The Entrance of Hell


Garp did not pay much attention to this name, but the sensitive Dragon and Tsuru knew what this name represented.

Nefertari Cobra was the Prince of Alabasta. Although he was only in his teens, he was very kind to commoners and was loved by many people. The next king would be him.

And now, he was also in this oasis?

Was it a private visit?

He felt that it should not be because the surrounding defense was very tight, and it did not seem like a normal walk.

Garp, on the other hand, did not notice it. He said to Igaram rather aggressively, "Look, Your Highness said that we can come in."

"Damn it..." Igaram gritted his teeth. The young him seemed to be unable to stand Garp, but Cobra had already given the order, so he could only obey.

"Well, the Marine is an important force to maintain the law and order of the sea. There is no reason to stop them here, right?" Cobra and Igaram were also childhood playmates. He patted him on the shoulder and said to Garp,

"Everyone can enter, but please do not go to the central pyramid."


Garp looked up and noticed that there was a pyramid in the oasis. Because of the distance, he could only see the tip of the pyramid.

There was a pyramid in the oasis?

Why did it feel strange?

Garp frowned and said directly, "We are only here to replenish our supplies. Of course, if it involves our mission, I don't think I can agree to your conditions."

"Mission?" Cobra said doubtfully,

"A mission involving demons."

"Then just come in. Nefertari won't have anything to do with the demons." After Cobra finished speaking, he turned to Igaram and said, "Don't seal Yuba. It is the freedom of the people to go in and out. If it is not a dangerous area, then we have no right to restrict their activity area."


Igaram seemed to want to say something, but in the end, he could not say it. He followed Cobra and left quickly.

There were also the surrounding guards who quickly disappeared from the sight of the Marine.

Speaking of which, these guards were quite ordinary. It was estimated that any one of the Marine brought by Garp could pick up a group of them, but within the scope of order, strength was not useful.

Strength was the way of thinking in a place without order, and the Marine was coincidentally the protector of order, even the general had to listen to the orders of some weak chickens and Celestial Dragons.

Only Garp didn't care much about these things, but after all, he was a Marine, so he would still listen to the orders of the world government.


Using the world government's orders to suppress the United States seemed good.

"It feels a bit strange." At this time, Tsuru walked to the side of Garp and said in a deep voice,

"They seem to value the pyramid very much."

"Maybe it is a symbol. That Cobra doesn't look like someone who will collude with the demons, nor does he look like someone who wants to use Altar of Ascension's power." Garp strode forward, followed by the Marines.

Indeed, from the simple words of Cobra, it could be seen that he didn't seem like someone who would be addicted to power. Moreover, Altar of Ascension wasn't in the shape of a pyramid. Even if there was something mysterious about the pyramid, it was their own matter.

Only if it didn't involve Altar of Ascension, Garp and the others didn't want to involve themselves in the power struggle, that would be too troublesome.

And at the same time they entered Judba, on the river in the south, another ship docked.

On the other side, Thor and Rayleigh had already met up with Roger Pirates.

At this moment, No. 1 had returned, and they had also left the small island from the beginning. After a period of cultivation, they were ready to find a way to deal with Aatrox.

And above the sea, they saw Thor and Rayleigh's boat.


Roger, who was originally leaning on the railing and looking ahead with some boredom, suddenly saw a familiar figure standing on a boat in the distance. He was so excited that he almost directly opened Color of Observation Haki, and immediately knew that it was Rayleigh!

He was actually released from Black Order?

Roger had contact with Black Order before and wanted them to release Rayleigh, but Makima did not respond to them at that time. Roger thought that he would not be able to see Rayleigh in a short period of time.

But now, Rayleigh actually came out directly?

In the next moment, a person standing next to Rayleigh flew up with Rayleigh. The person was like lightning, bringing Rayleigh to their ship.

Roger's voice just now made the whole group rushed over. When they saw Rayleigh coming back, they were also very excited.

"Well, let's catch up later."

Seeing that everyone was very excited, Thor said, "The reason why we let Rayleigh out was to deal with Aatrox. Marshal Makima trusted your Roger Pirates."

His words made people gradually calm down. After looking at Rayleigh, Roger said to Thor, "Of course, I didn't expect that Black Order would trust me so much."

They actually released Rayleigh without even communicating with them. They were really confident that they would deal with Aatrox.

However, their confidence was also correct, because he would definitely deal with Aatrox.

"Then let's talk about it now. What exactly is Makima's plan?"

Rayleigh also said to Thor,

He had already asked this question before, but Thor said that he had to wait until everyone was gathered.

Everyone's eyes were on Thor, but Thor was not nervous. Instead, he said calmly,

"Because Aatrox is not a true Demon Lord, the pressure of hell is not big for him. It is so easy to leave hell. And because he has already come to the modern world, even if he is sent back to hell, he can return here through some specific rituals."

Thor said in a low voice, "We are only partners in this incident, so I will say it directly. If you want to deal with Aatrox, you must seal it at the entrance of hell."

"The entrance to hell?" Roger frowned.

"That's right, that is the crack between hell and the modern world. The believers of the Demon can transmit their call and corresponding ritual to hell, and then summon Aatrox again. However, the entrance to hell is the crack between two worlds. No matter whether it is the modern world or the hell, it can not be transmitted there!"

"As long as Aatrox is sealed in it, then the disaster can be ended!" Thor said.