Seal Aatrox!

At this moment, Roger was almost motionless, but with the sound of Machvise's voice in his ears, his nearly disabled arm suddenly moved.

Aatrox was about to engulf Roger, just a bit more, and the crimson flesh had even squirmed close to Roger. However, at this moment, Roger's body moved involuntarily, just in that instant, the blade flashed by.

Comparable to the peak strike Roger unleashed in his peak state, the green pyramid enhanced his Haki, and with a squelching sound, it sliced through all the approaching flesh. The surging force even formed a huge crescent, directly cutting off Aatrox' right hand holding the giant sword!


Aatrox was shocked, but this shock couldn't last because when the sword lost its connection with the flesh, Aatrox was completely cut off from influencing the outside world.

Equally shocked was Roger, who couldn't believe his sudden sword strike. Immediately after, a strong backlash hit him. Already close to shock, overexerting his power caused him intense pain.

Roger and Aatrox, along with the sword, fell from the sky. Or rather, one person, one sword, and numerous flesh chunks. The sky seemed to rain crimson blood, and within the blood rain, the two strongest beings in the world were present.

At this moment, Rayleigh and others had finally arrived. Assisted by the Dragon's tempest, they were faster with the wind at their backs. In their arrival, they witnessed Roger and Aatrox descending simultaneously.

Machvise abruptly appeared in front of everyone. She made another strange gesture and, the next moment, the green pyramid separated from Roger's body.

This powerful item, called the 'Key to Hell' by Aatrox, was what allowed Roger to truly fight against Aatrox. Now separated from Roger, it caused Roger's body to convulse.

He was already supporting himself with the Four Soul Jade Fragments in his body. Losing one pyramid diminished his healing ability considerably.

Machvise wanted this green pyramid?

Behind her, Rayleigh and others shrank at this scene. They vaguely felt that perhaps this 'Key to Hell' was Machvise's true goal. Everything about dealing with Aatrox and luring Roger here might all be excuses for her to obtain this Key to Hell.

Although they were still in an alliance at the moment, they couldn't help but harbor suspicious thoughts. Maybe Machvise didn't do all this for Aatrox; they might have been manipulated?

Whether they were pirates or the Marines, this thought occurred in their minds.

However, as they pondered what to do next, a pyramid suddenly appeared in the parting sea? It was the pyramid that was previously in Juba. But how could it suddenly appear here?

Of course, it was due to the instant movement ability of the Superpower Training Box!

This teleportation ability wasn't exclusive to self-movement. Within the pyramid were countless homies created by Machvise. Using instant movement to arrive in the sea was indeed possible.

The moment the real pyramid appeared, the 'Key to Hell' separated from Roger and ended up in the hands of a man.

He was handsome, with long hair and shallow purple eyes.

It was Sosuke Aizen!

The pirates didn't know him, but Dragon did.

At this moment, Aizen stood in the air, and countless pink cherry blossoms fluttered, wrapping around the green pyramid.

He glanced at Machvise in the end, and she looked back at him. The two didn't say a word.

Machvise, with her hands behind her back, suddenly laughed lightly and disappeared again the next moment.

This time, she didn't reappear anywhere.

Aizen looked at the departing Machvise and still didn't say anything.

The next moment, the demonic sword transformed by Roger and Aatrox descended. However, Aizen made a surprising move. He...

Actually reached out and grabbed Aatrox' demonic sword?!

Is he crazy?!

Doesn't he know that grabbing that demonic sword will let Aatrox seize control of him?

They had just managed to defeat Aatrox, and now Aizen was going to resurrect him?

However, in the next moment, Aizen showed no signs of change.

He held the giant demonic sword, and the whole person suddenly disappeared. The rapid disappearance made everyone present unable to see clearly. At the same time, the separated pyramid in the sea vanished too.

All of this happened in an extremely short time, so short that they couldn't understand what had happened?!

Roger successfully 'killed' Aatrox, Machvise appeared to seize the Key to Hell, and Aizen appeared to protect it. Yet, when he held Aatrox' demonic sword and disappeared with the pyramid, everyone...

Was he out of his mind?!

Doesn't he know that grabbing that demonic sword will let Aatrox seize control of him?

They had just managed to defeat Aatrox, and now Aizen was going to resurrect him?

However, in the next moment, Aizen showed no signs of change.

He held the giant demonic sword, and the whole person suddenly disappeared. The rapid disappearance made everyone present unable to see clearly. At the same time, the separated pyramid in the sea vanished too.

All of this happened in an extremely short time, so short that they couldn't understand what had happened?!

Roger successfully 'killed' Aatrox, Machvise appeared to seize the Key to Hell, and Aizen appeared to protect it. Yet, when he held Aatrox' demonic sword and disappeared with the pyramid, everyone was...

Doesn't he know that grabbing that demonic sword will let Aatrox seize control of him?

They had just managed to defeat Aatrox, and now Aizen was going to resurrect him?

However, in the next moment, Aizen showed no signs of change.

He held the giant demonic sword, and the whole person suddenly disappeared. The rapid disappearance made everyone present unable to see clearly. At the same time, the separated pyramid in the sea vanished too.

All of this happened in an extremely short time, so short that they couldn't understand what had happened?!

Roger successfully 'killed' Aatrox, Machvise appeared to seize the Key to Hell, and Aizen appeared to protect it. Yet, when he held Aatrox' demonic sword and disappeared with the pyramid, everyone was...

The shock of fighting Aatrox infected all of them during the battle!