Zero Out of Zero, Rocks Comes

After the transformation, the power exuded from Toguro became incomparably heavy, and the power in his body was still rising, and he eventually reached the state of 100% of his 100% strength.

A protagonist's transformation often seemed completely invincible, but only when they were facing small fries, but what if they were facing an opponent of the same level?

If you encounter an enemy that require you to go all out, and you needed to keep transforming to have enough power to fight them head-on, that meant you were not at the same level as him.

For example, you can fight the same as the enemy if you become a Super Saiyan and your normal form were five or ten times weaker. In normal circumstances, the enemy could kill you after tiring you out.

Toguro's full power was now at the level of the Four Emperors, and if he were in his normal state, he might not be able to stop Roger's strike just now.

Therefore, it seemed that the sixth fragment of Jewel of Four Souls and Haki training could not drastically improve his strength future growth, but constantly improving his lower limit was also an important part of becoming strong, at least it could ensure that he would not be killed by any minor characters that fast.

At this moment, he was trying to see how far his current full strength was from Roger, the future King of Pirates who would dominate the world!

And Roger just watched as Toguro completed his new transformation. He lifted Ace in his hand and put down the box in his other hand.

Roger's Color of Supreme King Haki and Toguro's Demonic Energy collided at this moment. In the next moment, their figure zoomed all over the place as they exchanged blows. The impact of their clash suddenly tore the sky.

The dark clouds in the sky were split apart, as if they were cut apart by a sharp blade, revealing the sun hidden above the dark clouds. Black lightning was generated around them, and the impact of just one blow travelled across the entire God's Valley!

On the other battle, Garp, Sengoku, and Rocks Pirates could sense the huge collision of power from the distance, and they couldn't help but stop fighting.

"This is Roger's Haki!" There was a bit of blood on Garp's face. He and Sengoku were back-to-back. It was too difficult for them to deal with the entire Rocks Pirates with their strength, and this was with Rocks and Edward Newgate not participating in the battle.

Shiki alone could handle either Sengoku or Garp on his own. Silver Axe, John and Ochoku were also skilled in their own rights, but the powerful Haki from the distance directly stopped them.

"Roger?" Hearing Garp's words, Rocks frowned, and then he remembered the name of this man from the depths of his memory.

"It's the guy who came back from the deepest part of Grand Line. I heard that he has reached the' Aqua First Star Island ', but why would he come here?"

Roger Pirates were already famous on Grand Line almost fourteen years ago. They were powerful, but they did not do what pirates usually do. Although sometimes they would show their cruel and terrifying side, that was only when their companions were wronged.

Usually, they were more like a group of adventurers gathered together than pirates. Such a way of survival was unique even in the New World where strong people came in large numbers. Rocks once had the idea of ​​inviting Roger to join him, but Roger unexpectedly rejected.

From the collision of the Color of Supreme King Haki, it seems that Roger was also fighting a troublesome guy. Edward Newgate looked at Captain Rocks D. Xebec and said with a smile, "Captain, do you want to quickly finish the battle here and then rush over?"

"There is no need for that." Rocks said confidently, "I will head straight there. The front entrance of God's Valley is there. It is a rare opportunity to attack the transit station of the Celestial Dragons from the front. I'll show the world the true horror of Rocks Pirates!"

Whitebeard also wanted to go over and take a look, but suddenly his eyebrows raised, and he said to Rocks, "It seems that the battle here will take longer. I will stay here."

Rocks had already felt it even before Whitebeard explained the reason. On the sea not far away, the remaining crew of Roger Pirates were heading over there. And his crews that he left on the sea had already engaged them.

"Things are gradually getting interesting, aren't they?" Rocks twisted his neck and revealed a cruel and terrifying smile. He didn't care about his companions who stayed here. He just turned around and walked towards Roger. For him, it didn't matter even if these people died. Although they were carefully selected powerhouses, he wouldn't care about the weak who would die.

He also wouldn't reach out to save the people who would die in the war. Only those who survived were qualified to be his companions and his crew. Since he had made up his mind to go to Roger and break through the Celestial Dragons' line of defense. He wouldn't change his mind because his men here might be attacked by the Marines and Roger Pirates.

His men should also be aware of this!

"The weak are not qualified to live."

Rocks laughed loudly. In the next moment, the terrifying Haki burst out from his body. The clear sky became dark again at this moment, and black thunder struck. Rocks' laughter echoed throughout the entire island. Half of his crew members who fled to shore because of Roger Pirates' pursuit had fainted because of his Color of Supreme King Haki.

"What a troublesome guy."

Watching Rocks leave, Edward Newgate muttered and then looked at the group of people who were on the shore.

He originally thought it was a simple pursuit, but he didn't expect that in a few minutes, he provoked a large group of Marines. After a while, Roger Pirates also rushed over, and there was an unknown person who could fight Roger toe to toe in the distance. It seemed that the outcome of this battle would be unpredictable!