Three Forces' Move

Shiki left the room angrily.

Although he was disappointed by Fred's reaction, at least he understood one thing; that Sea King was indeed powerful, but wasn't this even more interesting?

"Jihahaha!! The Sea King that rules the sea and Shiki that rules the sky, this battle will definitely be very interesting!"

Shiki made a gesture as if he was embracing the sky and then said loudly, "Prepare for battle! We will hunt that gigantic squid before someone else gets to it!"

The floating island suddenly changed its direction, and its speed was much faster than before. According to the information in the newspaper, the gigantic squid was last seen on a pirate town in the north.

It was originally a place where the pirates did business. Even Rocks had made some transaction with other pirates there in the past. Over time, some pirates even decided to stay there to maintain the order among pirates and gain profit.

And now, there should be no one alive on that island, right?

"The ruler of the sea is furious. The end of the pirates is here!"

The font of the newspaper's headline was so big and bold, with the picture of a huge tentacle sweeping across the surroundings, and a picture of a completely razed down island. That was why Shiki said that it was a gigantic squid that ruled the sea.

Would the ruler of the sky took the sea from the ruler of the sea, or would it be the other way around?

Shiki was in high spirit. First, it was because the world was no longer boring, and second, because this gigantic squid show him the way to rule the world!

If he could have an army made of such monsters, no one in the world would be able to stop him.

Such a huge monster was an absolute king on the sea. With its ability, even the World Government would be powerless!

That was why the excitement he felt was indescribable, and his desire to get Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment intensified.

It seemed that he didn't have to collect all the fragments and combine them into a complete Jewel of Four Souls. Just a portion of the fragments would allow him to gain the power to destroy the world.

"Let's head towards the island of pirates. It should not be too far away!"


"I've told Fleet Admiral Kong so many times to do something about this place, but now it seems that will be unnecessary."

This place was a mess.

There was a huge gully that separated the entire island into two. The whole island was covered in a sticky liquid. The trees were uprooted and the debris of the buildings were everywhere.

Countless pirates died along with the darkness of the island.

It could be imagined how they were still reading the newspaper and drinking liquor before the disaster struck. The entire island was swirling with evil, but at that moment, an even greater evil descended. The pirates on this island paralyzed in despair, unable to even lift a finger as they died.

The gigantic squid simply passed through, and just one swing of its tentacle caused all this.

"That's... Silver Snake Utan. He is a famous pirate with a bounty of 800 million Belly. It seems that he's still breathing." Garp and Z walked on the island that was on the verge of breaking apart. At this time, they saw a man lying among countless corpses.

Pirates with a bounty of 500 million Belly and above were considered big shots in this sea. As the Marines' strongest fighting force, Z and Garp naturally knew those people.

Garp looked at Utan who was lying on the ground and said a little empathically, "But more than half of the bones in his body are broken. He won't live for long."

He slowly lowered his body and his fist turned black. He grabbed Utan's neck and killed the 800 million pirate, ending his misery.

"Garp." Z frowned but in the end he didn't say anything.

Z was an Admiral who never killed anyone, so he was a bit surprised, but he couldn't blame Garp. The Marine and the pirates were enemies. He couldn't force his ideas on others. Besides, Utan was on the verge of dying.

"Well, we have to hurry." Garp looked at the sea in the distance and let out a long sigh.

"Regardless of whether that so-called 'Ocean Ruler' has Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments or not, we can't let it destroy indiscriminately."

They were originally chasing after Shiki. When they passed by, they found that the island of pirates had been destroyed. Then they received news about Kraken. Only then did they know what had happened.

After seeing the newspaper, they decided to save Shiki for later. Compared to Shiki, this gigantic squid was a more imminent threat!

"I know..." Z took a deep breath and said "Further ahead is the territory of the World Government and its affiliated countries. If we let that monster gets there..."

It might meet the same fate as this island...

If they didn't stop this monster from going berserk, more and more countries would be destroyed!

That was just how devastating this monster's power was. With its huge body, it could easily destroy a country.

Fortunately, it was Z and Garp who were dispatched this time. If it were Sengoku, he might be afraid.

After all, Devil Fruit users were vulnerable on the sea, especially when facing a monster that could easily set off waves and cause disasters.

"Let's go!"

They quickly returned to the warship. An entire Marines fleet advanced forward, chasing after the tracks of the huge sea monster, Kraken.


Further ahad was the middle and latter half of ​​the New World, where Roger pirates were roaming.

"Captain! Are you still waiting for that sea monster?"

Roger, who used to hold banquets and drink, had strangely not done anything in the past few days. He just sat on the top of the ship and gazed into the distance.

A newcomer who had just joined the crew came out of the cabin. Seeing Roger still sitting on the top of the ship, he could not help but laugh,

"It must be a false report! There's no way such a huge Sea King exists! The news agency just likes to make up such big news to let people buy it!"