Toguro the Monster

While Garp was waiting for the gangsters to come in, Genichi was also preparing a suitable opponent for him.

Among these people, there were some who could fight Garp on equal grounds, but they now had a new identity.

They were Rocks, that Makima had turned into Thor, and Shiki that that had become Drago's snow demon named Shaji, and Toguro who had become a famous demon in the New World.

The rest could not fight Garp on equal ground, but it did not mean that Genichi had no other way.

Because he had Monster Cells!

Monster Cells could turn people into monsters, changing their appearance in the process.

After Shiki ate Monster Cells, he became an Shaji the snow demon. As a result of his change in appearance, Garp couldn't even recognize him.

And now, Genichi wanted to feed Toguro Monster Cells. Toguro's strength actually nearly hit the limit. He didn't know how much stronger Togure could get after eating Monster Cell.

This time, he fed Toguro Monster Cell to test it out as well.

In the underground base, Toguro took the Monster Cell. Immediately, his body underwent a change! A wave of heat gushed out from his body, and a mysterious power transformed his life.

Before Toguro entered the 100% of 100% state, he was actually no different than a normal person. But now, his body was swelling, and the Toguro's skin suddenly became dark and hard, as if there was a layer of hard armor around his body.

This black substance even covered his head. His body swelled once again. Originally, his height was two and a half meters, but now it had directly reached three meters. A dark and evil power was emitted from his body.

Toguro had already reached the pinnacle of this world's combatant with just Jewel of Four Souls and Haki. He should be able to fight against a powerhouse like Roger in a short period of time.

Now that he had eaten Monster Cells, he became even more powerful. An intense power was emitted from his body. He felt like he was nearly at his 100% state even though this was his normal state. He didn't get that much stronger, but he was actually one of the strongest people in this world now.

Even though he could already handle his 100% mode for a long time, he couldn't fight that long in his 100% of 100% mode.

Now that he had eaten Monster Cells, he was confident that he could fight in his strongest state for more than half a day!

Compared to the time when he would die when he used 120% mode, he had undoubtedly grown so much since then. At the moment, Toguro, who had just finished his monster transformation, underwent physical changes again.

His dark back suddenly split open at this moment. A pair of pitch-black demonic wings appeared behind him. Toguro shouted in a low voice, and dark flames surged out from his body. The flames seemed to have descended from the depths of hell , giving off menacing aura.

A demon that ate Monster Cells! The fusion of the two life forms made Toguro even more monstrous. The dark flame was an ability he got after his transformation. At this point, no one would've imagined that he was Toguro.

Since the Marine had sent out so many soldiers this time, it would not be fair if Genichi only sent those psychic mutants? Even with Drago, it was still not enough. And now, the overall combat strength of the Demon side was finally in line with his expectations.

And the last thing he was wait until he had enough Negative Emotion Points for the ten million-worth character card. He was really looking forward to it. He did not know what kind of character he would get, but he hoped he could get a strong one.

"Moreover, a ten million-worth character card seemed to be able to contain powers from three different universe at the same time without any rejection reaction."

After receiving the power from E.S.P Training Box, Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments, and Monster Cells, Drago already had already shown rejection reaction. However, Toguro did not show such a reaction.

In other words, that was difference between them. 100,000-worth character cards could only contain three kinds of power, while a million-worth character card could contain maybe four or five powers?

Then again, the 100,000-worth character cards and 1,000,000-worth character cards weren't that much different, because both still couldn't bypass this world's limitation. Everyone could become stronger even if they were not talented enough as Genichi could use some methods to boost their strength, for example, Monster Cells.

So as long as Genichi had time, they would become strong enough sooner or later, so he had Sing and Kenshin undergo training. Even though their initial compat strength was not high, they would definitly become stronger later.

However, the difference was bound to be seen. Although everyone could become stronger, the stronger the character was, the more options Genichi would have because the 100,000 level could only contain the power from three different Universes, while one million-worth character could used four or five, And the tens of millions-worth character should be able to contain more.

That was why he was looking forward to the tens of millions-worth character card he'd draw soon. Maybe that character could bypass the limit of this world. Even if they couldn't, it should not be a problem to become the strongest in this world.

This world's limit was very high, but if that limit went higher, wouldn't the characters that could bypass this world's limit be more powerful?,If that were the case, it certainly would be very good for the 100 million-worth character card he would draw.

Genichi was looking forward to it as he controlled Toguro to revert to his black armor form. After the dark flame and demon wings disappeared, he rushed to the direction of the Pig Cage Town.

Those gangsters were naturally controlled by Makima. The reason he controlled them was to stall Garp. But now, they were useless because Genichi was taking matters into his own hand.

Toguro could also teleport. Moreover, he had abundant energy. He had the highest physical strength among all of Genichi's characters. It did not take long for him to reach the Pig Cage Town.

In front of the village surrounded by mountains, Toguro, appeared as the new monster.