Toguro vs Sengoku

"He invites you...?"

"If that's the case, I can't let you leave." Sengoku muttered.

In an instant, a golden light shone from his body. His body quickly got bigger and turned into a huge golden Buddha. Sengoku looked at Toguro who was standing on the surface of the sea. He knew that he couldn't let this person leave.

So after seeing that Toguro didn't want to say anything more, he immediately used force to stop him. Even if the opponent was strong and stood on the surface of the sea, Sengoku wouldn't stop because of this. He was an Admiral!


Sengoku threw a punch, generating a powerful storm. This attack worked even against Nine-Tails, let alone a puny individual like Toguro.

Before the tremendous force could even touch Toguro, the water below Toguro spun violently with him as the center. Looking at the powerful punch that came from the ship, Toguro made his move as well.

Toguro's muscles began to thicken and enlarge, tearing apart his trench coat, revealing his explosive muscles. At the same time, his arm turned dark. He returned the punch of his own against Sengoku's punch.


This collision made the entire sea seem to boil. The huge force directly cut through the sea behind Toguro and Sengoku, and it extended to the end of their line of sight. The Marines and merchants on the merchant ship were shocked by this power because they felt as if something was trying to rip them out of their bodies.

Sengoku was the only one on the deck, but there were many Marines on the other warships aiming at Toguro. However, at this moment, they suddenly slumped to the ground. Sengoku's pupils dilated. His men died!

This was... Color of Supreme King Haki?

No, it was different. Even if one's Color of Supreme King Haki was so intense, it couldn't take away a person's life. This was simply unheard of!


Sengoku shouted, but Toguro's strength was beyond his imagination. Although he faintly knew that his opponent was strong, he didn't expect him to be this strong.

Although this attack wasn't his full strength, there were very few people who could withstand it. However, Toguro's body became extremely strange. His muscles simply didn't seem like a human's muscle. He didn't retreat in the face of the shockwave released by the golden Buddha!


A huge explosion erupted. These two huge forces collided at this moment. The result was determined at this moment. A huge underwater whirlpool appeared, and the collision of power caused devastating aftereffect. Despite that, they both remained motionless in the storm.

The huge merchant ship broke apart at this moment. Sengoku had to jump to the Marines' warship. Many civilians and Marines lost their lives!

These people died simply because of Toguro's powerful aura, because Toguro was currently at his 100% strength. In this state, the weak would be crushed to death by the demonic aura that he unconsciously emitted.

Of course, he could control it to just affect the people he wanted. Most of the people that died were mostly evil according to Nine-Tails' Negative Emotion Detection, so Toguro did not feel bad.

Genichi's perspective of this world was very strange. He had just transmigrated to this world and became a slave. After seeing so much darkness, he discovered his own ability. This made him feel nothing about this world. It was as if he was playing a... game?

Virtual world game?

Would anyone feel guilty for killing a few people in the game?

Genichi actually had this feeling in his heart, and since the one who killed was his character, it really felt like he was playing a game and controlling a character.

However, Sengoku naturally could not understand how Toguro felt. He was seething with anger now. He did not expect that someone could cause so many casualties in his presence, but what made him even angrier was that he had no way to deal with his opponent!

Toguro... What was the deal with his body just now?

Was it Devil Fruit's ability?

Sengoku couldn't shake off the scene of Toguro striking back earlier from his mind. At that time, the power emitted from his body rose countless times in an instant. Moreover, his muscles enlarged. It was hard to imagine that it was the power of a normal human.

But if he were a Devil Fruit user, why would he stand on the sea?

Sengoku couldn't figure out what Toguro's power was.

"Don't worry, the people that's affected by my power are only those with dark hearts."

After the collision, Toguro was no longer at his 100% power. He looked at Sengoku who jumped onto the warship and said, "Maybe Zero came to find me because he saw through my nature? That was why he asked whether I want to turn from a human into a monster?"

"Monster" Although his chest was full of anger, after hearing Toguro's words, he quickly calmed down. He tried to find more clues about Zero from Toguro.

"Monsters are creatures that transcend humans. They will not be restricted by any restrictions and can freely use their strength."

Toguro took off his black sunglasses and looked at Sengoku. The latter suddenly froze because he saw a desire in Toguro's eyes. What kind of desire was that?

A desire to become stronger

"I found out a long time ago that humans have limits. When they reach that limit, no matter how they train, it will be difficult for them to continue to grow. Moreover, because of age, their bodily functions will decline. At the same time, they will suffer all kinds of diseases. No matter how strong a person is, they will inevitably age."

"Zero found me since he noticed that I was aging and asked me to join them. If I join them, I will become an immortal monster. But at that time, I refused Zero's offer."

Toguro looked at the dignified Sengoku and finally said, "Even if I want to become a monster, I will not join any organization and submit to anyone!"

"I want to use my own way to become a monster! For example...the Jewel of Four Souls!"