Chapter two

You finished your route within a couple of hours. Being able to do the same thing every day makes you fast at it, and since you don't stop talking to others, you're always the first postal worker to finish his route. You decided to check in with your boss, even though it wasn't necessary.

Each night you leave your mail truck unlocked. The car is parked in the garage, you leave the garage door open, and a delivery man fills it with mail and packages. This way, it saves you a stop at the post office. It was a brilliant idea your boss came up with to be the fastest mail service. Occasionally, you'll stop in after your shift.

"Would you like to take a second route?" Your boss Greg asked you.

"Do I look like I want to take a second route?" you snap.

Greg laughs. "All right, I was just checking.

You smirk and walk away. Though Greg gets a lot of complaints about your nasty attitude, he lets you keep your job because he feels like you are a hard worker and always done with your route on time.

Before becoming a postman, you have had many jobs and failed to keep any of them. All the coworkers would describe you as a horrible person, and some even say you are a harasser. Insults are like compliments to you. You thrive off them. The idea of being a horrible person appeals to you, and you like when people know you are evil.

You get to take your mail truck home each night. This is a bonus for you, since you don't have another vehicle. You barely got a driver's license, considering you slammed the driver's instructor's head in the dashboard. You have spent many days in prison. You describe the prison as a glorious place full of wonderful people.

You get into the truck to drive home. You hear your stomach growl. You put your hand over your belly and rub. A burger sounds tremendous and a beer. You grab your phone and call a local take-out. You order a Mushroom Swiss burger.

You pull into the restaurant driveway, pulling into the parking space. There are many people dining in today. With the COVID-19 pandemic slightly starting to ease, many people are returning to their everyday lives. You grab your facemask for the glove department, putting on your face.

You enter inside. The sound of laughter hurts your ears. You hear music. You hate music.

"I'm here to pick up an order for George," you say.

"Of course," says a girl with a smile. You watch as she walks away. You smile. The thought of killing her enters your mind. Her screams, how frantic she will sound as my blade slices her throat. You think, cocking your head to the side.

She returns with your food in moments. You slap the money down on the counter and wink at her.

"Have a nice day, beautiful," you say. She seems puzzled for a moment.

She smiles. "Thanks," she says with a red face.

You nod and walk toward the door.

In moments, you sit at the table eating the burger. You can't get the girl out of your mind. You are fascinated by her. You think about killing her. The thought excites you, drives you crazy.