Indra, Garp, and Nine-Tails

Genichi seemed to be dissipating, starting from his hand. Sengoku frowned. He was called a 'Wise Admiral'. Naturally, he would not attack this unknown person out of the blue. Instead, he wanted to obtain more information through conversation.

However, Genichi began to dissipate not long after they met. This was something he did not expect. It became difficult to determine the man's objective now.

Genichi did not seem to be in pain as he dissipated. He just calmly said, "When your body and mind catch up to your power, 'Awakening' will occur. Since you can see me, it means that you are already on the right track."

Enlightenment, a commonly known term for Buddhist, a realm that only Buddha could reach, which sounded plausible for Sengoku.

And it was obvious that Sengoku didn't understand the theory that Genichi made up, but the first half of his sentence was definitely right.

The moment Devil Fruit users' body and mind caught up with their power, that would be when 'Awakening ' occurred.

If the first half of the sentence was right, then the next part should be right, too, no?

At this moment, Genichi's entire arm had already dissipated, and he dissipated faster and faster at this moment.

"Wait a minute!" Sengoku saw this scene and didn't have much time to think about it. He hurriedly shouted, "What is this Invisible Empire? Who are you?"

"Invisible and visible things have always existed in this world. You should have noticed the power of that Nine-Tailed Demon Fox... and it will be active again soon, although... this time you may not see it."

"We will meet again. The next time we meet, you can call me..." Genichi said softly.

He slowly turned around. At this moment, more than half of his body had dissipated, leaving only his head. And the moment he was about to disappear, he said...



Sengoku instantly woke up...

"Just...a dream?"

However, it felt so real. Sengoku stretched out his hands, still struggling to wake up.

He was still thinking about the words of the person in the dream and found that every sentence was so clear.

He got off the bed, not knowing why he felt a little uneasy.

Was it because Indra said that 'the Nine-Tailed Fox is going to be active again'? It was clearly just a dream...

However, it could not be ruled out that this was the doing of other Devil Fruit users.

He walked to the deck of the warship, enjoying the cool breeze that blew over.

He jumped to another warship to see Garp.

He had a bad feeling, and he also wanted to tell Garp about what happened just now.

"Admiral Sengoku!"

Another patrol ship saw Sengoku and immediately saluted. Sengoku nodded and asked, "Where is Garp?"

"Vice-Admiral Garp is in the cabin, he should be... sleeping, right?"

"Alright, good work."

Sengoku walked further in. However, as soon as he entered, he felt a menacing aura!

In an instant, sweat were dripping from Sengoku's face. His expression told him that the air was filled with the wickedness, the resentment, that horror, just like...


'Damn it, does he mean that Nine-Tails is going to appear again here? now?'

He charged forward in an instant and kicked open the room where he felt the menacing aura was. However, when the door was kicked open,

What Sengoku saw inside...

Was just Garp who was sleeping soundly.

No, no, was Garp really asleep right now?

Garp's body was enveloped with a faint red cloak, and that menacing aura came from this red cloak. It was as if a tail was slowly forming beneath Garp!


Sengoku shouted loudly, he wanted to wake Garp up, but Garp showed no sign of waking up. Normally, he should have gotten up long ago, but now he didn't even move.

Sure enough, there was something strange.

Sengoku's mind instantly recalled what Garp had done before. His pupils dilated and he muttered, "Is it because he ate Nine-Tails' flesh?"

That must be it, and he imagined something more frightening would occur...

Could it be that the Nine-Tails that Indra spoke of was referring to Garp being controlled by Nine-Tails?

"Hey! You bastard, wake up!"

Sengoku wanted to wake Garp up forcefully, but suddenly a menacing power burst out from Garp's body. Sengoku's hand felt as if it was pricked by a needle.

That was not only Nine-Tails' power, but also Garp's power...

"So that's how it is. Are you fighting that big fox?"

Sengoku seemed to understand something and said softly, "Don't lose to that thing..."

In a dark world, Garp suddenly woke up.

The moment he woke up, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly expanded and distorted, revealing the outline of a huge demon beast!

"Nine-Tailed Demon Fox? You're not dead?"

Garp looked at Nine-Tails who suddenly appeared in the sky and said, "He really is persistent."

"Nine-Tails was born from resentment. Of course, he won't die."

Suddenly, a voice came from Nine-Tails' direction. Garp raised his head and found a person sitting on Nine-Tails' head.

That bad-tempered monster who wanted to destroy everything actually let someone sit on his head?

Garp looked at the man. He was wearing a black robe with a hood on it. He was wearing a mask, so Garp couldn't see his face clearly.

However, Garp's pupils dilated because he had seen this person in the newspaper. It was Zero who spoke with Z.

The dialogue between Z and Zero was known by only a few people in the World Government, including him, so he was shocked at this moment.

This guy...

The guy who declared war on the World Government appeared again!

"Zero, what are you scheming?"

Garp clenched his fist and said, "Who are you people?"

Zero, or rather, Genichi said nonchalantly on top of Nine-Tails' head "I just came to see the Marine Hero who ate Nine-Tails' flesh, and while I'm at it, I should tell you that Nine-Tails' meat is not so delicious."

"Is that so...? I think it's very delicious, and I want to eat another bite! For example, now, I'm suddenly craving for a fox meat!"