Conversations With The Dead Man

Salman's pov

"Mr. Suleiman," I said, breathing the name in a whisper, like I would lose him if I dared to speak louder. He seemed to be as surprised as I was, only mine was more serendipitous than his, and what he got was nothing more than a coincidence. However he seemed to have recovered from the shock pretty quickly, leaning back against the wall, one of his legs raised, with an arm propped on it.

"You weren't expecting me to be alive, were you?" He said with an air of superiority, like somebody who is one step ahead of you. I was expecting to see a dejected, hopeless man, after the loss he had gone through; instead I was witnessing a cool and collected person, who seemed to be in control. His calmness disturbed me, as he looked at me from the corner of his eyes with a patronizing smile on his face.