11 Heavy Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu

In the first half of the Grandline, after a zero-time break, Roger Pirates moved toward the target island. After a long voyage, Roger Pirates finally arrived at their destination, Gaya Island.

When the flagship of Roger Pirates approached the port of Gaya Island, it caused a considerable commotion. After all, as the most famous three pirates in the sea, the name Roger was very loud.

And in addition to Roger, the captain, Pluto Rayleigh, and Red Copper Jaba are on the ship. As the three great fighting forces of Roger Pirates, they are still very famous in the sea. "Hey, hey, isn't that Roger's ship? How can it be the current paradise!"

A fat man with a full beard, wearing a shabby coat, looked at the flag of Roger Pirates and said with a trembling voice. "Roger, that guy, didn't he just have a conflict with the golden lion in the new world a while ago? How could he suddenly appear in the current paradise!"

The port was surrounded by many people dressed like pirates, pointing at Jackson. "Yo, it seems that we are quite popular!" Roger walked to the bow, noticed the people at the port, and said with a smile.

"Well, it's better if we don't make too much noise. After all, Garp is behind us." Rayleigh said with a smile. "Hey, Rayleigh, what are you afraid of? It takes a lot of work to get to an island with people. Of course, we have to have a good time!"

Choba walked to Rayleigh with a black toad mirror and laughed. "Yes, I haven't indulged myself for a long time! Wine, women, I'm coming!" Ge Lan roared and jumped off the ship, rushing toward Jia Ya Island. Seeing Ge Lan so excited, Xi Erka looked at him with disdain.

"Humph, as a man, you must endure loneliness and control your desire!"

"Tsk, Sika, your words don't sound convincing!" Dorlin spat as he watched Sika climb up the railing and get ready to jump down. In the middle of the splint, Locke and the others were together.

"What a bunch of noisy fellows." Locke looked at the noisy Roger pirates and said a little, speechless. "Hahaha, just get used to it." Shanks touched the back of his head and responded with a smile.

"Hey, Locke, I heard that Gaya Island is the island of pirates. Are there many pirates on this island?" Baji thought of something and suddenly asked Locke.

"Yes, there are a lot of pirates. What's wrong?" Locke responded calmly when he heard Baji's question. "Then what are we waiting for? Locke, let's go! Grab all their treasures!"

Baji shouted excitedly.


Everyone was speechless at Baji's words. Although Roger's pirates were powerful, they couldn't rob the treasures of the pirates directly. That would incur the wrath of the public.

"Hahaha, Buggy, you are a money-grubber!" Shanks responded with a grin and then walked directly to the ship's side.

While they were chatting, the Ol Jackson had already stopped at the side. Roger Leili and Jaba had already gotten off the ship and were walking towards the bar at the port. When Locke saw this, he also walked to the ship's side. He was also preparing to see what the first half of the great trade route was like.

Barett watched Locke leave and also stepped up. "Hey, bastard, that's countless treasures! At worst, I'll give you half!" Seeing this, Baji said, He immediately called out anxiously and then quickly followed.

In the center of Gaya Town, Locke and Barett sat on a vast stone, bored, watching the two groups of pirates fight. Locke sat on the stone with his right hand supporting his chin. "They are fragile. It's so boring fighting them," Locke said in a bored tone.

"Indeed, they are too weak! I feel like sleeping when I see them," Barett agreed. It had been more than an hour since they left Jackson. Locke and Barett separated from Shanks and Buggy and began to stroll around the island.

When they arrived at the center of the town, two groups of pirates suddenly came out of the tavern next to them. Locke and Barett, who were bored, happened to pass by and started watching. Of course, many pirates were not afraid of trouble other than Locke and Barett.

However, the other party was too weak. Locke and Barett looked at him for a while and were no longer interested. "Hey, two little brats, you are arrogant!" As Locke and Barett were about to leave, a tall, muscular man blocked their way and sneered at Locke.

"Huh? Uncle, what's the matter? Why are you stopping us?"

Locke raised his head slightly and looked at the man. "Heh, brat, judging from your arrogant tone, you must be quite strong."

The man sized up Locke and Barett. Locke's temperament and appearance surprised him a little. This made the greed in his eyes even more apparent. Although a tall and burly guy like Barett stood behind Locke, who looked not to be trifled with at first glance, the man was still very confident in his strength.

"Hey, kid, I am the captain of the brown bear pirate group. Claude, who offers a reward of 1,300,200,000 Bailey, do you want to come to my ship?" Claude narrowed his eyes and looked at Locke with a dangerous aura.

Although he said this, Claude was already considering how much he should sell Locke. After all, a handsome kid with such a temperament was trendy. Especially for some nobles with unique hobbies. Locke looked at Claude and the undisguised greed in his eyes.

There was no fluctuation in Locke's heart. "Hahaha! Locke, is that guy an idiot?" Barett couldn't help but laugh and say mockingly. Hearing Barett's mocking words, Claude immediately narrowed his eyes at Barett. "Hey, kid, do you want to die?" Claude said to Barett with a dangerous tone.

"Ka Da!" Barett ignored Claude's dangerous words and twisted his fists to teach this idiot a lesson. However, "Ignorant weaklings will never understand reality. Moreover, I hate people not recognized by me looking down on me."


As Locke spoke, an incomparably violent aura instantly erupted and engulfed Claude. Claude, engulfed by Locke's violent aura, instantly broke out in cold sweat. His legs trembled, and his legs fell to the ground. He looked at Locke, who was looking up at him in horror.

It had to be said that Claude was too tall. Even if he was kneeling on the ground, he was still taller than Locke, who was only 1.8 meters tall. "Puchi!" A sword light flashed by.

Claude's head flew high with his eyes wide open and mouth wide open, and his face was horrified. Bright red blood sprayed out. "Let's go, Barett." After putting the sword back into its sheath, Locke called Barett and left first. "Tch, what a piece of trash."

Barett spat out mouthfuls of water at Claude, who was already lying on the ground without a head. He sneered disdainfully and then forced Locke to leave. When Locke and Barett completely disappeared, the pirates, intimidated by Locke's violent aura, returned to life.

"Then, who are those two brats?"

"They are two monsters! They killed Claude so easily."

"Hahaha, that idiot Claude provoked that monster. He should be killed now!"

A thin, short man with a pointed mouth and monkey-like chin said mockingly as he lifted Claude's bloody head. Then, before anyone could react, he quickly disappeared into the crowd with his head in hand.