Demon Vessel Bullet

"What... is that!"

Bullet was meditating at the top of a mountain above the mutant's underground base. At this moment, he was in his monster form. His appearance was so menacing that people would shudder at the sight of him.

At this moment, he was trying his best to control his emotions and tell himself not to be consumed by the demon. That was why he decided to enter his monster form. It was all to conquer his own fear with his own willpower.

However, at this moment, he could not shake off the fear that welled up from the depths of his heart, a fear that made it hard for people to breathe!

What the hell was that?

The dark clouds in the sky were so thick that it seemed like the ink that was about to drip. An even deeper darkness suddenly emerged after the previous darkness slowly disappeared. He could feel that the source of all darkness came from the underground base beneath him.

Just what on earth was in there?

Bullet was deeply fascinated by this power, but at the same time, indescribable fear also overwhelmed him. He already stepped foot into the battlefield when he was very young, but he didn't feel the slightest fear at that time.

However, after witnessing the fierce battle between Tunfo, Shaji, Garp, and Sengoku, he actually felt fear?

"... " Bullet felt a little uneasy from the pressure, and even the demonic conscience in his body seemed to become more rampant. Even though he had the demon inside him under control a moment ago, the demon in his body suddenly overwhelmed him at this moment.

The demon crawled out from the mountain of corpses called out to him...

Bullet took a deep breath and walked down from the mountain to the entrance of the underground base.

No. 3 was there. Although all of those Demon Followers looked exactly identical, there was actually a number engraved in some parts of their bodies.

"What happened?" Bullet asked directly

"Don't worry, you will know soon." No. 3 said expressionlessly. He seemed to be waiting for Bullet there.

"Soon?" Bullet frowned.

"Aren't you curious about what lies in the center secret chamber? He is waiting for you inside."

"Your master?" Bullet sneered. He knew that the final test had come.

In the past few months, he had been curious about what was in the center room. Unfortunately, he had not managed to enter that chamber until now.

The security for that room was so tight that it was frightening. Skilled combatants like No. 3 were everywhere. Although he might be stronger than No. 3 now, it was impossible for him to face so many people.

It was a little difficult to fight one, let alone two. Moreover, he had already seen dozens of them. However, he had never seen No. 1 and No. 2. Would they be stronger than No. 3?

They called him No. 0, but in his case, it didn't actually mean that he was stronger than the rest of the Demon Followers, it was simply because he would be a good vessel for the Demon Lord!

All of his hard work and talent would only be taken away by the demons one day, now was that time!

However, he clearly did not want to sacrifice his body just like that!

"Yes, we have dedicated our body and soul to our master, and now is the most ideal time for him to return to this world." No. 3 replied Bullet's question indifferently.

"Without the right Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment, it will be very difficult to open that door to hell. You should be honored for this opportunity."

"Is that so? I have to thank you all then. You have indeed made me stronger nonetheless." Bullet sneered.

Then, would he keep getting stronger, or...

Would he become someone else entirely?

He wasn't sure, but he didn't really hate this feeling. Wasn't this also a way to become stronger? So, he had to bet his life on it!

"Don't worry, you won't die."

He followed No. 3 all the way to the center room. He did not say another word, but he was thinking about various things when he suddenly heard another voice.

Bullet looked up and noticed that the voice belonged to Tunfo, who was leaning against the wal behind him. Tunfo then said, "Right now, you will become the real Zero. It's not so easy to break free from the shackles of hell. The stronger the demon, the more they will be suppressed by hell."

"That Darkin Blade will only turn you into a Darkin at most."

No. 3 said as he glanced at Bullet. Bullet did not say anything, because they were already at the door.

No. 3 opened the door and walked in.

Bullet also walked in. The moment he entered the door, he nodded at Tunfo who was leaning against the wall beside the door. "Thank you, but I know I won't die even if you don't tell me."

He wouldn't die before he met that woman!

He didn't know why, but Makima's power wasn't as scary as the darkness released by the demon in the room in front of him. It wasn't even as powerful as Tunfo's when he fought Garp. However, for some reason, he just thought that Makima was stronger!

Therefore, he would never die before seeing Makima person, even if what he had to face next was... 

A more powerful creature than Tunfo!

However, this firm belief seemed to be crushed in the next second, because he finally saw the creature in this mysterious center room!

Bullet was overwhelmed as he looked at the sword that was inserted into a huge altar. It was as if the monstrous demon would devour him if he took another step.

What power, what a dominance, what a terrifying killing intent...

How many people had this sword killed to build such a terrifying power?

Cold sweat dripped from Bullet's forehead. Upon a closer look, he noticed that there was a small box in front of the sword. Although the box looked different from a normal box, it did not seem to be that special.

But since it was placed in such an important room and in front of the sword on top of it, there must be something more to this box!

"Is this the place you want to protect?"

He finally entered the room that he could not enter whatsoever in the past few days. He could not help but feel like he was in a dream. However, after entering the room, all the mystery in the room disappeared, because this wasn't a dream.

"Tunfo is right."

"For now, you do have a chance to survive, at least for now," No. 3 said.

"He said he wanted to turn me into a Darkin. What is that?" Instead of asking his chance to survive, that was Bullet what he asked.

"Is he going to turn me into a better vessel?"