Working with World Government

The priestess and demons were sealed in Jewel of Four Souls and since Jewel of Four Souls was broken, they were liberated from Jewel of Four Souls, so...

Was Drago one of the sealed demons that broke free?

What Makima said was too much too process, even for Z, but Makima wasn't done yet

"After a long battle, their souls have become part of Jewel of Four Souls itself. Usually, when demons's soul is destroyed, they will go to hell, but since their souls have been integrated into Jewel of Four Souls, they were waiting to be set free."

"This is... Drago's objective?" Z subconsciously asked

"Drago is the son of the Great Demon Lord, whose soul has been completely exiled to hell in Jewel of Four Souls. If that guy wants to return his father from hell to this world, he naturally has to collect the fragments of Jewel of Four Souls."

Makima's figure looked so mysterious under the moonlight. In the dark night, there was only the faint moonlight in the sky and some lights in the distance.

Z looked at Makima's somewhat indistinguishable face and he had a bad feeling. It was only this time that he realized. He looked at Makima and said with some surprise, "Are you also..."

"Shh..." "Don't you think you've been asking too many questions, Mr. Admiral?" Makima whispered as she put her index finger in front of her mouth.

"Well, I have so many questions to ask." Z ready to capture Makima forcibly. This woman must have a lot of useful information. Now that the world was entering a new era, obtaining information was a must. At the beginning of this era, whoever could grasp more information would have more advantage!

Makima chuckled. She suddenly threw Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments in the air. Z's pupils dilated. He looked at Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments in the sky and subconsciously jumped up and grabbed the fragment.

"You are not qualified to sign a contract with me. Take this Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments back and tell the five people who hold the highest authority in the World Government that I am interested in seeing them."

Seeing that Z had received Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments, Makima said faintly, "Take it as a token of my sincerity. If you want to know more, go to Sabaodi Archipelago and find me. I will wait for you there."

"As for Drago, you don't need to worry. He should be able to sense that Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments has left this country. Of course, I don't think he can snatch it from an Admiral, right?"

After saying that, she walked towards Z as if she wanted to leave the palace from the front entrance. After receiving Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments, Z was still shocked. But seeing that Makima wanted to leave like this, of course he couldn't let her go.

Even if Makima handed over Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments, she herself was valuable. She had too many information that the World Government wanted to know. She had to be brought to the headquarters.

However, just as he was about to grab Makima's hand, he suddenly felt a huge pressure coming from the distance.

Z's body suddenly reacted and his pupils shrank. There were less than ten people in the world who could give him this kind of pressure. It was Color of Supreme King Haki. In an instant, the sky outside became dark. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. It was like the end of the world!

That powerful Color of Supreme King Haki seemed to come from below King's Plateau. Being able to give off such a strong pressure from such a distance meant that it came from a very powerful person. Z, who was going to stop Makima, immediately stopped.

Makima brushed past Z, "My name is Makima. If you want to capture me, I will welcome you in Sabaody Archipelago. But if you do, make sure you send everyone in the headquarter!"

Makima said calmly as if she was stating a fact. Z wanted to capture Makima now, but the person who released Color of Supreme King Haki in the unknown direction just now bothered him. That person was definitely very strong. Maybe he had to use all his strength to deal with him, but once he did, what about Makima?

He didn't know what their relationship was, but Makima was definitely not weak. With her courage and insight, Z believed that there was no one in this country who could deal with her except him.

"By the way, those guys are used to be called demons, but now the demons have a new name..."


Z looked at the direction of the balcony. Makima also walked toward the door after telling Z a little more. Z's pupils dilated in an instant. . He immediately rushed Makima and arrived at the edge of the balcony.

He looked at the bottom of the palace. He certainly saw a figure down there in this dark night. Although he couldn't see his face, he could feel the powerful Color of Supreme King Haki exuded from his body. Z definitely believed that this was one of the most prominent Haki User he had seen in many years.

Seemingly aware that Makima had successfully left, that person slowly retreated and soon disappeared into the darkness. Z watched his figure slowly disappear with a frown on his face.

Who was he?

Was he also a demon that escaped from Jewel of Four Souls?

The demons of the past were called monsters in this era?

So, did Zero really ask Toguro to find Jewel of Four Souls to turn him into a real monster?

Toguro participated in the battle of God's Valley and was one of the people responsible for Jewel of Four Souls' destruction. Z thought that Zero might have expected this outcome. In other words, Zero's goal was to set free the countless demons sealed in Jewel of Four Souls through Toguro?

Why did he do this?

Although Zero appeared in front of him before, but he made Z feel powerless at that time. Besides declaring war, he didn't do anything substantial. Or maybe...

He couldn't do it?

What if…Zero's real body was actually in Jewel of Four Souls and hasn't been released yet?