Quinn's Visit

In New World, Punk Hazard, a massive Snake neck-class pirate ship, was docked at the harbor. Hundreds of pirates were busy loading supplies onto the ship.

"Hey, can you believe it? We're going to the legendary land of samurai, Wano Country. How lucky are we?"

"Yeah, I heard Wano has samurai and geisha. I can't wait to see it!"

"Hey, stop chattering and help with the supplies!"

"Yes!" Despite the excited whispers and expressions of the pirates at the harbor, in a luxurious and spacious room, Locke was sitting with Barrett and Quin, engaged in casual conversation.

"Hahaha, Locke, you rascal, you didn't give me a heads-up when you came over." Barrett patted Locke on the shoulder, grinning and teasing.

"Tsk, Barrett, you know your strength is no joke." Locke swatted Barrett's hand away impatiently.

"Hahaha..." However, Locke's impatience only seemed to amuse Barrett even more. Meanwhile, Quin sat on the sofa, puffing on a cigar, looking at Lox with a sympathetic expression.

He knew all too well about Barrett's strength. About half a year ago, Barrett had arrived on this island, and almost every day since, he would challenge Quin to a fight.

After all, on the entire island, only Quin could barely hold his own against Barrett. Quin's life had been nothing short of miserable in the past half-year.

But, thanks to Barrett's beatings, Quin's strength had also rapidly increased. His martial arts had improved significantly, and his Devil Fruit abilities had reached the level of awakening.

With the help of Bege Punk and Bakar Dr. Vegapunk, he had extensively modified his Devil Fruit abilities. This had made his powers even more formidable and peculiar. 

Moreover, with the complete understanding of lineage factor theory, Quin had significantly altered his Devil Fruit ability.

This made his abilities even more powerful and unusual. With the assistance of Bege Punk and Bakar Dr. Vegapunk, he transformed himself into a half-cyborg.

Now, he not only possessed a strong body, martial arts skills, Haki, and an awakened Devil Fruit but also had formidable firepower capabilities.

He had very few weaknesses at this point. However, when sparring with Barrett, he still couldn't put up much of a fight.

But compared to before, he could take a beating more effectively. "By the way, Barrett, when we go to Wano this time, you and Quin will go together. 

After all, Kaido, that guy, no matter how you look at it, is a powerful pirate. I wouldn't feel at ease with just Quin."

When Locke mentioned this, Barrett readily agreed. "No problem, leave it to me. I also want to test my current strength. Bakar and Bege Punk have given me some great stuff."

Barrett looked at the wristbands on both wrists, his expression filled with anticipation. He was grateful to have Bakar and Bege Punk as his partners. At the same time, he was thankful that he had eaten the Fusion Fruit. 

"Report! Captain Locke, Boss Barrett, Lord Quin, all the supplies are ready and we can set sail at any time." A pirate rushed into the hall excitedly, reporting with enthusiasm.

"Ah, I see." Locke responded with a light chuckle and stood, heading toward the main gate.

"Well, Barrett, Quin, let's get ready to go."

"Right, and you go to Caesar Clown and get ten artificial Devil Fruits. No matter what, we need to show some sincerity if we want to cooperate with others."

Locke told a pirate by the door before ignoring him and leaving the room. "Hehehe, that's right, showing sincerity is essential when negotiating."

Barrett cracked his knuckles and clenched his fists, excitement gleaming in his eyes.

"Hehehe, Barrett, I'm quite curious about your version of sincerity."


New World, Wano Country, Onigashima. "Burp... damn you, Lox, causing me so much trouble. Why don't you just die already!"

Kaido sat cross-legged on the floor, drinking heavily, tears streaming down his face. "Ah!!! That damn Golden Lion Shiki, how could you be so weak! You're the one who's too weak!"

Just moments after crying, Kaido's mood shifted to extreme anger, and his violent aura swept through the room. Outside the door, several pirates stood trembling.

"Kaido is drunk again."

"Yeah, it seems like Kaido hasn't been in a good mood lately."

"Can't help it, Master Yamato has been causing trouble everywhere. And those samurai from Wano have been a thorn in Kaido's side."

"Sigh, I wonder when the Beast Pirates will finally take control of Wano." While the two were chatting, a giant man, about five meters tall, swayed as he walked toward them.

Seeing the newcomer, the two pirates immediately closed their mouths and fell silent.

"Hey, you two..."

"Stop gossiping!"


"Ughhh!" With two painful cries, the two pirates lay in a pool of blood, their eyes rolled back.

"Hmph, two idiots who don't know their place." Azuki locked the door with a cold snort and walked into the room.

"Hey, Kaido, I've received an interesting letter." Kaido stopped drinking and turned to look at Azuk, who was grinning mischievously.

"Oh, what interesting letter? Tell me about it."

"Hehehe, Kaido, Locke wants to make a deal with us. Do you know what they want to trade?"

Azuki didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point.

"Hehehe, of course. Locke has sent Barrett and Quin to us, and they've brought something intriguing—a batch of artificial Zoan Devil Fruits! They want to trade with us, Kaido!"

Upon hearing Azuk's words, Kaido couldn't believe his ears. "What?! Artificial Zoan Devil Fruits?! Hahaha! Is this for real?" Kaido was thrilled, and his excitement was beyond words.

"Hehehe, that's right. Locke has already sent Barrett and Quin to us. When the time comes, we can see if it's real or not." Mentioning Quin, Azuk's and Kaido's expressions both changed.

"That damn traitor, Quin, dared to betray me and join Locke's little brat's crew. I wish I could kill him!"

"Hmph, don't mention him. If those artificial Zoan Devil Fruits are real, then no matter what, I must get my hands on them!"