Ai Called Her A Cheap Punk

Ai watched Li Biyu as she never did before.

Ai had also been secretly stalking Biyu since she arrived at school.

She was in her classroom thinking of how she could implicate Biyu, she never told her minions about the plans in her mind. She was afraid of the fact that they were going to find out the fact that she was jealous and had never liked Li Biyu.

Following the dating rumor that Jie Li was involved in, he arrived at school this morning only to find the students glaring at him. Though none of them dared to breath whenever he passed by but Jie Li was sure that they were talking about him all over the school forum and even physically.

Even despite the fact that he does bring his phone to school, Jie Li was not always active in the school forum so he couldn't see much posts made by students. Yet, he knew that he is the latest gossip all over Xiang city and also Ai high school.

Li Biyu was somehow shy to go out ever since she heard her classmates discussing about the news online.

"But he says she is his sister"

"I swear his fans just twisted the entire story, the photo was normal"

"He said he found it amusing can you imagine?!"

And even on the school forum, the photos they had all took at the park was uploaded, including BOB's.

Li Biyu wished in her mind that none of the students should reveal her identity online, but perhaps it was going to be impossible.

The entire students had gathered to eat lunch at the cafeteria, everyone looked around for Li Biyu and Jie Li.

They were both not at the cafeteria, was it that they were hiding their faces?.

However, Li Biyu was coming out of the library holding some books, the librarian had liked her so much. The fact that she was the only student in the entire Ai high school that often visit the library made her love Li Biyu the more.

Li Biyu suddenly felt hungry, she felt a little bit angry and crestfallen because she never wanted to step her feet into the school cafeteria today.

She had even been going to and from the library so that Jie Li wouldn't see her in class, she also went to the school garden to read so that she wouldn't be found at the library and her class as well.

She went to the classroom to keep the books and then decided to go to the cafeteria to eat.

'Their stares and gossips can't kill me right? I have to shake it off if I wanna become an actress'

With this thought, Li Biyu walked towards the cafeteria though without much confidence.

What if the students starts pestering her?

What if they called her names?

As she walked, she contemplated whether to return back to her class or not?

Still six hours before school closes, she wouldn't be able to bear the hunger.

"Should I go in there?" She pondered again. She came to a conclusion. "I rather remain hungry than to be embarrassed in front of all those rich kids, I'll be going to my classroom" then she turned to go, but look who's here!

Jie Li!

Li Biyu wished her back should suddenly grow out wings so she could fly away.

Jie Li was standing right before her and she just kept her heads lowered.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked her as soon as he noticed her weird behaviors.

Li Biyu dared not look up, she shook her head vigorously.

She heard Jie Li chuckled as he was walking towards her.

Why was her heart racing?

"Don't tell me you actually gave a fuck about the news online?" He asked her.

Li Biyu looked up to see him, she searched for the right words to say " mean...I yes...I"

Jie Li laughed, "Wow! Just like I had imagined! Don't tell me you've been standing here as well?"

What was she going to say?

She was thinking of going back to her classroom when she abruptly heard Jie Li's voice.


Jie Li took a deep breath before he started talking.

"Li Biyu, I think of you as nothing but my sister and you also know that there's nothing between us. This is the first time I'm experiencing such, I've never been involved in any scandals or rumors before. So you can only overcome this by pretending as though as you know nothing about it. Even if everyone kept on looking at you like you committed any crime, just forget it. Cuz you know deep inside your heart that it ain't true. Just shake them off"

Li Biyu smiled a little, she felt a little bit more better hearing Jie Li's soothing voice.

He really sounded like an elder brother, she watched as he majestically walked inside the cafeteria with his guards.

Biyu stood wondering if she should go inside, what if the students accuses her of following Jie Li around?

She took a deep breath then walked inside.

Li Biyu was relieved when people minded their own business, no one stared at her, or murmured some words as she passed by.

She sat alone on a small table, and after a few minutes, Ichika and Fay came running towards her.

"We've been searching for you! We couldn't find you at the classroom, the music room, and even at the library, were you sort of playing hide and seek game with someone?" Ichika asked as she fixed her shoes.

Li Biyu smiled, she was sure that no one knew where she had been all these while.

"I'm good, I was reading. I prefer to read alone" she responded.

Ichika and Fay sat at the chair, Fay stood up to get some cupcakes, while Ichika remained seating with Li Biyu.

"I feel like you've changed a lot Biyu. You don't look bubbly and cheerful, tell me what's happening?" Ichika inquired seriously, there were also lot's of post on the school forum talking about how Biyu had been alone and quiet

Li Biyu managed to smile at Ichika, "Thanks for caring Ichika but I'm fine actually"

"Of course she is fine" Fay added as she came towards them holding the cupcakes, she sat down.

"I brought one for you Bibi"

Li Biyu smiled, Fay called her Bibi whenever she wanted her to smile.

She loved the way Fay had cared about her and they always went out together, except for today in which she was trying to hide.

She took a look at the back and could see Jie Li's eyes glued to his phone, he could either be reading or playing a game whatever!

Soon, lunch was over and Jie Li was the first person who left for his class.

The arts students were going to the music class to practice.

Li Biyu thought that perhaps the school acting audition will be starting today, so she had practiced harder before coming to school.

When they all arrived at the music class, a student made an announcement.

"Guys! Madam Sonnet couldn't make it to school today, and the audition had been postponed till tomorrow. The acting teacher said everyone should practice more harder. So we shall all practice by ourselves since none of the entertainment teachers are present"

"Yaay!" The students exclaimed in happiness, they loved whenever they were free, they wouldn't be teacher to boss and nag at them and of course they could play however they liked.

Some students wished in their mind that the entertainment teachers should never be able to make it to school till the end of the semester so they could play how they wanted.

Li Biyu followed Fay and Ichika inside the class, they all sat together and each were talking about what they wanted to become in future.

"I would love to be an actress, that's why I do take acting classes here" Li Biyu spoke with determination.

"Well I prefer singing, I love to be a j-pop soloist, I love western music" Ichika added.

"Well I love to be a j..."

"Fayette!" Fay hadn't began talking when a voice interrupted her rudely.

Fay was surprised, no one does call her with her full name. She was used to been called Fay all the time.

It was Ai, she stood looking very infuriated, steams were probably hissing out of her ears and nose.

Ai shot killing looks at Li Biyu.

"Isla what's wrong? Are you alright?" Fay stood up in concern, she had never seen Ai been this angry.

"Fay something is wrong! In fact Fay why do you like torturing me?!" Ai screamed, the entire class became as quiet as a graveyard, Ai was the only person talking.

"How?" Fay couldn't understand what she was talking about.

"Let me prove it to you!" Ai echoed, she turned to look at Li Biyu.


Everyone gasped, no one thought that Ai would slap Li Biyu.

"You cheap punk!" She shrilled aggressively.

Li Biyu looked at Ai with tears in her eyes, "I've always loved you Ai, and now you slapped me, what did I ever do to you?"