A Bun In His Oven

Liu mansion...

Zhang Xiaoqing led the doctor out of Jie Li's room.

"Doctor Zeng, thank you very much for the assurance" She smiled.

"Mrs Liu, I can assure you again that your son is fine. He's only going through stress and will get better if he takes the drug just as I prescribed it. Fret not" the man in white coat told her as he made his way to the staircase to go downstairs.

"And I shall be back by next tomorrow to check on him again" he added.

"Of course doctor, thank you very much"

Saying that, Zhang Xiaoqing walked to the kitchen to prepare a meal for Jie Li.

She had refused to go to work today because Jie Li had complained of a slight headache when he was preparing for school.

She quickly told him to stay at home. "Jie Li dear, you're running a temperature now. Just seat at home while I call doctor Zeng to come and take a look at you" she returned to her room to take her suits off.