The Terminator Arrives

The moment the black flame sword struck the ground. Immediately, black lines began to spread from that place. In the blink of an eye, a huge magic circle was formed in a radius of several kilometers.

The complex lines were engraved on the ground, and at this time, the pressure on Garp and the others suddenly lessened.

However, in the next moment, an even more overwhelming force descended.

They narrowed their eyes, only to see the dozens of the three-eyed Demon Followers suddenly put their hands together, with the black flame sword as the.


Sengoku shouted. Although this sudden pressure was heavy, it didn't prevent them from moving like the Demon Followers' telekinesis.

Unlike the Telekinesis, this pressure was on their mind, not their body.

Therefore, Sengoku was still able to use his Devil Fruit Ability. In the clutch moment, he subconsciously used Buddhist Palm that he had been studying for a few months. The huge Golden Buddha Body thrust his palm and discharged a devastating damage.

This was the first time he used Buddhist Palm so smoothly. Sengoku also imbued his thrust with Haki, making it even more powerful.

However, at this time, Tunfo had already thrown away the black flame sword in his hand into the center of the magic circle. He also discharged the black flame to shield himself from Sengoku's attack.

The devastating impact knocked Tunfo back, while Shaji tried to freeze the black flame sword with his Snow-Snow Fruit ability. Garp also rushed over and prepared to disperse the black flame.

At this moment, they all noticed the horror of the black flame sword, it was even more terrifying than Tunfo!


However, just as Garp was about to threw a punch, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. Garp was startled and noticed that the black shadow also threw a punch, colliding with Garp's punch.

Both of their Haki were raging. This newly appeared person' strength was somewhat beyond Garp's expectations. His punch actually knocked Garp back!


After Garp regained his balance, he saw the figure and asked suspiciously,

That was right. Although he had changed drastically, Garp could still vaguely see Bullet's feature... 

But how was that possible?

He had encountered Bullet not long ago, and although Bullet was not weak at that time, he certainly was nowhere near Garp's level.

However, the current Bullet could actually push him back?

Although Garp was taken off-guard, it was already very amazing. After all, Garp was currently in Nine-Tails mode. There were only a handful of people who could push him back in this state.

However, no matter how much he refused to believe it, the person in front of him now was really Bullet. In just a few months, Bullet had already grown to this extent.

With both Monster Cells and Aatrox's magic, Bullet was already close to becoming a true powerhouse in this world. However, he knew that it was a trial.

The sword had transformed his body and fuelled him with bottomless desire. It was time to release that desire at this time.

He had to hold the sword, but once he held the sword, his body would be taken over by the demon inside the sword.

His only way to survive now was to let others defeat him after holding the sword and seal the sword again!

"Your era is coming to an end."

"Look carefully... she is already here." Bullet said in a low voice.

The moment his voice fell, the black flame sword suddenly changed.

Black flames soared into the sky, as if they were connected to the dark sky. The flames kept getting bigger and bigger, faintly transforming into a giant demon!

The demon seemed to look down upon everything in this world. All sort of negative emotions filled the atmosphere, making it hard for everyone to breathe.

Then, in the center of the magic circle, a huge devil sword appeared.

Bullet stood at the side. He looked at the people around him and said coldly, "Do your best to defeat me. Otherwise, this world will be destroyed."

Now, he had been completely transformed by Aatrox's magic. His body had basically reached the limit, but he could at least withstand Aatrox's power for some time.

Darkin Blade Aatrox had boundless strength, but not many people could withstand it. They would ultimately be crushed to death by Aatrox's strength regardless of how strong the human that became Aatrox's vessel was.

Aatrox had used magic to modify Bullet's body so that Bullet could last longer, and now it was time for Aatrox to truly materialize in this world!

"Don't even think about it!"

Garp, Sengoku, Shaji and Sing all sensed danger at this moment. At this moment, they attacked Bullet almost at the same time.

"It's useless. It's already too late..."

Tunfo had already returned as well before anyone realizing. His body was completely intact, and when he saw this scene, he even whispered,

"No one can change fate."


Even faster than them, Bullet held the huge devil sword in his hand.

The last time he touched it was not long ago. At that time, Bullet was already prepared, and now as he expected... 

He immediately felt the demon's consciousness in his head. In his inner world, a huge demon face appeared from the dark clouds in the sky. It immediately swept through the clouds and opened its mouth, devouring him.

Bullet couldn't even resist before being swallowed by the huge mouth. Then, he only felt that he was falling all the time.

The demonic laughter rang out in his ears. His voice was mixed with countless resentments and anger, as if he wanted his anger to burn through the entire world, turning his resentment into a creature that bathed everything in blood!

Although he already knew that this was a demon, it was only at this moment that Bullet truly realized what kind of demon he had set free.

Even a person like Bullet felt bad for setting free this harbinger of destruction...

This world might be destroyed!

Even Garp and the others could not stop this monster, no one could!

Bullet originally thought that with Garp, Sengoku, and Shaji working together, no demon could stand in their way, so he wanted to borrow their strength to defeat this demon and free his body.


He was wrong!