Banner and Departure

"The Pirate's Void Throne!"

The Locke Pirates spent a whole week enjoying themselves on Fish-Man Island before they once again prepared to set sail, heading towards the adventure that awaited them in the New World.

At the Mermaid Bay port, the members of the Locke Pirates had all boarded the ship, making their final preparations to depart.

Locke and Barrett stood at the port, bidding farewell to Neptune and Princess Otohime, who had come to see them off.

Lox took a flag that had been prepared in advance from Barrett's hands and handed it over to Neptune.

"This is the flag I promised you. Neptune, you can now fly my flag over Fish-Man Island." Neptune received the flag solemnly and then passed it to his eldest son, Shar.

"Locke, the sea that lies ahead is incredibly treacherous. Please take extra care."

"Ah, I know. Don't worry, Neptune. We won't fail." Locke shook hands with Neptune, exuding confidence. Princess Otohime walked up to Lox.

"Mr. Lox, I wish you all the best in your future adventures. May luck and fortune be with you."

After giving Princess Otohime a gentle hug, Lox turned around and boarded the Conqueror's Pride directly.

Barrett glanced at Neptune. "Hey, Neptune, next time we meet, I'll have to have a proper match with you. Don't forget to work on your strengths!"

"Hahaha, I'll remember... " Neptune scratched his explosion of hair awkwardly, laughing with a hint of embarrassment.

He couldn't forget that, during a party, he had drunkenly accepted Barrett's challenge and ended up getting thrashed.

Now, looking back, he found it incredibly awkward. Barrett chuckled and didn't mind Neptune's embarrassment, turning to board the Conqueror's Pride.

Jin followed with his eyes as the Conqueror's Pride and the Caesar Emperor slowly sailed away from the port.

"Phew, they're a group of imposing individuals. Each one of them possesses a power that's almost despair-inducing. I've been on edge these past few days." Princess Otohime chuckled softly, covering her mouth.

"Indeed. Lox has a group of very reliable companions."

"Plus, we're cooperating with them now. With the protection of the Locke Pirates, our Fish-Man Island can finally have some peace."

"Yes, Fish-Man Island will be much safer now. I hope the Locke Pirates can firmly establish themselves in the New World. Otherwise..."

"Cough, cough, Neptune, these aren't things we can worry about now. Let's head back to the palace."

With that, Princess Otohime walked towards a boat prepared in advance, supported by Prince Shar.

"Ah, indeed. My love, please be careful." In the New World at the entrance to the New World from Fish-Man Island, several massive pirate ships were suspended on the ocean's surface.

"Seriously, did Oruga-sama get it wrong? It's been a week, and we've destroyed so many pirate crews, but we still haven't encountered that Locke guy."

A pirate lay on the ship's prow, grumbling. A week ago, after Jin's meeting, where he briefed them on their next actions, he disbanded everyone and left them to prepare. Being a bunch of prominent figures, Jin didn't feel like babysitting them.

However, after the meeting, Oruga was very dissatisfied with Jin, openly scolding him and then leaving the Mermaid's Rest to come to the entrance of the New World on his own, ready to deal with the Locke Pirates single-handedly.

But after a week and still no sign of the Locke Pirates, Oruga grew impatient. He left his three ships stationed there, ready to pounce if they spotted the Lox Pirates.

"Tsk, who said it isn't? Damn it, we've been waiting in the middle of nowhere for a week. I had a date with the pizza shop owner from Dressrosa!"

Another pirate expressed his displeasure. What had been a peaceful stay on Mermaid's Rest was now replaced with aimless drifting on the open sea. Anyone would be unhappy in such a situation.

"Enough, shut up. If Oruga-sama finds out, all of you are done for!"

"Quick, look, a ship is surfacing from beneath the sea!" Amid the crew's bored complaints, the lookout suddenly cried out.

"Tsk, more worthless pirates entering the New World, huh? Alert everyone, prepare to sink that ship as soon as it surfaces!"

"Boom!" Massive bubbles erupted, and two enormous pirate ships shot out of the sea from beneath, breaking the surface.

"Haha, back on the open sea at last!"

"Kahahaha, the New World, we've arrived!"

"Hehehe! Is this the air of the New World?"

"Rumble..." Just as they were enjoying themselves, the roar of cannons reverberated across the ocean.

Countless cannonballs became the first welcoming gift for the Lox Pirates as they entered the New World.

"Hmm!? Damn it!" Ireda looked displeased as she stared at the barrage of cannon fire. She let out an angry roar, leaping from the deck into the air, releasing a surge of oppressive energy that destroyed all incoming cannonballs and surged towards the three pirate ships.

The pirates on the ships widened their eyes, fear evident in their gazes, as the massive surge of energy approached them.

"That, that's the flag of the Lox Pirates! Quick, inform Oruga-sama and Lady Aguria!"

"Boom!" Before the pirate's words even finished, a massive shockwave destroyed the three pirate ships.

Under Ireda's attack, the ships disintegrated into pieces, and the ocean's surface formed a colossal crater, with towering waves swallowing the pirates who had fallen into the sea.

Casually obliterating the three pirate ships, Ireda landed back on the deck, patting her hands together with ease.

"Heh, what a bunch of insignificant pests trying to take on our pirate crew. They're truly asking for death."

"Hehehe, Ireda, you brat, can't you go easy? You've just wiped out their entire crew by yourself." Morley patted Ireda's shoulder with a grin, teasing her.

"Such immense power, not even I'm sure I could withstand that attack!" Sengoku watched Ireda, somewhat amazed.

Even after joining the Locke Pirates a week ago, Sengoku still couldn't entirely calm himself.

Only by personally joining the crew could he truly understand the extent of their strength and terror.

"Hohoho, Sengoku-san, the officers of the Lox Pirates are all monstrously powerful, aren't they?" Arlong walked over to Sengoku with a big grin, excitedly gazing at Ireda and the other officers.

"Yeah, Arlong, we need to work hard too." Sengoku looked at the officers and made up his mind. In the Dressrosa Kingdom, in a tavern, Oruga and Aguria were sitting bored, drinking. 

"That damn Lox, it's been so long, and he still hasn't shown up in the New World. What the hell have they been doing on Fish-Man Island?"

Oruga slammed his glass down heavily on the table, angrily shouting. The entire tavern fell into silence under his rage.

All the patrons trembled in fear under Oruga's domineering presence. "Blub blub blub..."

Just as Oruga was about to cause a scene, the Den Den Mushi in his arms suddenly rang.


"Or, Oruga-sama, Locke... Locke Pirates have... appeared... ah!!!!"

"Click" Before even finishing the sentence, the Den Den Mushi's call abruptly ended.

But Oruga's excitement skyrocketed. He shot up from his seat, his ferocious aura surging, shattering the tavern around him.

"Hahahaha! They finally came! Locke!"