
"Sure enough, is there any damage?!" After examining the condition of Tamar's soul, Qin Ge frowned slightly. 

With Tamar's strength, it had already exceeded the tolerance range of the 'Soul Lock of the Gods,' which resulted in significant scattering when extracting the soul and showed incompleteness regarding abilities.

Due to the damage, it could be seen from the examination that Tamar's Armament Haki and Observation Haki had both dropped from their previous mid-tier levels to the beginner level.

Qin Ge felt somewhat helpless about this situation. After all, the 'Soul Lock of the Gods' had been developed briefly, and the process was exceptionally challenging.

Although there were damages, Qin Ge still proceeded with the extraction. After all, every bit counted, and the beginner-level Armament Haki and Observation Haki were enough to boost his own Haki significantly.

Besides Haki, Qin Ge was also interested in Tamar's Swordsmanship and Sword techniques. Tamar's understanding of Swordsmanship was believed to be deeper than Qin Ge's. 

If he could obtain insights into her Swordsmanship, it would help him progress further in his skills. The same applies to Sword Techniques. Not only would mastering a powerful Sword Technique be beneficial, but it could also lead to a broader understanding of Swordsmanship in general.

Under the choice of secondary extraction, Qin Ge managed to extract Tamar's abilities after about thirty-five attempts. The information revealed by the extraction left a smile on Qin Ge's face.

"It's finally a breakthrough. With mid-tier Armament Haki, my defensive and offensive capabilities have significantly improved. At least it's a several-fold increase!"

Although Tamar's Armament Haki had some defects, with only 80% completeness and a drop to the beginner level, Qin Ge's own Armament Haki was already quite powerful, almost reaching the top of the beginner level. 

Therefore, absorbing a source of Armament Haki nearly as vital as his own led to rapid progress, allowing him to break through to the mid-tier level.

However, it wasn't just Armament Haki that improved. His observations of Haki and Swordsmanship also made significant advancements. His Observation Haki, which had barely reached a range of 1,000 meters, had now extended to within 1,500 meters, and its sensitivity had significantly improved.

As for Swordsmanship, his comprehension was now reaching the level of the sword masters. The power of his sword waves had increased significantly.

Feeling the growth in his abilities, Qin Ge couldn't help but feel delighted. However, he didn't leave the Soul Prison right away. After calming down, he immediately returned to the Soul Prison.

"I still lack internal energy. I must extract some martial arts experts to compensate for this deficiency!" The battle with Tamar exposed his inadequacies. 

Although he had practised the Diamond Body Art regularly, it was still just a one-and-a-half-star martial art from a different world, and he needed help to keep up with his current pace.

Of course, the extraction from the Soul Prison was random, and whether he could obtain martial arts experts depended on his luck.

Qin Ge had more than 55,000 units of soul energy left during his previous extraction. Although he had consumed 17,500 units in this extraction, he had also gained a significant amount of soul energy from his battles.

The current amount of soul energy displayed in the Soul Prison was still over 40,000 units, more than enough for many more extraction attempts.

To obtain influential martial artists, Qin Ge chose the three-star extraction. Another 1,000 units of soul energy were quickly consumed.

However, the process was not going to be easy. After ten consecutive three-star extractions, Qin Ge had not acquired a helpful soul. They were either souls with weak abilities or just ordinary people.

With a twitching corner of his mouth, he felt the pain in his heart. Even though obtaining soul energy was easier for him now, spending it aimlessly like this still hurt.

But despite the pain, he had to continue. The purpose of acquiring soul energy was to use it, not to hoard it.

After consuming another 1,000 units of soul energy, Qin Ge's face, fluctuating between hope and disappointment, finally showed hope as he inspected the latest batch of souls.

Name: Ai World: Naruto (Three Stars) Identity: Third Raikage Abilities: Lightning Release Chakra Mode, Hell Stab, Black Lightning Cause of Death: Exhaustion ...

This time, even though there were still two souls without functional abilities, Qin Ge's eyes lit up when he saw the information about the third soul.

"I didn't expect to get the Third Raikage instead of a martial arts expert!" Qin Ge muttered to himself. However, his eyes showed a hint of excitement.

The Third Raikage was undoubtedly a formidable character in the Naruto world, a true Kage-level powerhouse. He was among the top-tier characters, excluding the overpowered individuals like the descendants of the Otsutsuki clan.

Although Qin Ge's goal for this extraction was to compensate for his lack of internal energy, getting the soul of the Third Raikage was unexpected and exciting.

The abilities displayed by the Third Raikage were complex. Lightning Release Chakra Mode, Hell Stab, and Black Lightning were powerful techniques.

Moreover, the Lightning Release Chakra Mode could significantly enhance physical attributes, including strength, speed, and defence.

 It also had the effect of strengthening the body. No matter what kind of ability it was, the body was always the foundation.

Even though Qin Ge's physical strength was already quite exceptional, the world of One Piece was filled with individuals with extraordinary physical abilities, and his current physical strength was not enough to compete.