The Fallen Nine-Tails

With a world-shaking explosion, the entire Sabaodi Archipelago experienced a violent earthquake, as if the entire mangrove tree was shaking.

The Nine-Tails Demon Fox that had bombarded the Holy Land Mary Geoise disappeared.

No one knew if it were dead or alive. This huge Nine-Tails Demon Fox suddenly vanished after being ganged up by Garp, Sengoku, and Z. Countless red lights appeared around its body and then it disappeared.

Garp, who was swallowed by Nine-Tails, suddenly fell from hundreds of meters height. At this time, he seemed to have finally fainted. Perhaps something in Nine-Tails' body left him in such a bad state.

Sengoku caught the falling Garp. At this moment, he was also wounded and out of breath, but Nine-Tails finally disappeared.

"Is it really dead? Did we really do it?"

Z murmured. Sengoku shook his head. He didn't know the answer to this question.

"I met a guy who called himself 'Zero'. He was the masked man we met on our way here. He also escaped using a unique space technique. Is that Nine-Tailed Fox really gone for good or..."

They could sense that the energy in Nine-Tails' body was rapidly decreasing with their Color of Observation Haki. Although this monster didn't look like any ordinary creature, it should be able to die.

However, for some reason, they had a bad feeling.

"This is just the beginning. It will not end here." Z said

Sengoku was also deep in thought. They looked at their surrounding and noticed that the entire island was completely in a mess. This was the reason why they blocked the Tailed Beast Ball with their own bodies. Otherwise, the entire Sabaodi Archipelago would be destroyed.

"Let's go back to the headquarters. I have something important to report to Fleet Admiral Kong."

Z sighed. The world would not be as peaceful anymore from now on. Maybe things will go in unexpected directions. I just don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing for this world.

Thus, the 'Nine-Tails Fox incident' came to an end. The rain in the sky was still falling. It seemed to wash away the sins of this world. It was like grieving for Nine-Tails' death.

The news about this incident quickly spread all over the world. People all over the world had different reactions to the news.

Some were afraid, some were excited, some were looking forward to it, and some praised Sengoku and the two Vice-Admirals. Although people did not see the huge Nine-Tailed Demon Fox with their own eyes, the Iron Fist Garp, Black Arm Zephyr, and Admiral Sengoku were all famous in the New World where the great pirates were dominant. Even the Iron Fist Garp's name was like a demon to the pirates.

People had a hard time imagining how powerful the Nine-Tails was for being able to make these three people join hands and despite being defeated, Garp fell into a long coma after the battle.

On a pirate ship that was sailing in the New World, the crews of that ship were eating hot pot while singing songs. They clearly had a good time.


Suddenly, a loud laughter came from the corner of the banquet. The crews looked over and noticed that it was their captain, Roger, who was laughing.

"Interesting! That guy, Garp, was actually knocked unconscious. Unfortunately, we were not in Sabaody at that time!"

Roger was still holding a newspaper in his hand. He was laughing so hard before the wind blew the newspaper in his hand to the curious person beside him.

Rayleigh took the newspaper, and suddenly several people surrounded him.

"Vice-Captain! What did Captain Roger read that make him so happy?"

Rayleigh read the news,

He saw the picture of a huge fox. The fox had nine tails, and in front of it were three figures wearing Marines' coat. They were Sengoku, Z, and Garp. The three of them were like heroes who went against a monster that was a hundred times bigger than them.

Even though the picture was edited as the three weren't wearing Marine's coat, most people definitely did not realize.

"The Marine Hero successfully hunted Nine-Tailed Fox!"

The news was right below the eye-catching title!

"Something like this actually happened."

Rayleigh's pupils dilated. Someone had actually attacked Sabaodi Archipelago and bombarded Mary Geoise?

It was simply...


Even they didn't think about doing such thing, as the consequences were very serious. The Marine actually sent Admiral Sengoku, Vice-Admiral Garp, and Z to bring down that Nine-Tailed Fox.

The last photo showed seconds before Nine-Tails glowed and disappeared, and Garp fell out of his stomach. It was also very eye-catching.

Rayleigh looked at more and more people gathered around him and smiled. Then he threw the newspaper up. Suddenly, the eyes of the crews lit up as they fought for this newspaper.

Rayleigh walked to Roger amidst the chaos. At this moment, Roger was laughing and drinking sake. Seeing that Rayleigh came, he was also excited. He pulled him over and poured him a cup of sake.

"Garp, who has been chasing after us all this time, has been down for the count. I am really curious what kind of monster that does it to him?"

Roger was still smiling, but Rayleigh had a serious face, "This may set off a new storm on the whole world, which may not be a good thing for us."

"The World Government's reputation has been tarnished. It can't be restored simply by killing the mastermind behind this, and... there's a chance the World Government can't even take down the mastermind."

"What is there to worry about! Anyway... huh?" Roger, who was still smiling, was stunned after listening to Rayleigh. "What? Nine-Tails is not dead?"

"It is not about Nine-Tails."

Rayleigh shook his head. There was a torn part of the newspaper in his hand.

"Before Z joins the battle, he confronted a masked guy. I suspect that Nine-Tails' appearance might be related to the masked man."

That information in the torn off part of the newspaper was when Z attacked Genichi, but the camera couldn't capture Stand, so he could only see that Genichi was being sucked into the void, which was more menacing.

Roger had only paid attention to the headline of Garp fighting Nine-Tails. He didn't expect that there was such an important information in this corner. He was serious for a while, and Rayleigh also looked at him, and then...

Sure enough, as he expected, Roger continued to laugh.

"Isn't this more interesting? Let's turn the world upside down!"