Chapter 10

Finn Pov

"I think y'all need to wake up now" A voice rang into my subconscious mind and I woke up abruptly. My eyes almost popped out of its socket when I saw Elena's father sitting at the edge of the table opposite me.

I tried to sit up but a weight was digging into my arm. I turned to see Elena still sleeping. I remembered I couldn't leave her alone for the night when she slept off so I adjusted us to be lying down on the couch.

"Elena" I shook her. I was avoiding her father as my brain was processing how to explain to him what I was doing with his daughter on the couch with our legs entwined with each other.

She yawned and opened her eyes. She was surprised for a moment when she saw her Dad but it quickly disappeared.

"Dad! What are you doing here?" She asked as I waited for her to get off me. She didn't seem bothered that her father saw us.

"Last I remember, this is my house" He scoffed and sip the content from the cup he was holding and all the while, his eyes was never off us.

"Good morning Mr. Benson," I greeted him as I stood up. My hands were sweaty and I wiped them on my jeans. I was feeling nervous.

"Morning Finn" He nodded curtly.

"Seriously Dad, you can't just be popping in and out anytime you wanted" She was not angry but she sounded pissed. She was used to it I guessed.

"Is that a way of saying sorry for spending the night on my couch with a man? Come on" He stood up. I almost laughed. He was funny but I knew it was my clue to leave.

"Seriously Dad? Where is my speech of I am 18 and an adult?"

"I should go, I will call you later Elena" I kissed her temple. "Good Day Mr. Benson" He muttered a reply but I was already out of the front door.

I laughed. Elena and her father were unbelievable. I reminisce about our night together as I drove back home. It was perfect. From cooking her dinner to watching her sleep was something I wanted on repeat.

I walked into the living room and saw my Mum seated all by herself, a worried expression on her face. She stood up immediately after she saw me.

"Where did you spend the night Finn?" She asked me, a frown on her face.

"Good morning to you too Mum" I greeted her and drop my key by the key rack. I walked away into the kitchen but I knew she would follow me behind.

"I am serious, you got me worried. If you are not going to return home at least pick up your phone and tell me" She was clearly upset but she was trying hard to keep it under check. "I called you like forever".

I rummage through the fridge and brought out milk. I sat on the kitchen stool and took a sip. "I left my phone in the truck. I wasn't close by to pick it up. You don't have to worry about me. I am twenty-three and can take care of myself."

"Why did you stop your medication, Finn?" She asked as she folded her hands on her chest and leaned against the kitchen door.

"Here we go again" I muttered under my breath. "It wasn't working ok? It is not helping! The Doctor or the drug doesn't make me forget, I remember her every single day so it is useless to continue".

"But therapy helps with the pain and your sanity...."

"Just stop mum! Okay?" I yelled. "Stop trying to be a good Mother. It is nauseating. Don't you think it is better to admit it is all your fault than trying to fix it by sending me to therapy? If you haven't forcefully taken me away from them, this wouldn't have happened!"

"I am sorry!" She cried as I brushed past her out of the kitchen. She tried to hold me but I pulled away. I didn't wait to hear more as I ran upstairs. I stopped at Isabella's room and gently knocked on the door.

"Come in" Her muffled voice called. I pushed open the door and entered. She was in front of her mirror making her hair.

"So tell me, did you spend the night at Elena's place and did you guys, you know, did it?" She smiled slyly at me when our eyes met through the mirror.

"I see you are back to your normal self" I sneered as I ignored her question.

"What were you expecting?" She rolled her eyes. She looked normal but after what I learned from Andrew the night before, I knew she was still hurt and I was not sorry I hurt him. "Come help me comb my hair"

"In your dreams" I glared at her. "Where are you going?"

"To Elena." She shrugged "We are going to write a college essay" I felt my heart contract, Elena was going to be away for college. I couldn't keep it to myself and I almost begged Her not to be far from town but I didn't want to make decisions for her.

"Can you put in a word for me Bella?" I smiled widely at her. She turned to face me.

"What's in it for me?" She asked all serious.

"I will take you to McDonald's and I will do whatever you want of me which will last for three days" I signed. I knew I was going to be in trouble with the way she was grinning.

"Tell me big brother and puff! Done" She snapped her fingers.

"I want you to convince Elena to not go to Oxford. She can be at Harvard you know, it's an hour's drive from here" I pleaded.

She stared at me like I was an alien and then burst into a fit of laughter. I rolled my eyes.

"You, my brother, are in love," She said and walked up to me. "I believe you know you will be keeping us both close to you and I'm gonna torment you" She poked her finger on my chest and I held it as I grinned down at her.

"I will survive"

"Fine then, get out". She said and went back to her seat. "I need to hurry and convince Elena to not abandon my very much-in-love brother"

"Whatever," I said and went out, gently closing the door behind me.

I went into my room and got ready for practice. I went down to meet Rick who was already honking outside. I didn't meet my mum by the front door and I felt bad for yelling at her. I would have to make up with her.

"Hy man," I said to Rick as I got into the car.

"I am sorry about yesterday..." He tried to apologize as he drove.

"No, we're good" I smiled as I looked out the window, Elena, consuming my thoughts.