Pirates Alliance

New World, Atawol Sea, and Franms Island.

Countless pirates were bustling around, preparing various supplies. Several pirate captains raised their cups, drinking rum and munching on grilled meat.

"Kah-lah-lah, Jackfu, I heard that your pirate fleet recently plundered a city and obtained a Devil Fruit. What kind of power is it? Tell us!"

The man speaking resembled a treant, wearing a black captain's coat and exuding a formidable aura.

"Oh ho ho ho, it's not a particularly rare power, just an animal-type Devil Fruit, the Rhinoceros Fruit. I've given it to one of my subordinates as a reward."

The treant-like man, with a green cloak draped over his shoulders, chuckled. "Kichikichikichi is an animal-type power, and it's the Rhinoceros form. That's pretty good. It looks like your pirate crew has gained another powerful member."

Flying Squirrel, Diamon J. chuckled while looking at Worod, his eyes gleaming with a hint of envy.

"Hehehe, alright, the supplies are ready. It's time for us to set sail. We must drive that brat out of the Atawol Sea this time!"

A man with a peculiar curly beard, long golden hair, and an elongated moustache raised his wine glass high and exclaimed.

"Kichikichikichi, cheers!"

"Kah-lah-lah-lah, we will surely emerge victorious!"

"Oh, ho ho ho..."

BOOM! Just as the three captains expressed their dreams, a figure fell from the sky, creating a loud noise upon impact.

A massive cloud of dust billowed out from the ground. A burly figure slowly emerged from the dust, wearing black military attire, white gloves, a black headset over his ears, and golden hair cascading down his back. His muscular body exuded a powerful aura.

"What an unexpected thrill! I didn't expect this island to be filled with so many pirates!"

The pirates on the island greeted the newcomers with shock and fear.

"Hehe! Clear the way, you small fry!"


A violent Conqueror's Haki burst forth, sweeping the entire Franms Island. The weak-willed pirates dropped to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and their eyes rolled back.

In an instant, the formidable pirate army of the four captains lost all their combat capabilities.

"Hahaha! Where's your captain? Bring him out!"

"BOOM!" The overwhelming aura blew away everything in its path.

"That guy is a monster! Barrett of the Three Phantom Gods!"

"That demon! How did he appear here?" Barrett's presence sent shockwaves throughout the island, leaving all the pirates in disarray.

"Heh! Clear the way, you small fry!" A burst of CoA Haki radiated from Barrett, repelling the approaching pirates.

"Damn it, he's a real demon, Barrett! How did he find out about our location?"

"Our cover is blown! Curses!"

"Don't be afraid! He's just one man! Even if he's strong, he can't be our match! Attack together, take him down!"

The curly-bearded and golden-haired captain took the initiative and drew his rapier, charging towards Barrett.

"Kichikichikichi, that fool Toro, he underestimates me!" Diamon J. sneered inwardly, then swiftly pulled out his dagger and plunged it into Jackfu's back.

"Cough!" Blood spurted from Jackfu's back, and he turned incredulously to look at Diamon J.

"Fly, Fly squirrel, you, you..." Before he could finish his words, Jackfu lost his breath and collapsed to the ground.

"Hey, you little punk, have you gone mad?" Worod saw Jackfu suddenly killed by Diamon J., angrily shouted, and slapped him.

"Kichikichikichi!" Diamon J. chuckled, instantly shrinking and transforming into a mouse, burrowing into the ground.

"You damn rat!" Worod roared and pounded the ground with both palms.

A surge of green energy covered the entire area.

"Get out here! Forest Domination!" Countless gigantic trees sprouted from the earth, covering the entire area in moments.

"Kichikichikichi!" Diamon J. stood atop a massive tree from within the earth, looking down at Worod below.

"Diamon J.! Did you inform them, Flysquirrel?"

"Kichikichikichi, that's right. I knew that Captain Rox had already surpassed the former Gold Lion Pirates. A captain like him is worth following!" Diamon J. finally responded to Worod.

With that affirmative response, Worod's heart was consumed by anger. "Die, you damn rat! Forest Crushing!"

"Buzz!" The gigantic trees in the area began to twist and move as if they had come to life. Countless branches and roots struck out at Diamon J.

"Kichikichikichi, it's indeed a fearsome ability! But this kind of attack won't work on me!"

Diamon J. swiftly dodged the striking branches and used his sharp teeth to cut through them.

"Kichikichikichi! Lightning Flash!" In mid-air, Diamon J. evaded the branches and, taking advantage of the opening, disappeared instantly and charged towards Worod.

His sharp claws gleamed with a dark metallic lustre as he viciously slashed at Worod's chest.

"Crack!" Wood splinters filled the air, and to Diamon J.'s astonishment, Worod revealed an incredibly sinister smile and punched him in the abdomen.

"Ugh!" The tremendous force penetrated Diamon J.'s internal organs, and he spat a mouthful of blood, flying backwards.

"Oh, ho ho ho! I am a Paramecia with the Great Tree Fruit power! Your attacks won't work on me!" World gloated, commanding dozens of gigantic trees to encircle Diamon J slowly.

"Oh ho ho ho, you underestimated me, didn't you, Diamon J.? Prepare to die!"


"BOOM!" Just as Worod was about to finish off Diamon J., Torey, carrying a burst of overwhelming power, slammed into him and sent him flying. After breaking dozens of large trees, the two finally stopped.

A long trench stretched from their feet to Barrett's location. "Hahaha! You guys are fragile! You made me think you were powerful, but you're nothing but this!"

Barrett, hands folded across his chest, looked down at the gasping Torey and Worod with a bored expression.

"Cough, cough, Barrett-sama!" Diamon J. staggered over to Barrett, showing utmost respect.

"Hahaha, you've worked hard, Diamon J. Now, go and have a good rest. I'll take care of these two."

Barrett grinned savagely and slowly approached Torey and Worod. "Kichikichikichi, understood, Barrett-sama!"