The Mysterious Woman

By the time Dante sat down by the counter to order a drink the song Love Story just ended making way for other loud music which is the norm in nightclubs.

Just as Dante was ordering his drink, bourbon on the rocks. He didn't notice that a woman with blonde hair was eyeing him, As a matter of fact the moment Dante went inside and took off the hood from his head, all the women in the nightclub had their eyes on him but only this blonde woman can stand out from all the rest.

Even if the lights are dim, her bulging front and back figure are very noticeable, she also has the temperament of someone born with a silver spoon. Even if its hard to exactly see her face, you can instantly know that she is beautiful.

In fact all the girls in the room wanted to instantly strike up a conversation with Dante, but they can only hold back after seeing his melancholic demeanour that is clearly telling other people to not disturb him.

This is actually the reason to Dante's wondering why with his devilishly handsome face, there are not many girls who strike up a conversation with him coupled with his introverted personality, Those girls that secretly have a crush on him prefer to just look at him from afar.

Dante didn't realize that as a man who has lived two lives, he has a temperament that is beyond his years which is in contrast with his young face.

Of course, Those conditions might stump ordinary women but this blonde bombshell clear isn't an ordinary woman. So Dante was surprised that a beautiful woman suddenly sat next to him.

"Would you like to buy me a drink?" said the woman.

It would be a waste of living two lives, if Dante still didn't know at this time that he was getting hit on but as a conservative man in his bones, It still came as a shock. As expected of a nightclub, women are really open-minded here.

"Yes, of course." "Boss! A cocktail for the lady." After agreeing to the woman's request, Dante immediately made an order.

While Dante was sipping on his drink, The woman suddenly said something that made him almost choke on his drink.

"You look familiar, Have we met before?"

At first Dante thought that someone already recognized him but on the other hand when he thought about it, this might just be the woman's pickup line. So Dante responded as cheekily as possible.

"*cough* Now that you mention it, It does feel like we have met before." As Dante was saying that, he finally gave the woman a good look over, and what do you know she did look familiar to him. She was wearing a Greek style white dress that only goes down to her thighs. It felt like she was someone he saw on TV but Dante is certain that she's not a Hollywood actress.

"Hey, what a coincidence, since we're familiar with each other, do you want to see my apartment?" said the woman as if she was inviting a close friend home.

Whatthef**k!' This time Dante really choked, luckily he choked on his saliva and not on his drink or he would embarrass himself in front of such a beauty.

"*cough*cough* Miss don't you think we're progressing too fast? I haven't even finished my drink." Dante was flustered. It would be a lie to say that Dante didn't want to immediately accept the invitation but as a conservative man in his bones, he didn't want to seem too eager. Besides, This is the first time he was asked out so frankly.

The woman chuckled: "Is this your first time?"

As soon the woman asked the question in a somewhat condescending tone, it immediately triggered something inside Dante.

It's understandable considering what he just went through the past month. Dante might have forgotten it through tireless training but his heart has been brewing some extreme emotions, deep down he didn't want other people to look down on him anymore.

His emotional sensitivity during this time is very high, so without thinking about it he downed the last of his drink in one go and pulled the woman close to him and kissed her pink lips.

What Dante didn't know is that his current body's metabolism is very high so he gets drunk easily and sobers up easily as well. So Dante was surprised to find that as he came to, he was already in a different environment and quite a unfamiliar one at that, Yes, they were already in the woman's apartment already undressing each other on her bed.

As they finished undressing each other with only their underwear left, the woman asked: "Do you have a condom?"

Flustered Dante can only reply: "No" Of course as a conservative virgin he didn't have one. He could only continue kissing the woman to avoid his embarrassment.



Dante finally woke up after 2 hours, feeling quite refreshed. Unfortunately, there was no other person in the room.

If not for the still unfamiliar apartment and the somewhat damp bed, Dante would have thought that he was dreaming last night.

So he as calmly put on his clothes, he found a note clamped on his wallet. It just said to lock the door when gets out and that they will meet again soon.

After putting two and two together, Dante reckoned that the note must be from the woman.

Now that he thinks about it, he doesn't even know her name. The name of the woman who took his virginity.

Thinking of her message to him, Dante finally let it go because he has more urgent matters to attend to and he must go back to his own apartment as soon as possible.

After locking the apartment on his way out, Dante left the apartment with a silly smile on his face.