Keep Drawing

After getting Makima, Genichi did not stop. He controlled Makima to meet up with Toguro and search for Rocks's body while he drew another card.

However, this time he drew a 100.000 Negative Emotion Points Character Card. Since it would take a while time before Luffy was born , he could use them to become stronger during that time.

Once Luffy to set out to sea, 100,000 level cards would no longer have much impact. This was because it was impossible to become stronger that quickly. It was better to use these decades before Luffy was born to make the Character he got stronger.

With that in mind, he started directly with three consecutive draws.

[Himura Kenshin: A protagonist from Rurouni Kenshin Universe, formerly known as Manslayer Battosai. He has excellent swordsmanship. ]

[Sing: The protagonist from Kung Fu Hustle. His talent is extraordinary. ]

[Drago: A character from Jackie Chan Adventures. As the son of Shendu, he was both a dragon and a Fire Demon. ]

Looking at the three Character Cards in his mind, Genichi fell into deep thought.

Three hundred thousand Negative Emotion Points in exchange for Himura Kenshin, Sing, and Drago. To be frank, it was a good deal. Among them, Himura Kenshin and Sing came from non-fantasy world, unlike One Piece where a person destroying a mountain was a common thing.

After coming to this world, their outstanding talent should be a good asset, as long as they were given enough time...

Himura Kenshin could take the swordsman route like Hawkeye in this world. As long as he could use Haki, his Flying Heaven Govern Sword-Style would definitely shine.

Flying Heaven Govern Sword-Style was the most powerful sword style in Rurouni Kenshin Universe. It shocked the world with its swift Drawing Blade Technique. It also had the ability to anticipate the enemy's movement by observing their move. Combined with Haki, becoming a great swordsman should be easy.

Coming up next was Sing. As the main character in Kung Fu Hustle, he was also a one in million genius in martial arts. After mastering the Buddhist Palm style, he became invincible.

Moreover, his talent was also amazing. Although it was unknown whether his martial arts talent included the talent in Haki, it should be possible with this world's balancing mechanism. At least he could use the Buddhist Palm.

Compared to these two's origin, Jackie Chan Adventures' world where Drago came from was stronger. However, his strength was mediocre on his own. Without the eight Demon Chi that he absorbed, Drago was just a green lizard that was much faster and more powerful than ordinary people.

He should also be able to learn Haki, but it was unknown whether he could become the master of the 'Twelve Talismans' like his father in the future. The Sheep Talisman that Genichi had obtained earlier was one of the Twelve Talismans.

"It seems that Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments have another compatible Demon to use it..."

He used Positive Emotion Points to draw two more times. In order to establish the story about Jewel of Four Souls, he told Rocks Roger and the others about Jewel of Four Souls, and in order to show the world that Jewel of Four Souls was real, He also needed to make more Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments.

He got 5 Jewel of Four Souls Fragments on the first draw

Baby Manufacturing Machine: A futuristic gadget from Doraemon Universe that can be used to create babies with superpowers with certain materials. The baby has its own ambition conquer the world. (Drawing a card while touching the Baby Manufacturing Machine can increase the probability of getting the gadget from Doraemon's 4D Pocket)

"Material: One soap, one iron nail, one hundred matches, four hundred and fifty pencils, one teacup of, a handful of sulfur, some magnesium oxyde, 1.8 liters of water."


Genichi was a little surprised. He originally wanted to get more Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments, but he didn't expect to get a gadget from Doraemon Universes. There were many extremely ridiculous gadgets in that universe!

If he could get the Teleportation Telephone, wouldn't he be invincible?

Despite that, Genichi also knew that it was an omnipotent item. He had to at least save 100 million Emotion Points if he wanted to have a chance to get it.

Other than that, there was also the Time Machine and God Robot, which were absurdly strong items. However, there were some pretty good gadgets, too, other than these absurdly good gadgets.

Anywhere Door and Passport of Satan would be very good if he could get it!

Although the superpowered babies were not disciplined in the Doraemon Universe and even desired to conquer the world, Genichi had Makima now!

Genichi thought excitedly. These babies were very powerful in Doraemon Universe, but this was a world full of supernatural powers. It was impossible for them to cause that much damage. Otherwise, 100,000 Positive Emotion Points would be too cheap.

100,000 Emotion Points was clearly cheaper than the Emotion Points he used to get Makima. With Makima's control, she could easily control these super-powered babies that were created. These babies had superpowers when they were just born, and when they grew up, they might become stronger. At that time, wouldn't it be the same as having an endless supply of super soldiers?

With this machine, everything he did next would be much more convenient. At least in a series, there was no need to worry about aside from the main protagonist and antagonist.

"Jewel of Four Souls shatters, causing the demon sealed inside to break free. In order to eliminate these demons, the World Government sign a contract with Makima to set up a special division to deal with the demons. I wonder if the World Government will buy this story?"