Power and Speed

The war of the Grandline was endless.

At the foot of Edward Mountain Range, Locke, Barett, and Sagaki were ready to set off again after a night of rest.

[Sasaki, not far ahead, is the royal army's headquarters, Laffitte City. Look at the situation over there first, then proceed according to the plan after investigating it thoroughly. ]

Locke hung his sword at his waist, put on his military hat, and said to Sasaki. "Yes, Boss Locke! I will investigate the details of Laffitte! Wait for my good news!" Sasaki saluted Locke and then ran in the direction of Laffitte.

Looking at Sasaki, who was disappearing into the distance, Locke and Barrett packed their belongings and left. "Hey, Locke, you don't seem to trust Sasaki very much!" Barett and Locke were walking side by side when he suddenly asked Locke.

"It can't be wrong to maintain a cautious heart. After all, human hearts are the hardest to predict in this world," Locke said calmly. Barett nodded thoughtfully after hearing Locke's words. Sagaki, who had left in advance, walked slowly on the forest path.

"Hahaha, General Brandde, don't worry. I know the plans of Locke and Barett, and I have the trust of that fool Barett." Sasaki held the Den Den Den Mushi in his hand and said, as he walked. "Hmph, don't be too self-righteous, Sasaki. That kid Locke is not easy to fool." Field Marshal Brand snorted coldly before continuing.

"Have you figured out the characteristics and weaknesses of Locke and Barett?"

"Don't worry. I've already figured out all of this. I have to say, Barett is indeed an idiot with a brain full of muscles."

Sasaki sneered at Barrett and told Field Marshal Brand all the information he had obtained from Barett last night. There is no doubt that Locke and Barett are monsters, especially Locke.

According to Barett, that guy was born with Kenbunshoku Haki. The area covered by his Kenbunshoku Haki can completely cover a small island country. In addition to Kenbunshoku, he also has Busoshoku and Haoshoku.

However, Locke needed to become more familiar with those two Haki. Busoshoku can only be used in the most basic way, and Haoshoku Haki can only be used. The only tricky thing is his Kenbunshoku Haki and his Gravity Fruit ability.

After listening to Sasaki's description of Locke, General Reed had some measure in his heart. It had to be said that Locke's strength, at his age, was completely different from monster level.

No, his strength was enough to defeat many people older than him. There was nothing wrong with calling him a monster. In Reed's opinion, almost no one in the kingdom was his match. However, Locke was still young. He was only 13 years old. "What about Barett?" Barett is indeed a monster.

Compared to Locke, his Kenbunshoku Haki is not worth mentioning. It can only cover a small area. However, his Busoshoku is very skilled. In his words, he can quickly wrap his whole body and cover his Busoshoku. Moreover, he also has the Haoshoku Haki.

At the same time, as a fruit user, he can combine with any object to form a giant beast monster. It is very destructive. After listening to the information from Locke and Barett, Reed's heart was a little heavy. He did not expect that just two little ghosts had terrifying strength and potential.

If you don't think of a way, He did not know that his army could cause much trouble for the other party. Sasaki fell silent after he finished speaking. It had to be said that Sasaki was shocked by his words.

Initially, it was nothing. After he analyzed it correctly, he suddenly discovered that with Locke and Barett's strength, they could quickly destroy this country. This frightened him.

At the same time, Zuo Mu also thought of Locke and Barett's age and potential. A particular thought suddenly grew in the depths of his heart, growing bigger and bigger.

"Alright, General Brandde, I've already told you everything I know. I'll be arriving at Laffitte soon." After saying that, Sasaki hung up the Den Den Mushi. "Haha, looks like my plan can be changed. With the potential of those two brats, they will be famous worldwide. If that's the case..."

An inexplicable light flashed in Sasaki's eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up into a smile. As the base of the Endless Kingdom's military camp, Laffitte City was a city worthy of its name.

Because it had the headquarters of the army and tens of thousands of soldiers stationed there, the entire town seemed highly stable.

As the kingdom's second-largest city, there was no need to doubt the degree of prosperity. As the second largest city, naturally, many great nobles of the kingdom lived here.


"Lowly commoner, you dare to deceive this noble! This enslaved woman is not a virgin, yet you say she is a virgin! Do you know what a serious crime is to deceive a noble!"

The noble dressed in gorgeous clothing, who looked fat and had big ears, slapped the slave trader to the ground in anger and then began to punch and kick him. Because he dared not resist, the slave trader could only silently endure the kick of the fat and big-eared noble.

"Hu, hu." After a long time, the fat, big-eared noble seemed tired and stopped his atrocities while panting. "Tie him up on a big tree in the city's center and hang him up. I want him to die under the sun!"

The fat, big-eared noble still did not feel relieved and directly ordered his lackeys to tie up the slave merchants. Hearing the words of the fat big-eared noble, the slave merchant ignored the pain in his body and directly climbed up to hug the noble's thigh, crying loudly.

Seeing that his clean clothes were dirtied by the slave merchant's blood, tears, and snot, the fat, big-eared noble immediately became furious. He pulled the gun from his lackey's body and fired several shots at the slave merchant.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

After three gunshots, the slave merchant reading in UU powerlessly fell to the ground, his blood covering the ground. "Bastard! Scum! How dare you dirty my beloved clothes! Unforgivable! Guards! Kill all his family members!"

The fat noble called the guard over and left angrily with his lackeys. The quiet street suddenly became noisy after the noble left. However, no one pitied the slave trader who was killed on the street.

Of course, it was not because they hated the slave merchants or anything, but as a war country, the civilians of this country were not good people.

"That Roran guy is bold. He dared to fool the nobles. He is an idiot."

"That's right, don't tell me the noble families don't know?"

Not long later, the people surrounding the body of Roran dispersed; regardless of the dead Roran, who was lying in a pool of blood, they continued to work on their things. No one on the street was cleaning up Lorde's corpse as if it didn't exist.

It was still bustling and lively. The red blood was so dazzling under the sunlight. Locke and Barett sat atop a house not far away and watched the whole thing. "As expected, it is a hopeless country," Barett said in a low voice with a cold expression and clenched his fists.

"In this world, only the strong can have the right to choose. Otherwise, you will be like an ant."

"'JNAG." Locke pulled out the long sword at his waist, and a purple halo covered the blade. "Barett, let's begin our operation."