Chapter 08

**Finn Pov**

"Damn!" I cursed as my hand clenched the steering wheel forcefully making my knuckles turn white. I was feeling tensed and angry and I knew I had to keep it in check or I would explode.

I hated to see Isabella in pain. I loved her so much and I would protect her with my life but looking at her staring out the window and not saying anything was making me restless. She wasn't her usual self and I didn't like that. Andrew must have done something to her and she refused to open up to me no matter how hard I tried. I had to fix it. I had to fix him. I have to be there for her. I couldn't let what happened to _her_ happens to Isabella. I couldn't protect her and now _she_ was gone, I was not going to repeat the same mistake again.

"Are you alright?" Isabella asked as she turn to face me and must have seen how I have changed.

"No, Isabella. I am not okay and you know why" I gritted my teeth. Anxiety was setting in and it was a long time since I felt that way. "You have to tell me what happened back there with Andrew"

"We had a fight, that was all. I don't wanna say more please Finn" Her voice sounded apologetic. I nodded but that doesn't mean I forgot.

I had plans for Elena. I was supposed to take her out and get to know her better, but the situation with Isabella prevented that.

I pulled up as our driveway came to view. Our mum was on the porch with our old kind neighbor Mrs. Francisca playing a game of poker. Their face lighten up when they saw us but Mum's immediately darkened when she realized something was wrong especially when Isabella ran into the front door with acknowledging them.

"Hy Mum...Hy Mrs. Francisca" I waved at them from where I stood but Mum was already on her feet and coming towards me. I quickly turned to walk to my car, I wanted to avoid questions but she caught up with me pretty quickly as I only managed to enter the driver seat and lock the door. She stood by the window looking at me questionably.

"Mom, I gotta go," I said dismissively. "I have an errand to run to".

"What happened to her? To you both? You look white" She breathed.

"It doesn't matter" I replied.

"I know you, Finn. I do know when something is wrong. Please tell me" She looked sadly at me.

"I don't know" I half yelled at her. I was getting agitated but I managed to control myself. "All I know is that she is hurt and I can't bear to see her like that! am gonna fix it"

"Fix what? No, you won't!" She shook her head as she stared at my hand. I was squeezing the key to the car and it was already leaving bruises on my hand. " Have u stopped your prescription?"

"Don't ask me that"

"Have you stopped your prescription?" She asked, a little louder. I looked at Mrs Francisca who was still on the porch, she seemed occupied and not listening to our conversation.

"Yes! I have stopped taking my medication and I have stopped going to therapy. Both are messing with my head and I can't do it anymore. I need my anger. I need to get angry or sad whenever I remember them and I need to remember that I couldn't protect her when she needed me and now I will protect Isabella no matter what. I have to leave" I said as I switch on the ignition and the car roared to life.

"Please Finn don't....." But the roar of the car cut her off as I drove out of the house.

I was angry and it has been long since I felt that way, since the days after she was taken away from me and I couldn't find her. I couldn't protect her as I promise.

I drove to Andrews' place and parked where I won't be noticed. I have followed Isabella sometimes back to make sure she was safe and I had even warned him to not hurt her but when I remembered what Elena did to him at the school, I knew he messed up really well.

There was no sign of anyone at the house and I waited. He must have still been at school but I got time. I texted Elena to let her know I would see her around dinner time.

A car pulled up and he came out. Laughing and waving at his friends. He hummed as he went to his front door and used a key to open it. I walked stealthily behind him and immediately the door opened, I pushed him into the house and rammed the door close with my feet.

"Yooh man" He turned to me startled. I caught him off guard. "What are you doing here?"

"What did you do to Isabella?" I asked in a cold voice as I stroll towards him.

"I don't think what is between my girlfriend and I is any of your business"

"Wrong answer," I said as I tackled him against the wall, my forearm on his neck. "I won't ask twice".

"Sorry please ok? I am sorry" He apologized as he put his hands up, he was crying and trying to catch his breath. It was so pathetic. "We slept together and I broke up with her. I am moving to Singapore tomorrow".

I stared at him but I pulled away. Isabella was keen on getting the right man before settling down. I knew that about her and I was sure it must be the same with Elena. What Wendy said to me must be true. I shouldn't push Elena and scare her into thinking I wanted nothing but to sleep with her. I have to make her feel safe. If what Andrew did to Isabella could hurt her that much then I wonder what it would be like for Elena. I wouldn't do anything to hurt Elena so I promised to keep my distance from touching her until I marry her.

"You shouldn't have done that" I spatted. "She loved you," I said and punched him in the stomach. He took in a deep breath and fall to his knees.

"I am sorry!" He cried out.

I bend down and grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me until we were at eye level. "You will leave town as planned and you will stay away from Isabella. You are never to contact her, ever again, is that clear?" I spelled the word out.

"Yes, Yes" He nodded frantically.

"Good" I let him go and stood up. "This is for Isabella," I said and before he could realize it, I stomped my feet hard on his toes. I walked out the front door, ignoring his whimpers. Andrew could have me arrested for assault but I didn't care. He deserved the worst.

It was winter around that time in Boston and I didn't want to go back home and have an episode with my Mother. I wasn't having any baseball practice and it was too early to go to Elena for dinner. I drove for a little while and parked at a coffee shop.

"Hy Tara" I waved at the elderly woman behind the counter as I got into the shop and slid into a booth. The shop was not crowdy but I knew it was just a matter of time before there would be a rush in.

"Long time no see Finn" She smiled as she brought me a cup of hot chocolate.

"Am sorry but practice has been hard" I grin at her. "Any idea where Rick might be?"

"He just....oh talking about the devil," She said as Rick got into the shop. "I will leave you guys to it then. Ciao"

Rick was my best friend. We've known each other since grade level when we moved back to Boston and Tara was his mum.

"Hy man" He beamed at me as he slide into the seat opposite mine. "So what's been happening? Care to fill me in?"

"Nothing of interest"

"Elena?" He winked.

"How do...." I was surprised he knew about it.

"Words fly you know, especially at Prom" He leaned back on his seat. "So how are you two hitting it off?"

I smiled. "No one is hitting anything off. We are just starting"

"Anything else? You don't look good" He commented as he folded his arms.

"I almost lose myself today. Andrew hurt Isabella and I gave him his piece. I went to his house man" I looked at him. "I couldn't watch her in pain"

"I understand" He whispered and turned to scan the area and when he was sure no one was listening, he leaned towards the table. "Have you been taking your medication?"

"Not you too man" I scoffed. Rick was the only person I confided in after we moved back and I started having nightmares. "You guys need to stop making it look like I am a freak. I don't need any prescription to make me feel better!"

"But it helps. That's all that matters. It makes you forget her and ease the pains"

"You know what? I am not doing this. I will see you at practice" I said as I left the seat and walked out.

"Finn! Finn!" Rick called me but I ignored him. I got into my car and left for Elena's place. Thinking of her was calming my nerves and I wanted to see her more than ever.