Members of the leadership

"The Pirate's Void Throne"

The New World, Mei Er Wei You, the Golden Lion Pirates headquarters. Mei Er Wei, you were bustling at this moment. 

The initially peaceful island now had groups of pirates gathered in almost every corner, chatting and bragging.

"Hey, Lai Duo, I haven't seen you in a few months. Have you gained a lot of weight recently, kid? Seems like you've been living well." 

Lai Duo, the captain of the Golden Lion Pirates, known as the executioner Lai Duo, has a bounty of 1.3 billion berries.

"Hehe, of course. I recently captured and occupied a pretty wealthy town. I'm being served with good food and drink every day. 

Unknowingly, I gained this much weight!" Lai Duo laughed heartily, looking incredibly proud.

"As for you, Rodman, you haven't changed much since last we met." Rodman, the captain of the Golden Lion Pirates, known as Flower Bug, loved beauty and often lingered on Joy Street, with a bounty of 1.5 billion berries.

All the treasures obtained from raiding homes were contributed to the girls on Joy Street.

"Tsk tsk, can't help it. After all, so many girls need this great me to care for them. How can there be any spare money to change myself?"

"hahaha, you're still the same as before, no change. You still love to make your beloved girlfriend sound so impressive."

Between their conversation, a burly figure with a bull's head, carrying two giant axes on his back, walked over and teased Rodman.

Both Rodman and Lai Duo looked at the person talking. "Hey, isn't this Niu Mo, Gassol? Didn't expect you to be back too!"

Niu Mo Gassol, a furry tribe, a Minotaur, captain of the Golden Lion Pirates, with a bounty of 2.2 billion berries.

"Hehehe, it's been a long time. Even you are called back this time. Looks like something big is about to happen."

"Muhuhuhu, indeed. I saw the ships of various high-ranking members at the harbour."

"Even those high-ranking members have been called back. Something big is going to happen." Gassol said, looking up at the massive palace at the highest point.

At this moment, in the enormous palace, more than ten high-ranking members of the Golden Lion Pirates were gathered together, chatting with each other.

"Hmph! Big Brother Siki called all of you bastards back. He thinks highly of those guys!" Golden Xis turned his head, looking highly displeased at the diverse group of partners before him.

"Hehehehe, little Golden Xis, haven't seen you in a long time. You're still so arrogant, meow."

A figure dressed in black casual clothes, wearing a tiger skin-made coat, golden long hair casually draped behind.

The person was tall and robust, exuding a savage and fierce aura. "Darn it! Blake, could you not touch my head? Idiot, you messed up my hairstyle!"

Golden Xis angrily swatted away the large hand above her head, glaring at Blake.

Blake, one of the Golden Lion Pirates' high-ranking members, has the Ancient Zoan Swordtooth Tiger Devil Fruit ability.

Incredibly powerful, he once single-handedly destroyed a small country. As a result, the World Government put a bounty on him, with a staggering 830 million berries.

Blake retracted his hand with a grin, then casually grabbed the two blue braids she had ignored, much to her annoyance.

"Damn you, Blake! I'm going to take you on!" Not far away, a shirtless man with messy red hair, black pants, black boots, and a tiger skin-made apron around his waist spoke in dissatisfaction as he watched the two causing a stir.

"Hey! Stupid tiger, stop embarrassing us here! At your age, you're still bullying a little girl!"

Upon hearing the man's words, Blake's face turned angry, and he looked at the other person.

"You lizard jerk! You're the stupid lizard! Your whole family is a bunch of idiots! Orluga, watch your language when you talk to me!"

Orluga, one of the high-ranking members of the Golden Lion Pirates, with the Ancient Zoan Thunder Lizard form.

He was mighty with an outstanding bounty of 9.2 billion berries, even among the Golden Lion Pirates.

With a hot temper and an arrogant personality, he didn't hold back his words, even with Captain Golden Lion.

"Ah! What are you saying, you stupid tiger? Are you challenging me to a duel?"

Orluga's head loomed over Blake's, spitting as he spoke, his tone aggressive.

"You lizard jerk! Let's duel! Watch me teach you a lesson, you arrogant madman!"

"Boom!" As they spoke, both clenched their fists and struck each other forcefully. The collision of their formidable strengths generated a massive shockwave.

"Ah, come on, this isn't the place for you two to mess around!" A man dressed in a red suit, wearing a gentleman's hat and carrying a long sword at his waist, spoke lightly. 

Then, a vast, invisible air barrier enveloped them, blocking the shockwaves. "Alia, you meddler, stay out of this!" Separated forcefully, both of them roared angrily at Alia.

"Ala, not very gentlemanly, are we?" Initially smiling with narrowed eyes, Alia opened them with a cold expression as she looked at Lux.

"For women who aren't very ladylike, they certainly don't deserve to breathe this air."

"Buzz!" An invisible air barrier instantly wrapped around Golden Xis. In just a few seconds, Golden Xis displayed an expression of oxygen deprivation, her face pale and uncomfortable.

"What will you do to my adorable little Golden Xis?"

"Swish!" A massive gemstone sword appeared out of thin air in front of Alia, deeply embedded into the ground.

Alia glanced at the person who had spoken, retracting her ability. Freed from the vacuum, Golden Xis took deep breaths of oxygen.

"Tarek, you're still as nauseating as ever." Alia's gaze turned disgusted as she looked at Tarek, then left the area, heading towards another spot.

"Heh, heh, heh, saved. Thanks a lot, Tarek!" Taking a few deep breaths, Golden Xis expressed her gratitude to Tarek.

"Ah, even little Golden Xis is thanking others now! First time being thanked by little Golden Xis, so happy, so happy." Tarek wiggled his sexy rear, cupping his buttocks, his face filled with excitement.

"That Alia, her personality is still as repugnant as ever."

A fair-skinned, voluptuous woman with a white complexion, her figure accentuated with a white feather coat, approached Golden Xis, looking at Alia, who had left.

"Hehe, I'll personally take care of him sooner or later." Golden Xis said resentfully, then lunged into the woman's ample bosom.

"Aguila sister, you're back too! I missed you so much!" Agulia hugged Golden Xis, patting her head.

"Hehe, I missed little Golden Xis too." Snow Witch, Agulia, a natural-type Snow-Snow Fruit user.

One of the high-ranking members of the Golden Lion Pirates, with a bounty of 1.01 billion berries.

"This time, everyone was called back by Big Brother Siki. Is something big happening?"

Snow Witch Agulia gently stroked Golden Xis's head and asked. Hearing Agulia's question, Golden Xis stopped her timid behaviour.

"Agulia's sister, Big Brother Siki, lost an arm and a leg. Look!"

"!!!" Aguila looked at Golden Xis in astonishment, her face expressing disbelief.

The invincible man in her heart had lost an arm and a leg. It was utterly unthinkable.

"Who did this!" The friendly Agulia turned ice-cold in an instant. Under his influence, the entire hall grew chilly.
