
The remnants of Kaido contained extremely powerful dark energy. If directly implanted into someone else's body, it would merge the dark energy with the person, causing their soul to be tainted and corrupted by darkness.

However, this kind of dark energy would also merge with the person, awakening what kind of power depends on the person's aptitude.

If it's the seed of Kaido, it would directly turn the person into Kaido.

But the remnants of Kaido could only play a role in darkening and amplifying.

That's why Toguro had been observing Mitsurugi Otada here, wanting to see what resonance Mitsurugi could have with the remnants of Kaido.

And now Mitsurugi Otada had pierced Jin'eimon's body with a black blade. However, Jin'eimon didn't die; instead, something black and viscous, like porridge, kept entering Jin'eimon's body.

A black energy emanated from Jin'eimon's body, and his expression became comfortable. He only felt a huge power entering his body.

At the same time, black tentacles bound the other seven people. The tentacles were too fast, too fast for them to react.

By the time they noticed, the same dark power had already entered their bodies. The eight people emitted a low groan and scream, and if someone passed by, they would probably think it was hell.

"Scattering the power among them is too wasteful," Toguro said coldly as he watched Mitsurugi Otada.

Mitsurugi smiled, "If we want to better accomplish our mission, relying on just two people is not enough. We need to control this country first."

Toguro said indifferently, "As you wish, but it's better to hurry. Many outsiders should have arrived in Wano."

Mitsurugi remained silent, and then one by one, the tentacles dissipated. The first to dissipate was the one on Jin'eimon's body, and he was the first to regain his freedom, involuntarily looking at his hands.

Faintly, there seemed to be dark energy still fluctuating, a terrifying power lurking within. He couldn't help but want to howl to the sky to vent everything he had gained!

It felt too comfortable; he had never felt such a powerful force before!


Jin'eimon looked at Mitsurugi Otada, as did the others. After regaining their mobility, they all looked at Mitsurugi with worshipful expressions, immediately bowing and saying, "Mitsurugi-sama has treated us so kindly, but we doubted you before. We deserve to die!"

"It's okay. You are all my most trusted subordinates," Mitsurugi said with a slight smile. "Now, follow me to where my father is."

Toguro looked coldly at Mitsurugi Otada's actions. He had vaguely sensed what kind of power Mitsurugi Otada had obtained through the remnants of Kaido.

Firstly, because he had been observing from the sidelines, and secondly, because the remnants of Kaido were originally owned by Source One, so he knew any changes to them.

After Mitsurugi Otada transferred his power to the eight people, theoretically, his strength would definitely decline, but the decline was very slight, far less than the power he transferred.

It seemed that after he transferred his power to others, they contributed a spiritual power to Mitsurugi, which in turn restored the power Mitsurugi himself had consumed.

Could it be...




Source One suddenly thought of this possibility, and his face became somewhat strange.

How come Mitsurugi Otada's awakened ability seemed so sinister?

And to some extent, it was a bit like himself.

Source One could exert a certain degree of dominance over those who gained his power, and the more people who gained his power, the better the effect of the dominance.

It was a bit outrageous...

But it was true that Mitsurugi Otada seemed to fit this ability perfectly.

If this ability developed further, would it gradually make enemies worship him in battle?

This ability...

Was interesting.

Originally, he thought that the remnants of Kaido were definitely not as effective as the seed of Kaido, but now it seemed that the difference in effect was only in terms of power level. In this special ability, the remnants of Kaido were even better.

It depended on how Mitsurugi Otada would push forward the events in Wano.

At least for now, just as he thought, Mitsurugi Otada had entered the room of Kozuki Sukiyaki.

He opened the door and saw Kozuki Sukiyaki busily handling official affairs. Mitsurugi smiled and walked in.

"Mitsurugi! How dare you show your face to me!" Sukiyaki saw Mitsurugi coming in and immediately said discontentedly, "Do you know what's happening in Wano now?"

"So what? You are the general of Wano. You don't even have this courage?" Mitsurugi casually glanced at the documents on the table and said disdainfully.

"You!" Sukiyaki said angrily, "I won't let you do these things next!"

"Father, you're old," Mitsurugi said with a cold gaze at Sukiyaki. He said indifferently, "You're too timid now. You're no longer suitable to oversee the development of Wano."

"You..." Sukiyaki widened his eyes, looking incredulously at Mitsurugi Otada. "What are you saying?!"

Mitsurugi Otada showed a cruel smile. "I'm saying... from now on, I will become the general of Wano!"