Sengoku's Arrival

Sengoku nodded as what Sing said made sense.

Before Black Order was founded, no one in this world would believe in demons. At most, they would be considered as Devil Fruit user.

Although what the Marines were up against this time was just demon followers, and not actual demons, they had some dangerous powers.

The demons could teleport as well, so it was natural if people did not believe in Sing.

"I will wipe out all the demons on the island. If you are interested, follow me. I still have some questions for you anyway." Sengoku said.

Sing nodded. Infiltrating the Marine's upper echelon was his task. Genichi planned to sneak in all of his characters to all dominant forces in this world. Once he did, he would be the real king of this world.

"After arriving at Galzburg, please follow me."

Sing said to Sengoku, "It's where I lived a year ago. I am afraid that the demons might attack that place.".

"!". Sengoku was overjoyed upon hearing this, "You did? Tell me the location, I will send someone to protect it now!".

"No, let's just observe the place for now.".

This might be the only possible clue they had at the moment. If they could use this place as bait to lure out the demon followers. That would be the best case scenario.

Sengoku and Garp could hide, and Sing would be the bait. Although they had already obtained the Buddhist Palm book, they might attack Sing again if they knew that Sing was still alive.

Sengoku originally wanted to use the number advantage to surround the entire country as they searched the demon followers.

However, that would take too much time. It would take a few years if they wanted to investigate every inch of land.

Of course, the World Government did not give them that much time to finish this mission. They did not want to waste several years on this mission alone.

But now that they had Sing as bait, they might be able to finish this mission more efficiently.

Regardless of who Sing was, and whether what he said was true or, Sengoku was confident in Garp and his own strength. It didn't matter if this were a trap.

Because if the enemy ambushes them, that meant the Marine would have more leads if they could capture them. On the contrary, it'd be more troublesome if the enemy just hid.

Of course, it'd be ideal if what Sing said was true and those demon followers fell for this trap. After they killed each other, the Marine would obtain both Buddhist Palm book and Pandora Box.

That was the best-case scenario...

"We're here..."

Sengoku and Sing sat on the deck and talked for a while. They mainly talked about Sing's past life and personality. Sengoku at least did not find any problems during this conversation.

Now, they had finally arrived at Galzburg. They had entered from the southern port, so they should be able to meet up with Garp soon.

Before this, he had already sent the location that Sing had mentioned to Garp. He told Garp to just observe from outside so as to not alert the enemy. Although Garp had always been a self-centered person, he should not cause trouble for him, right?

But the more he thought about it, the more Sengoku felt unease...

Garp wouldn't really cause trouble for him, right?


"Vice Admiral Garp!"

At this moment, Garp had already arrived at the place that Sengoku had mentioned.

He did not expect that there was actually a very small village in such a deep mountain.

He did keep Sengoku's words in mind and did not enter. Instead, he observed from the mountaintop.

This small village was surrounded by mountains on all sides. Only a small area in the center was the place where humans lived. Therefore, the buildings were built very high so that their house was habitable.

"This place is called Pig Cage Town. It has been decades since a war strikes the entire country, and some people fled into this deep mountain to avoid the war." A Marine officer behind Garp explained the circumstances of this town to Garp,

"After the war ended, those people did not return to their home. Instead, they built a small village and settled there. After so many years, the world has almost forgotten about them."

However, little did they know that this was impossible. Makima simply manipulated their memories and fabricated the whole story about Pig Cage Town. The residents of this town were actually nothing but the deceased that Makima controlled.

After hearing this, Garp became interested.A self-sufficient small town that even this country nearly forgot. How did Sengoku know about it even though he was still on his way there?

Moreover, Sengoku told him to just observe from and not act rashly. However, he could not wait.

"W… Wait Vice Admiral Garp, Admiral Sengoku said that we should not go in and alert the enemy!" Seeing that Garp seemed to want to jump directly from the mountain, the Marine officer behind him was frightened and hurriedly stopped him.

"Lend me your  clothes. I won't go in with the Marine's attire." Garp said indifferently.

After saying that, he took off his shirt and coat as the Marine's uniform was too formal.

"But Garp-san, don't you think jumping down from this height would draw too much attention?" The Marine officer was still a little worried, but he could not stop Garp, because Garp had already jumped down from the mountain that was hundreds of meters high.

"He already jumped down!"

They were shocked. They were a hundred meters away from the ground. Was it really okay to jump y from this height?

Of course it was okay. Common sense did not apply to monsters like Garp. As Garp fell to the ground, a big crater was created. However, he himself was completely fine.

The Pig Cage Town was only about five hundred meters ahead. There were not many people there.

"But, it's so hot."

Only after Garp jumped down dud he notice that the temperature was really high in this area. It was so hot that his vision started to become blurry. Garp walked to town's entrance and looked at the huge sign hanging on it.

The name of Pig Cage Town was also very strange. He really didn't know why it had such a name.

But Garp didn't care. He strode in.