Zefa's Encounter

In Roger's captain's room on the Grandline, Odo Jackson. Locke was sizing up the weapon he had just obtained, Ann. Roger was lazily lying on the long chair, looking at Locke in boredom, occasionally taking a sip of wine.

After a long time, Roger finished the rum in his hand and was a little bored. "Burp, hu, Locke kid, how is it? Do you want to fight with me? I heard from Rayleigh, that guy, that your strength has been improving slowly recently."

Roger burped and looked at Locke. Hearing Roger's words, Locke was interested. However, looking at Roger's drunken appearance, Locke was not interested. "Forget it; let's talk about it when you wake up."

Hearing Locke's reply, Roger laughed and pulled his sword from the table - Ace. "Hey, hey, kid Locke, do you think I drank too much? Even if I drank too much, dealing with a kid like you is still easy. Look at the sword!" Roger grinned and waved his sword at Locke.

"Buzz -" A white slash instantly flew out from Roger's long sword and slashed at Locke. "Huh" Locke did not expect Roger to make a move just like that. He quickly put Ann in front of his chest to block Roger's flying slash. However, in the end, it was a bit rushed.

Locke let out a muffled groan and directly flew out of the captain's cabin. "Bang!" With a light sound, Locke smashed through the door of the captain's cabin and flew onto the deck.

"Xiu!" The long sword in Locke's hand tapped lightly on the deck, and a backflip landed steadily on the deck. He slid back a distance, dispersing the force of Roger's strike.

"Hu..." Locke took a deep breath, bowed slightly, and stared at Roger, standing at the door of the captain's room. "What a terrible man. Just a casual blow has that kind of power. As expected of a man who can become a pirate king." Locke looked at Roger and thought silently in his heart.

"Hey, Locke kid, I didn't expect you to have such a hard time taking a casual attack from me. It seems that you are still far from it!" Roger giggled, holding his sword Ace and taking the lead to attack Locke.

Locke was tense and constantly dodged left and right, his sword constantly colliding with Roger's sword. Roger's powerful strength and sharp sword force caused Locke to retreat step by step. For a moment, he looked extremely miserable.

"Hey, kid, when fighting, you must focus and not be distracted. The outcome of a battle between experts is often that moment." Roger constantly pointed out Locke's shortcomings in the continuous attacks.

"Kid, why did you swing your sword?" Roger swung his sword and sent Locke flying. He stood still and looked at Locke, who was breathing heavily. "Why are you waving your sword?"

Locke was a little confused when he heard Roger's question.

He had raised his sword to fight to survive, and later on, it was for the last wishes of the dead young soldiers. What about now? Heh! As if he saw that Locke was a little confused, Roger stepped forward and instantly charged forward, attacking Locke violently.

"Little brat, as a man on the sea, you must understand why you swing your sword."

"A sword technique without faith is meaningless and powerful."

"Hmph!" Locke snorted and slashed. A purple slash instantly flew towards Roger. "Hahaha, not a bad sword move!" Roger smiled and waved his sword, cutting Locke's flying slash into pieces. Then, he continued to attack Locke without reducing the momentum.

"Roger, don't look down on me. After all, I am the man who is determined to become the king of this world." Locke ducked to dodge Roger's attack and slashed horizontally. The powerful force and the addition of the gravity fruit instantly pushed Roger back several steps.

"The king of the world? Hahaha! Kid, you? How can you become the king of the world?"

"Humph! I will constantly improve my strength and surpass you. Then I will find powerful partners to set up my pirate group." Locke's voice had not yet fallen when he took the lead and rushed toward Roger.

The long sword in his hand was constantly waving, flashing under the moonlight. "Oh? Surpass me? Even if you surpass me and find a group of powerful partners, it is not so easy to become the king of the world. After all, the world government is not as simple as you think!"

Roger easily dodged Locke's attack and teased him. "Hmph! That's my business." Locke snorted coldly and swung the sword in his hand even faster and stronger. Facing Locke's increasingly fierce attack, Roger still loosened his sword.

"Little brat, if you want to become the king of the world, just surpassing me and finding a group of powerful companions is useless." Roger waved his long sword, and Ge blocked Locke's attack. "I know. I will not repeat the failure of the previous pirate overlord, Locke - D - Jibak."

Locke slashed Roger with his sword. The long sword in his hand was covered with a layer of black and red lightning, and then he slashed at Roger with all his strength. "Oh? A king-colored binding? Interesting. Moreover, you know that guy, Jibak. It surprised me."

Roger chuckled. The longsword in his hand, Ace, was also covered in a layer of black and red lightning, charging toward Locke's attack.



The long swords of the two clashed fiercely in the air. The violent air waves instantly exploded, causing the entire Ol Jackson to shake wildly. The waves on the sea also continuously surged, slapping against the Ol Jackson.

"Ka -"

"Boom!" With a cracking sound, Locke's attack was instantly broken. His body flew out and crashed into the railing.

"Cough.." With a light cough, Locke slowly got up from the ground.

"Alright, kid, that's all for today. If you want to surpass me, you still need to choose." Roger grinned and said to Locke, then walked to the captain's room. Standing quietly, Locke watched Roger return to the captain's room.

"Hmph, do you want me to face myself?" However, you underestimate me too much, Roger. I won't be like Locke - D - Jibak, gathering a group of rabble and dreaming of challenging the world government. "

Locke turned around and looked at the dark sea surface. "It doesn't matter how many people gather, no matter how strong they are. So it is impossible for me to become the second Locke."

In the captain's room, Rayleigh had come to Roger's room at some point and was sitting on the sofa drinking wine. "Hey, Roger, is it over? How do you feel?" Seeing Roger return, Rayleigh smiled and asked. "Well, that kid is talented and ambitious. Look, Rayleigh, that kid will soon leave our Roger Pirates."

After listening to Roger, Rayleigh laughed and took a sip of wine."Is that so? It seems that the goal of that little devil is about to be achieved." After drinking a mouthful of wine, he looked at the dark sea.

"What a thoughtful little devil. He used our Roger Pirates as a springboard."

"Ha ha ha, but isn't that little devil very interesting?"