execute the last law in the book, a book whose contents only the

chosen one from the Bani Khalid lineage knows when executing the required law in each generation of the family. In this generation, Ali Al-Sulmani has been chosen, and the first condition for executing the final law, before handing him the book to execute it, is to divorce his wife despite his deep love for her and their happy life together. No one knows why this condition is required until he executes the law. He must rid himself of the person he loves the most in his life so that he can free himself from all the constraints that

could make him heavy, burdened, and make the task difficult when executing the final law. The final law of the Bani Khalid laws seems to be one of the most difficult laws this time. It is the last thing that was written in the book more than eight hundred years ago. The book contains eight laws, and each law is

executed every hundred years. The family lives on the memory of the chosen ones who executed the

law, and now it is time to execute the final law."