Chapter Four

You wake up bright and early the following day, like you do every morning. You stumble to the kitchen for a fresh cup of coffee. Your memory of last night was fresh. You wished you had killed Angelica. If only she answered the door.

The coffee warms your throat. You feel more awake. You walk towards the refrigerator. You grab out some fresh watermelon slices. You pop one in your mouth. You close your eyes, imagining you're eating a human heart.

You laugh. Walking towards the door, you smile at the box with the dead kitty. The blood-soaked box fits perfectly in your arms. You rush quickly to the mail truck, so nobody sees the box. I don't think I ever walked so fast, you believe, giggling to yourself.

You threw the box in the back of the mail truck. You see Angelica crying on the step. The blood she saw made her upset. You drive the truck in front of the house.

"You okay?" you ask.

"There is blood everywhere, and I can't find my cat," she cries.

"I thought I heard dogs barking last night," you respond.

She puts her hands over her face and cries.

Watching her upset didn't bring the emotion you thought it would. It actually made you sad. You drive away quickly, not understanding how you're feeling. Why should I care if the girl is unhappy? You shake your head, feeling ashamed of your feelings.

Putting the letters and packages in the mailbox, you work quickly. This is such a peculiar thing. I don't feel guilty about ending the cat's life, but I feel bad about the girl's reaction. Will this be the case for every person I kill? Or is there something about the girl?

Your last stop was the animal shelter. On the doorstep, you place the box with a dead cat inside. The animal shelter wasn't your typical stop. It wasn't even on your route.

You speed off quickly. You laugh at the thought of the Sheriff opening the mailbox. You lick the blood off your fingers. The box has dripped everywhere. You laugh at the sight.

You pass by the pet store, and your eyes notice cats in the window. If I make friends with Angelica, it will be easier to kill her. You pull into the store parking lot. It was nearly empty. Your hands grip the door handle and push the door open. Your feet hit the ground, getting out of the truck.

You walk towards the store. You notice people staring at you driving by. You flip them off with your middle finger. I hate people. You think, shaking your head. Pushing the door open, the smell of pets fills your nose. Nasty varmints.

"Good evening, sir," says a young boy about seven.

" Where's your mom, little creature?" you ask.

"I'm in the back," you hear Renee yell.

You know Renee from delivering packages at the pet store.

"George, it's funny to see you here. I don't remember ordering anything," she says, walking up to the desk.

"I am looking to buy the neighbor girl a new cat. Something happened to hers last night," you say.

Renee looks shocked. "Wow, that's kind of you," she tells you.

You nod your head. "Just trying to help," you say with a smile.

You watch Renee walk over to a kennel and grab out a little orange kitten. You hear the cat meow. It rubs its head against Renee's chest.

"This here is Peanut, and he needs a home," she tells you.

Your mouth water, thinking about licking peanut's blood off your hands after you kill him. You shake the thought from your mind. No, this cat will survive for a bigger purpose.

She hands you the kitten. His fur feels silky smooth as you run your hands through it.

"I think Peanut will do nicely," you smile.

" That's wonderful news," Renee responds.

You pay for the cat with your credit card and walk out the door. Oh, how I help this cat will help me kill Angelica.

Moments later, your truck pulls into the driveway. You see Angelica sitting on the step. You grab the kitten, who is sitting quietly in the box. You open the truck door and walk out, heading towards her house. She still looks upset.

"Hmm, I have something for you," you say, rubbing the back of your neck.

"Oh, what's that? She says. You hand her the box, and the kitten meows loudly.

You see Angelica's face light up. This makes you feel happy. This is an odd feeling. Happiness is something you don't experience and block out of your mind.

"I don't know what to say," she says, grabbing the little cat and giving him a big hug.

"The lady at the pet shop said his name was peanut," you tell her.

" That's perfect," she giggles.

"I think so too," you grin.

"Thank you," she says.

"You're welcome," you remark. You watch her play with the kitten for a moment.

Walking back towards the house, you feel annoyed with yourself. What encouraged this act of kindness? Have lost my mind. Opening the door and walking into the house, you hear your stomach growl.

Hurrying towards the kitchen, you rub your stomach. What TV dinners do I have available today? It wasn't one of your best skills to cook. You open the freezer, grab a meal, and pop it into the microwave.

In moments, it was done cooking. You sit watching a murder episode. You laugh. Thinking about how stupid it was to hide a body there, and how the murderer messed up. You had everything planned out and felt you could easily label all people's mistakes when they get caught committing a crime. It wasn't long, you fell asleep on the couch, sleeping all night.

My head is killing me. You think waking up. You tumble off the couch and walk to the kitchen, yawning. Grabbing the TV remote, you flip it on. The news wasn't too exciting typically. You flip on the coffee pot, and the smell makes your mouth water.

You grab a cup from the cupboard and pour yourself a glass of coffee. "A local Animal Hospital has received a deceased cat in the mall," the news reporter says. You spit out your coffee, roaring with laughter. The people seem so disgusted, and in disbelief,you think listening to the vet cry on the television.

You feel excited and empowered. You like seeing the misery you caused. You want to kill more.