Roger and An, Agents of Death

Life in the present world... has already ended?

Roger's body tightened slightly. In other words...

Was he killed by Aatrox?

"People killed by demons will fall into hell, and their souls cannot be freed. It's like the appearance of those 'Hollows' you saw before. They are erased of their hearts within the Hollow Circle, only able to survive with a chaotic demeanor, carrying sins until their consciousness is completely erased, leaving only the instincts of the body," Byakuya Kuchiki explained calmly.

Hollows and the Hollow Circle... Is this the Hollow Circle?

Roger glanced around, then suddenly smiled, "So, if I can keep my heart?"

"You do have such an opportunity," Byakuya Kuchiki said. "Because before you were killed by the demon, there was a key to hell in your body. That's why you can directly come to the Hollow Circle. Otherwise, you would have come here after turning into a Hollow."

"What opportunity?" Roger asked. He knew that Byakuya Kuchiki didn't suddenly appear just to witness him turning into a Hollow.

"The Hollow Circle is a rather special place in hell. I can take you out of hell," Byakuya Kuchiki said calmly. "But at the same time, you need to become an unknown 'Shinigami Substitute.'"

"Shinigami Substitute? What's that?"

"Performing the duties of a Shinigami in the living world, purifying demons leaving hell." Byakuya Kuchiki produced a white pentagonal metal with a black skull on it. "This is the Shinigami Substitute License. With it, you can manifest the 'Shinigami' within you."

He threw the substitute license to Roger, who quickly caught it. There seemed to be a special power within...

"...How do I use this thing?" Roger asked.

As for whether he would agree to Byakuya Kuchiki's words, it was already quite obvious. Becoming a Shinigami Substitute to purify demons seemed like a good job. Although he didn't like being restrained, if it was something he enjoyed doing, it was different.

"You have been contaminated by Aatrox' power. Use it to separate the demon in your heart and attempt to create your 'substitute,'" Byakuya Kuchiki instructed. Following his guidance, Roger attempted to activate the ability of the Devil Fruit. When the substitute license entered his body, it seemed to resonate with a certain power within him. Suddenly, he felt a pain.

His body swelled, and he fell to the ground, using his hands to support himself on the sand. It seemed like his body was splitting apart. In the end, the swollen flesh separated and gradually transformed into a...


The woman was naked, with short blue hair. At this moment, she was catching her breath with both hands supporting the ground.


!" Roger, standing on the side, exclaimed loudly. "What's going on?!"

His exclamation caught the attention of the woman who had just split from him. She glanced at Roger and said, "What's with the fuss? I'm you..."

"Don't joke around!

!" Roger stepped back several steps, and he suddenly blushed when he saw the naked woman, realizing there was indeed a special connection between them.

It felt like...

They were the same person!

"She is another you, split out by the Shinigami Substitute License," Byakuya Kuchiki's voice entered their minds at this time. "She represents the part of you belonging to Aatrox and has fused with other parts of your strength. She is your Shinigami Substitute, remember, you must not let others know your relationship with her."

"How... can this be happening!?" Roger looked at the woman in astonishment. Then, turning to Byakuya Kuchiki, he said, "Hey, don't look over here!"

Indeed, the woman was his substitute, and Roger could feel this connection. He even had the potential to control her life and death.

So, seeing her naked made Roger feel a sense of shame, and he didn't want Byakuya to look here.

Thinking about it, he quickly took off his own coat and threw it to her.

"Hey, do you have a name?"

"An." The woman took the coat Roger threw, casually draped it over herself, and slowly stood up. Then, she said to Roger, "Originally, you were me, so what's your name?"

"Gol D. Roger!" Roger replied.


Roger thought about the name and found it quite good.

He stood in front of An and said to Byakuya Kuchiki, "So, An just needs to become a Shinigami Substitute to purify demons? I don't need to do anything?"

Byakuya Kuchiki glanced at him, and his body gradually turned into cherry blossoms, leaving only the last sentence.

"Go find the 'Master's' flaw; she is your biggest enemy."

After saying this, the world changed again into a vast white desert.

"Wait, what exactly is the Master?!" Roger shouted loudly before Byakuya Kuchiki completely disappeared.

There was destined to be no one to respond to him...

But he knew who the Master was.

The Marshal of the Black Organization, Machvise!

During the battle with Aatrox, the Demon Lord had mentioned these two words. Whether it was the Demon Lord or the descendant of the Shinigami, they seemed to be concerned about the Master, who was Machvise. Who exactly is she?

"This is not a question you should be thinking about now."

At this moment, An behind Roger spoke, "You are just a pirate, and I am a Shinigami Substitute. This is the question I should be thinking about."

"..." Roger turned around somewhat awkwardly. Although An had put on the coat, it couldn't completely cover her body.

An was about 5'7" tall, with a great figure. She now had only Roger's coat on her body, not much different from before.

Roger quickly said, "It's troublesome. I'll get you some clothes!"

After saying that, he wanted to take off his clothes, but An looked at him strangely and said, "What are you doing? We were originally the same person, are you shy to face yourself?"

"That's not the point!" Roger still wanted to say something, but An spoke again.

"If you care so much, then prepare some clothes for me later. Remember not to let others see me."

Roger was contemplating An's words, but in the next moment, everything spun, and the whole world seemed to distort. The white desert of the Hollow Circle and the black sky seemed to merge into one.



Roger suddenly woke up in bed, his eyes widened, and he wanted to sit up, but a severe pain in his body made him grimace, and he couldn't move.


Seeing him wake up, Rayleigh next to him instantly became excited. In this house, there were all the crew members of Roger's pirate crew!