Tracking Bullet


Of course I understand!

Sengoku and the others knew from the beginning that this was actually a game between the Marine and Black Order.

After all, now that the demons were confirmed to be sighted at Galzburg, Black Order should have stepped in. However, the World Government didn't give such an order, and the Black Order didn't volunteer either.

Black Order wanted the Marine to be a sacrificial pawn to wear down the enemy's strength. They may think that this case was extremely difficult to deal with, so they gave up the credits, but in exchange, the Marine had to send their men there.

The World Government allowed this, but Makima had to capture some Demons for the World Government's experiments, even though that was definitely not enough.

On that note, Black Order still owed the World Government a favor. This was the deal between them.

Most importantly, the World Government wanted to hog the results of this battle for themselves.

This time, there must be a lot of demon-related things on Galzburg. If they could get good results, then the World Government would finally be able to take the first step in dealing with demons.

If they didn't have to rely on Makima for demon-related matters, then Black Order would have no bargain chip. In other words, they had to completely submit to the World Government.

This was the World Government's gamble, and the bargaining chip was the Marine headquarters. Although it wasn't pleasant, they had no say in this matter.

As the World Government's organization, the Marine had no choice but to obey the orders from above. This was also why only a few people in the Marine had Color of Supreme King Haki. Even those who had Color of Supreme King like Sengoku had to keep his mouth shut.

Even if many people had the aptitude to awaken Color of Supreme King Haki, they would not be able to awaken it in such an environment.

This time, they sent two Admirals and thirty thousand soldiers, which was enough to show the World Government's resolve.

However, if things went south, a war might break out. If that happened, the entire country might be destroyed.

In this case, they could not evacuate the civilians because the country had been locked down, but for Sengoku, this was a necessary sacrifice.

He didn't think of himself as the Celestial Dragons' lapdog, and his justice was Reigning Justice. To put it short, he didn't mind compromising in order to obtain something.

Sengoku himself was the person who ordered Buster Call in order to erase Ohara off the map... 

To put it bluntly, there weren't that many good people in this world.

It was naïve to think that a truly good person would change this world one day. This world was already twisted from the beginning. 

Sengoku didn't leave immediately because he still had to wait for the forces from all of Marine's bases to arrive.

By that time, 50,000 people and hundreds of warships will be mobilized at the same time. This would be an unprecedented grand-scale operation in Grand Line. Some pirates would run as fast as they could upon seeing a fleet of this level.

In this era, the World Government was considered the dominant forces in the sea. Once they've gathered their forces, everyone became abnormally nervous.

The sea was restless, as if a war was about to break out.

Usually, only five Vice Admirals and ten warships were deployed in Buster Call, but the military might of this operation was equal to ten Buster Calls. Even Sengoku was shaking his head helplessly.

The bigger the force they sent, the more it proved that the enemy posed that much of a threat. In addition, what would Makima do next?

In a week, the 30,000 Marine had assembled. Sengoku boarded the warship to set off for Galzburg.

Hundreds of warships sailed to Galzburg. Average pirates didn't even dare to look at them.

The pirates were constantly monitoring the Marine's movements, while Garp had relocated as Galzburg had now become the Ice Capital.

In the past few days, he led his men to rescue the people that had been frozen, but it seemed that the weather had changed too drastically, and Garp had determined that there were no clues of the demons there.

Instead of chasing the demons, he was now chasing after a human.

A human named 'Douglas Bullet'!

According to the information he got from the King of this country, the only survivor of this country, Douglas Bullet was only eight years old, but he got the best medal of honor this country could offer.

In addition to the sacrificial ritual that Drago did, Bullet had also massacred everyone in northern border.

When Garp brought his men to clean up the mess, even these elite Marines felt fear. They felt there was some sort of darkness in that scene.

This tragedy was even announced in the newspaper, becoming a major news.

Garp believed that Douglas Bullet was likely the culprit behind the massacre.

Therefore, Garp had been searching for traces of Bullet and had already crossed several cities.


While the world was in turmoil, after a year of training, Genichi had once again gained a lot of Emotion Points.

"Positive Emotion Points: 265841"

"Negative Emotion Points: 8245152"

In this year, his Positive Emotion Points had only increased by 200,000, while his Negative Emotion Points had increased by more than 800,000, and he was getting closer and closer to his 10,000,000 goal.

As expected, it was not easy accumulate Positive Emotion Points. Makima had taken down many demons, and he only got that much.

On the other hand, Negative Emotion Points had increased by 800,000 despite having already accumulating millions of Negative Emotion Points. It seemed that he had done too many bad things.

Genichi wanted to draw Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments again. There were around 79 Jewel of Four Souls Fragments, and when they were combined, they would form the complete Jewel of Four Souls.

As far as he knew, 100,000 Positive Emotion Points would give at most five Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments, which meant that the complete Jewel of Four Souls required around two million Positive Emotion Points.

Two million Positive Emotion Points was even more costly than E.S.P Training Box. According to his belief that the item of the same value as the Character Card was more powerful, it certainly fit the bill.