The Invisible Empire Declares War on World Government

Z stared at the man who called himself 'Zero', who seemed to be full of openings. But for some reason, this man gave off an immense pressure.


This guy was even more dangerous than the Nine-Tailed Fox.

However, the words justice carved on his clothes wouldn't let him retreat. As long as he didn't fall, behind him was the safest place in the world!

"So that's how it is..."

Zero chuckled, still full of opening, "As expected of the World Government that has ruled the world for eight hundred years. Your arrogance certainly is not unfounded. However.. "

His voice changed. Suddenly, his body exuded a bizarre energy that wasn't visible to naked eyes. Only Color of Observation Haki could detect its traces.

Haki? No, it did not look like Haki, or was it his Devil Fruit ability?

Genichi smiled. The next moment, his body seemed distorted…

No, not distorted!

Z's pupils dilated in an instant. He saw Zero's body was entering the body of a strange creature floating behind Zero!

"Stop! Who are you people?"

Z instantly rushed forward with powerful Color of Arms Haki covering one of his arms, but the moment he almost hit Genichi, Genichi had been completely devoured by Cream and Cream turned into a black sphere.

Z never expected that Cream would actually disappear. He shouted, "Is that all you got?" Declaring war and then run away right away?"

"Z, your insolence will come to an end."

Cream's body had completely entered the void dimension. Genichi's voice came from the void, "I declare war on the world on behalf of my invisible empire, but the war won't break out now. It can be in a few decades, a few years, a few months, or even a few days later. It won't be a surprise if Mary Geoise or Marineford will be attacked in the next moment."

Genichi who had already entered the void dimension said in a carefree tone, "You all will have to stay on your toes from now on. Take Nine-Tails' as a gift from me..."


Suddenly, a huge explosion occurred on Sabaodi Archipelago. The explosion illuminated the sky as if there were two suns. Z was absent-minded for a moment and quickly threw his punch. But the black sphere in front of him also disappeared.

His punch hit thin air and the impact shook the sea, creating a massive gap in the sea but it didn't hit Genichi.

"The invisible empire..."

Z gritted his teeth. He was concerned about the invisible empire that Zero mentioned. Was it an empire that could only be perceived with Color of Observation Haki just like the monster behind Zero earlier? Was the space he entered the invisible empire? And that monster was the tool to enter the empire?

Z was racking his brain, and the next moment he shouted to the Marine on the warship "Protect the civilians!"

The enemy might not leave just like that, but Z thought that it would be better to help Sengoku and Garp deal with Nine-Tails first. If the enemy really came to declare war, then he couldn't waste too much time on Nine-Tails here.

The ability of that man called Zero was very strange. It didn't look very strong on the surface. Even though the man was full of openings, he gave off a dangerous vibe. And what was the monster that devour Zero earlier?

Z rushed as fast as he could to Sabaodi Archipelago. The huge Nine-Tails rampaged without a care and two figures fought with him.

Garp and Sengoku, these two old guys demonstrated how terrifying their combination was. Later they joined hands to defeat Shiki and Bullet. It was reasonable to say that Garp was really good in teamfight.

And this time, he had another helper, Z!

"What took you so long?" At this moment, Garp's cape was long gone. He was wearing a pure black combat suit. There were many wounds all over his body that dyed part of his black clothes red.

After seeing Z, he was slightly at ease a little but he still complained, "If you come any later, I would've dealt with this big fox already."

"I met a troublesome person. In short, it is a bit complicated. I will tell you about it after we deal with the Nine-Tailed Fox!."

Z looked at Sengoku and found that Sengoku's golden body was not as radiant. During his conversation with Zero, these two had fought an intense battle.


Nine-Tails was no different.

Nine-Tails was not as big as when it first appeared anymore...

"This monster doesn't seem to get tired at all. Be careful! That creature can fight at full strength while it's still breathing!" Garp, who had been fighting with Nine-Tails for a period of time, said and rushed forward, catching Sengoku, who was sent flying and then attacked Nine-Tails together.


Garp punched and knocked Nine-Tails back, but Nine-Tails immediately retaliated. Its strength was also incredible. It could slap Garp from the sky to the ground with only its raw power.

Z kicked Nine-Tails' head. He looked at the huge fox demon eye. It was filled with endless destruction and pressure. Nine-Tails roared and after throwing Z away, it once again compressed the Tailed Beast Ball in its mouth.


It was not only one Tailed Beast Ball this time!

"Is that creature planning to raze the entire Mary Geoise or what?"

At this moment, a large number of black balls appeared in Nine-Tails' mouth. Each of them contained a powerful energy. Once they exploded, what would happen? It was simply unimaginable.

And now, these Tailed Beast Balls were all aimed in the direction of the Holy Land Mary Geoise!

"They are declaring war on the World Government. It is not surprising that they would do such a thing." Z said directly, "But we must not let it succeed. Once Mary Geoise is destroyed, the world will instantly go out of control! At that time, the whole world will be reduced to hell!".

He threw away his coat and stood side by side with Garp and Sengoku, looking at Nine-Tails who wanted to destroy Mary Geoise.

"This is not just about the battle of Justice. It is related to the order of the world!".