Chapter 02

Finn's Pov

I looked at Wendy who was sprawled carelessly and sleeping in my bed. She was clad in her underwear. She was a cheerleader at my sporting games with whom I occasionally have an on and off relationship. I was twenty three but haven't gotten my apartment. My Dad wouldn't let me. Our mansion was big enough to accommodate twenty people so he claimed there was no reason for me to get my place. I always smuggled Wendy in anything I wanted to her company.

"Hey, Wendy" I tapped her repeatedly to wake her up. "You have to leave".

"What time is it?" She yawned and stretched lazily on the bed.

"A little after eleven"

"Eleven in the morning?" She asked sleepily.

"Eleven in the evening" I was staring down the street through my window. I felt Wendy's warm hands on my bare chest as she hugged me from the back. I quickly pulled away.

"Hey, watch it" Wendy looked pissed off. "What was that for?"

"I am sorry but you have to leave"

"I don't understand why" She complained as she got into her clothes. "You never had any problems with me staying till morning"

"Yea, something came up" I lied. The truth was, nothing came up. I just wanted to be left alone to think.

"Call me eh?" Wendy smiled as she kissed my cheek. I nodded as I watched her creep out of my room with her shoes in her hands. I knew she would leave the house without anyone noticing. We have done it a dozen times; smuggling her into my room without anyone knowing except for Isabella who had seen her on several occasions.

"I see your company has left" I heard Isabella's annoying voice behind my back as she got into my room.

"What do you want Bella?" I asked grudgingly without looking at her. I knew she must be leaning against the door with folded arms.

"Just wanted to let you know that Elena will be thrilled to have you as her date for prom" I quickly turned to look at her, my heart racing with excitement but I refused to let it show on my face. She was standing exactly as I knew she would.

"I am not staying till midnight" I frowned.

"Yes... Whatever. Goodnight" She said.

"You know I am doing you a favor right?" I asked. I didn't want her to know I was excited about it.

"Thanks for reminding me a hundred times now, Finn" She rolled her eyes and left.

I squealed. I was finally going to be with Elena for the first time.

Elena had grown up with Isabella and was almost the same age except Elena was a year older and for the first few years that I have known her, I saw her as nothing than a younger sibling but as she was growing older, her features began to show, the lips, eyes and her tiny self was gorgeous and I couldn't deny the fact that I was in love with her. I just couldn't tell her.

Isabella had just presented an opportunity to be with Elena after 14 years of falling in love with her.

When Isabella had suggested I should be Elena's prom, I was more than eager to be her date but I refused to let Isabella know or her dramatic self would tease me. She was that crazy. She was my adorable little sister and can be annoying but I loved her nonetheless. So very much.

I had already graduated high school, the same school Elena and Isabella were attending, but I could still be someone else's date for the prom. My boyish look had gotten me a lot of proposal letters from girls which I all but ignored. Elena was my choice.

The prom was the next day and as much as I did not want to admit it, I have chosen an outfit for the event. It was a grey suit with a white shirt, black cover shoes, and a black tie. I planned to leave my hair messy and used the gold chain I won at the baseball game.


"Good morning love" My mum kissed my cheek I got downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning Mum" I replied.

"Morning Dad" I greeted as I took my place at the dining table.

"Morning dear" He smiled up at me. " Hope you had a beautiful night"

"Of course, he did" Isabella who was seated right next to me chirped in. " Didn't you Finn or do you want me to tell them?"

I sent her a glare but that didn't stop her as she make faces at me.

"Tell us what honey?" Mum asked.

"Nothing" I quickly said. I knew she was threatening to expose my escapade with Wendy.

"How is practice going?" Dad asked as he munched at his food.

"Good. Baseball is my life you know" I beamed up. Baseball is my favorite discussion.

"You still haven't told them," Isabella said and all eyes turned to her.

"Tell us what?" Mum asked again. Even Dad stopped eating and turned to me.

"I don't know what she is talking abo...."

"Finn is taking Elena to prom tonight!" Isabella squealed.

"Oh really?"

"That beautiful"

I felt my cheek heating as Mum and Dad gushed over how beautiful that was.

"I will k*ll you" I mouthed to Isabella who was laughing without a care.

"Is Andrew taking you, Bella?" Dad asked.

"Yes and Finn is taking Elena"

"They heard you the first time" I gritted my teeth.

"Oh did they?" Isabella joked. "I thought they didn't"

"Prom is a beautiful thing. It marks a journey of one's life" Dad said. "Do not feel embarrassed Finn"

"I am not embarrassed. I went to my own prom, remember?" I muttered. "Why is this conversation weird? I am gone" I said and took my food before running back upstairs.

"Yeah, run away!" I heard Isabella's giggle behind me.

I waited patiently for the night to come. I was dressed and locked up in my room. I didn't want anyone barging in, especially Isabella. I didn't want her to see how eager I was even though, deep down, I knew how nervous I was. I looked at myself. I needed to convince Elena that I was worth being her date. I wanted her to enjoy the moment that marked the end of their senior years.

"Honey?" Mum knocked at my door. "It is time"

I took in a deep breath and opened the door. Mom was the only one standing by the door. Her eyes were mist and I knew she would start crying any minute.

"You look perfect Honey"

"You said the same thing during my prom" I smiled.

"Oh did I?" She giggled. "Well, you look even better"

"Where is Izzie?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Andrew has picked her up. You have to go or you will be late" Mum held on to my arm and together we descended the stairs.

"Bye Mum"

"Hey Finn, here" Dad called as I was about to step out. I turned and he threw me a key to his favorite car. "Do not take her in that truck" He winked.

"Thanks, Dad" I smiled sheepishly. "Bye"

I waved as I watched Dad put his hand over Mum's shoulder.

I went to the parking space and got into the Benz. It was my favorite. I let Nicky Minaj's high school song blast in the car's speaker as I sing along and drove to Elena's house.