
"Admiral Sengoku ordered us to stand by on this town."

Pig Cage Town was now reduced to a pile of debris. The black flames seemed to burn for eternity. In addition to burning anything in its way, it also corroded anything it touched.

The black flame didn't just whittle away the houses and buildings, but even the ground, the mountains, and even the clouds in the sky!

A team of Marine soldiers came to such a place.

Sing wanted to press onward, but he was stopped by Vice Admiral Saul. He said to Sing, "I can't let you keep going."

"Let me go, I am not a Marine, I don't have to listen to your orders!"

Sing wanted to force his way through, but he was seriously injured, and Saul was a giant, so it was difficult to break free from Saul's grasp.

This place was very hot and dark, and the Marines didn't want to stay here for long.

But since they were soldiers, they had to obey orders. And enduring this temperature was clearly much easier compared to the battle that Sengoku partook in!

They could feel the rumbling from the battle even from here when a bright light suddenly came from that direction. It was Sengoku's Golden Buddha form!

The Marine soldiers were excited. For them, an Admiral was the goal they strived to become.

Although they could not see the Admiral's battle with their own eyes, he could clearly feel the overwhelming power even from this distance.

As the light got brighter, the scorching black flame suddenly rose up in the distant sky, as if it had engulfed a quarter of the sky.

At this moment, a heavy pressure pressed upon them. The fear they felt made them question whether that place was really safe or not!

The moment the two forces collided, it seemed to set off a shockwave, and in the next moment, something incredible happened.

A golden light that shot straight into the sky suddenly burst out from the ruins of Pig Cage Town!

That golden light gave off a divine vibe, just like the light that Sengoku released before. The moment this golden light appeared, the surrounding air suddenly became cold, as if the temperature had dropped by more than ten degrees.

This place that was scorching hot because of the black flame became so cold!

The seemingly inextinguishable black flames were the first to bear the brunt. Ice crystals began to envelop the black flame, freezing them all!

And in the next moment, they were frozen as well. Even Vice Admiral Saul's body became extremely stiff. A layer of ice covered his body, making the giant unable to move.

In the next moment, endless ice and snow rained down, following Shaji's arrival. At this moment, he wasn't holding his ice swords. 

He stood in front of the golden light and stretched out a finger. Then, a crystal fragment fell from the sky.

Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment!

Saul was shocked. He desperately wanted to break free from the ice, but he could not resist this power that far exceeded his own. This cold even pierced through his body, as if trying to freeze his heart and stop it from beating!

In an instant, Shaji, who was holding Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment, appeared in front of him.

"Tell Sengoku and Garp that this Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment is in my possession. If they want this fragment, tell them to go to the place where they run into me." Shaji said indifferently.

"At the very least, we have a common enemy. It seems Zero has found a certain person. Once he materializes in this world according to their plan, both you and I are doomed to fail."

Saul could not respond, and Shaji did not need him to respond. He just turned around and whispered,

"The wind of the sword does not leave anything uncut, even the shadow..."

With one step, he was already far away, and at this time, the sky in the distance had been swallowed by the black flames...

Someone was about to come!

However, in just an instant, half of the sky covered in the bottomless darkness was suddenly replaced with snow. The two forces of extreme cold and extreme heat collided with each other, causing the impact to spread out even further.

Just like the border city in the north that was now covered in snow. This originally barren land of mountains was divided in snow and black flame.

In the blink of an eye, the terrain was permanently changed by the sudden collision. The area around Pig Cage Town was covered in snow, while the area near Sengoku and Garp was covered in black flames.

Then after this collision, there was no other movement. And the previous collision caused a huge vortex to appear in the air. There was no figure in the vortex, only the bewildered Marine soldiers.

Tunfo and Shaji left...

So when Sengoku and Garp came to what used to be Pig Cage Town, the Marine soldiers were already frozen, only Vice Admiral Saul resisted the cold.

"I didn't expect they would fall victim to Drago."

Garp couldn't help but say after hearing about what happened here,

"But Shaji is right. We have a common enemy now."

"Compared to Drago, the demon believers on this island are more terrifying. They have been operating in the dark for god knows how long. They are much more dangerous than Drago, who only has Shaji's help."

"What's more, they want to revive two Demon Lords. One of them is so close to achieve their wish, and we can not let them succeed. So, what's in it for us if we work with Drago?"

Sengoku did not care about justice or evil as long as he had something to gain, and that was how the World Government always been.