Heroes of the West Sea

"Hehehe, Locke, I won't admit defeat so easily!" Moria grinned and said to Locke. Then, she quickly pulled back her machete. "Shadow Wizard!" The shadow behind Moria stood up and stood behind him. 

The black shadow was precisely the same as Moya. It was also very tall, but its entire body was pitch black. It looked even more like a demon than Moria.

"Hehehe! My shadow mage has eighty per cent of my strength. I don't know. Kid, if you have the ability, come and defeat us!" Moya laughed and continuously activated his ability. A shadow blade also appeared in the dark shadow demon's hand.

"Come! Little Locke!" Moria roared and charged at Locke together with the black shadow demon. Locke held his long sword Ann and looked at Moria calmly. He had the sword in his right hand and instantly blocked Moya's machete. 

Purple gravity ball condensed in his left palm, and under his control, it immediately turned into a gravity shield to stop the attack of the black shadow demon. Moya grinned at Locke. 

Although he was surprised that the other party could easily block his attack, he did not care too much. "Hey, hey, hey! It's not over yet!" Moria took advantage of Locke's split hands to block her and the shadow demon's attacks and grinned.

"Shadow Dash!" An endless pitch-black shadow thrust out from the shadow under Locke's feet and attacked Locke. "Heh, as expected of a hero of the West Sea. His strength is indeed not bad."

Locke did not change his expression in the face of the shadow attack. A thick purple light shield suddenly appeared around his body, shattering all the shadows coming at him.

Locke smashed the shadow into pieces. He exerted force in his hand and slashed Moya back several steps. Then, he directly cut a circular ring of gravity at Moria.

Moria laughed and directly swung the machete, wanting to smash Locke's attack. However, when his saber touched the purple ring of gravity, he was pushed back several steps by the ring of gravity.

"It's so heavy!" Moria grunted and struggled to resist the ring of gravity. His forehead was already full of sweat. Locke glanced at Moya and sheathed his sword.

"Sizzle---" The gravity ring disappeared instantly, and Moria stumbled and almost fell. He barely inserted the long sword into the ground. Moya held the long sword and didn't fall to the ground.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! He is powerful! Locke is worthy of being a big pirate with a bounty of 800 million and above!" Moria breathed heavily and looked at Locke with a smile. 

"However, I will never admit defeat like this! I am a hero of the West Sea! The devil under the moonlight, Moria!" Moria roared, and endless black shadows quickly gathered into his body.

After absorbing the black shadows, Moria's figure became even more significant. Not long later, her body, initially more than nine meters tall, now directly exceeded twenty meters.

That huge and bloated body looked full of strength but seemed extremely heavy. "Heh heh heh, this is my ability! The place where shadows gather!" Moria looked down at Locke, who was only three meters tall.

"As long as I absorb more shadows, my strength will be stronger."

"Hehehe! I have absorbed a hundred shadows, and my strength has increased several times!" Locke smiled and looked at Moria, who was over twenty meters tall.

"Is that so? However, your strength has indeed improved. However, haven't you noticed that other than your strength, your other attributes have decreased greatly?"

"Hehehe! Of course, I know. However, as long as your strength is strong enough, sacrificing some speed and flexibility is not a problem at all!"

Moria did not care about Locke's words. Although what Locke said was the truth, he, who had gathered a hundred shadows, increased his strength and his defense many times.

Moria looked down at Locke with a smile and then smashed her huge fist directly at Locke. The huge force directly tore the air apart, and huge waves of air surged everywhere.

Locke stood below, looked up at the vast fist, and smiled. "Since you are so confident, I will break it for you to see. Your use of the ability is too shallow!"

After saying that, Locke pulled out the long sword at his waist, and a purple halo covered it. Along with the appearance of black and red lightning, Ann's sword emitted an incomparably terrifying power. This power directly made the alarm in Moria's heart rise. 

"Will die!" This thought suddenly rang out from the depths of his heart. However, his attacks were no longer able to stop him.

"Hehe, Moria, now, I will let you see the vastness of this sea!"

"Gravity Blade - Senluo Hell!"

"Buzz!" As Locke swung his sword, a massive chop with the combination of the Haoshoku Haki and gravity force directly tore the air apart and flew out with unstoppable momentum.

Under Moria's shocked and terrified eyes, it was instantly slashed by the slash. "Ah" Moria snorted; the slash directly cut through his body and directly cut his huge body. Bright red blood spurted out of the massive wound on his chest.

The shadow he had swallowed was constantly spat out from his mouth and flew towards his master. Moya, who had recovered his original size, spat out blood from his mouth. His eyes were white as he fell to the ground and fainted.

Locke slowly put away his sword and looked at the fainted Moria with a smile. "I didn't expect that I would be able to experience the thrill of a thunderous gossip." Locke said with a low laugh, then turned and walked out the door.

"Treat him well. When he wakes up, bring him to see me."

Locke ordered his subordinates who were close to the banquet hall. Then he left directly and walked to his ship.

After receiving Locke's order, the members dressed in black suits that looked like mafia rushed to Moria with the doctors and quickly treated him. Soon, the huge body of Moria was wholly tied up into a mummy.

The mafia carefully lifted the vast body of Moria and rushed her to the hospital. Unknowingly, more than three hours passed. In the hospital, in the huge ward, Moya slowly opened his eyes.

"Ah, it hurts. That bastard kid hit hard!" Moya grunted. "However, that bastard is powerful! That last attack was terrifying. He could not resist at all!" Moya rubbed the wound on his chest.

His chest, wrapped in thick bandages, was no longer bleeding. "M-Mr. Moria, you, you are awake." Moya's subordinates walked into the ward and said excitedly when they saw that Moya had woken up.

"Hehehe, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough. That's right. Are you all alright?" When Moria saw her subordinates, she immediately laughed happily.

After all, seeing that his subordinates were still alive, no one was happier than this. "Yes, yes. Boss Moria. That man called Locke did not make things difficult for us." Moria's subordinate said sincerely. 

He also did not expect their boss to be defeated and the other party to spare them.  "Yes, that's right. Boss Moria, Luo, and Locke were the one who brought people here to cause trouble. He woke you up and went to see him."

The subordinate said with a trembling voice. Hearing his subordinate's words, Moria was not surprised at all. "Hehehe, I understand. Help me up and take me to see him!"