Chapter Ten

You hear your alarm go off. You wake up at your house alone. You hear someone banging on the door. Who the hell is that?

You move towards the door and are relieved to see it's just Anglica.

You answer the door and let her in. She looks worried.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, are you?" She asks.

"I just took an extra route, sorry I should have called," you explain.

"Oh, there was another murder, and I was worried about you," she says.

"Really?" You try to appear shocked.

She nods. "A police officer."

" That's horrible. I have such respect for our law enforcement." You laugh in your mind.

"Me too," she agrees.

You pull her into your arms and run your fingers through her hair. She lays her head on your shoulder.

"Everything is going to be fine," you tell her.

"I wish you could stay home today," she says.

I never call off. Maybe it will be good. I can get over these nerves.

"I guess I could pretend to be sick."

She grabs your face in her hands. "You don't have to do that."

"I want to," you tell her.

"Okay, I am excited," she says.

"Me too, I just need to grab the call-off number from the truck."

You walk towards the mail truck with Angelica by your side. You hoped she wouldn't follow you. You cleaned up the bloody mess yesterday, but there could be some blood missed.

You open the truck driver's side door. You open the glove department, pulling out your employee handbook.

"What happened?" You see the horror on Angelica's face. She sees a pool of blood you missed in the clean-up. Shit.

You pat your leg nervously. What should I say? She looks at you with fear on her face.

"Oh that, I spilled tomato soup from lunch," you laugh. Please believe me.

She laughs too. "For a moment, I thought you were the serial killer."

You laugh really hard. "You caught me," you smirk.

You feel beyond relief. When Angelica and you cuddle on the couch watching television after calling the number to call off work. Angelica wanted to watch a romance movie. They are not your favorite, but you want to make her happy.

"Do you think we have a love like that?" She asks.

You nod. "I think so", you say, locking fingers with her.

"I am glad I found you," she tells you.

"Oh yeah," you smile.

"Because I am not scared with this killer out there, I know you would never let anyone hurt me," she says.

You kiss her on the head. "I would never," you say.

You almost feel guilty. If you get caught for this murder, you'll hurt Angelica, and that thought pained your heart.

"I am hungry," you rub your stomach, trying to find a way to get over your feelings.

"Pizza?" she asks.

You chuckle. "I am thinking the same thing."