( continue at royal court)
Osi: who ?
Prince: Ayonife!!!
Otun: who is Ayonife?
Prince: she is Ayonife and stop asking me questions,you must find who Ayonife was she is a model so find her,I need to go now ( he stand and leave the royal court)
Iyalode: this prince is so rude,
Iyaloja: I don't know who is Ayonife, maybe you guys should go and look for who is called Ayonife.
Osi: Iyaloja what are you saying, this is not our job is Balogun right to find the girl
Iyalode: let me give you advice
Otun: talk!!
Iyalode: I think we should announce is out who ever her name start from (A) to come to palace even if prince didn't see the girl called Ayonife,I know he will choose one out of the girls invited
Balogun: yes ....that one is going to work
Otun: yes ....let follow the advice
(Light fade)
( The news about prince Bride was announced )
(At minister Iyalode house,she was the one in charge of the girls who was going to the palace)