Navy, Pirates and Black Order Gather

Zefa did not arrive because with the Blackbeard Pirates and the Marines mobilizing, some forces had to be left behind in Mariejois. Zefa and Kū could only stay at the headquarters.

The same applied to Sengoku; with the Blackbeard Pirates' admiral and Raijin in action, they needed an admiral to stay behind. Besides, Sengoku had to undergo psychic training, and until the training was complete, he couldn't leave for an extended period.

This was true for admirals, and even more so for fleet admirals.

After becoming a fleet admiral, many things became obligatory. While as an admiral, you had some freedom and flexibility, being a fleet admiral meant carrying the heavy pressure, making it difficult to leave the headquarters for long periods.

For instance, if it weren't for dealing with Aatrox, even Machi Machi wouldn't easily leave the Blackbeard Pirates' headquarters. It was part of the responsibilities.

At the downstream of the Saint-Doré River, watching the arrival of the Marine fleet, Boa Hancock also felt a bit sentimental. When did the World Government need to mobilize such a large force all at once?

In the past, the Marines were already the rulers of the sea. No matter how formidable the pirates were, upon hearing the name of the Marines, they would run away. However, now the Marines had fallen to the point of joining forces with another faction and even had to rely on the power of pirates. It was truly absurd.

"Vice Admiral Hancock."

After the fleet reached the shore, Marines ran out, and Admiral Aokiji walked to Hancock's front.

Rank-wise, Aokiji was an admiral, while Hancock was a vice admiral. Aokiji's rank was higher than Hancock's.

However, Vice Admiral Hancock was a contemporary of Karp, Sengoku, and Zefa. So, Aokiji respected her.

"Where are the Blackbeard Pirates?" Hancock glanced behind Aokiji and didn't see the Blackbeard Pirates. She couldn't help but ask.

"The Roger Pirates have also arrived. I was afraid they might do their pirate duties during the chaos, so I asked the Blackbeard Pirates to monitor them."

Aokiji said.

Pirate duties meant looting, killing, and plundering.

Pirates, after all, had to be guarded against.

However, now that it was a cooperative relationship, defense was necessary, but letting the Marines handle it would be too sensitive. The Blackbeard Pirates didn't have this problem. After all, this collaboration was initiated by them.

Although Aokiji was young, he was meticulous and considerate. It was indeed a good choice to hand over the position of Fleet Admiral to him.

Hancock nodded in her heart. Marine admirals couldn't rely on strength alone.

After Aokiji finished speaking, he shouted to the Marines brought along, "Assist the army of the Alabasta Kingdom in evacuating civilians! For those who want to leave, use the warships to take them to other islands!"

Facing Aatrox, numerical advantage was useless. So, when he brought these Marines, it wasn't initially to deal with Aatrox. It was merely a prelude to clear the battlefield.

Aokiji's orders were passed down, and the Marines began to act. Among them, there were even some vice admirals.

However, these vice admirals were different from Hancock and Karp, and certainly incomparable to the vice admiral like Karp, who had chased the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Doflamingo, all the way. It wasn't something ordinary vice admirals could compare to.

"Let's go to Juba first. Karp is still waiting there."

After only Hancock and Aokiji remained, Hancock led Aokiji towards Juba. At the same time, she said, "Is Machi Machi also on the pirate side?"

Regarding Machi Machi, their old friends had similar views. What Karp, Sengoku, and Zefa had thought in the beginning, they still thought the same way. So, Hancock was somewhat cautious of her.

"No, she said she was going to the pyramid to communicate with the descendants of the Shinigami, so she left halfway here."

"...," Hancock frowned. This Machi Machi disappeared mysteriously again, just like she did in the Jartzburg Kingdom.

Back then, in the Jartzburg Kingdom, even though Machi Machi had arrived early, she only made a move at the end, resulting in heavy casualties among the frontliners.

Although she did indeed reverse the situation, repelling Aatrox, her approach still left a sense of unease.

And now it's the same...

This gave a bad premonition.

However, if she could bring good results, then they could only accept it.

Hancock and Aokiji quickly rushed towards Juba.

Behind them, after the Marine fleet arrived, Roger's pirate ship also docked nearby.

"Follow behind the Marine admiral all the way, making it look like we are chasing after the Marines."

Jaba leaned on the railing, speaking somewhat recklessly. "After sailing for so many years, it's the first time we've had such an experience!"

"Gulululula..." Whitebeard also laughed. "Cooperating with the Marines is something pirates shouldn't do!"

On this ship were Jaba, Rayleigh, Whitebeard, and Raijin. Although there were only four people, if these four joined forces, they would be the strongest pirate crew on the seas.

Raijin had been on this ship from the beginning. However, to avoid suspicion, he went to the Marine ship when they were close to Alabasta, and then returned when they were near.

Raijin connected the World Government with the pirates. Looking at the backs of Hancock and Aokiji, he said in a deep voice, "Well, let's follow along as well, prepare in advance at the decisive battle location."

"What about Roger's side... I wonder how it's going."

Rayleigh looked at the sea with some concern.

It wasn't a short time from Dressrosa to Alabasta. To lure Aatrox from this place to Alabasta was an extremely difficult task, even with the teleportation ability of Nameless.

Probably, it wasn't that simple even with this power.

"If Roger can't do it, then there's no one in this world who can." Jaba said, "You don't know how strong Roger is now. He will definitely be able to do it!"

Rayleigh indeed hadn't seen Roger's current strength, as he had been confined to Impel Down during this time.

Although he had heard about the changes in Roger's body and knew he had eaten a Devil Fruit, he had only heard about it, and the strength of Aatrox was witnessed by him personally. So, he didn't have much real sense of Roger's strength.