
Previously, when Hyogo told her about the events, she believed that both Himura Kenshin and Mitsurugi were suspects of being demons.

And now, Mitsurugi's appearance, and the blatant release of his evil aura, directly confirmed his identity to An.

Yes, he was the demon An had been searching for all along, or rather...

A demon associated with the Demon Lord!

Just like the group of demon worshippers in Jaltzburg, the Demon Lord's appearance required a lot of preparation. However, while the previous demon worshippers were lower-tier individuals, this time, the demon worshippers...

were the Kozuki clan of Wano!

Although she knew this information, she had lost contact with Roger now and couldn't report or transmit this information to Raijin!

She gritted her teeth, and her short sword in hand instantly gathered a large amount of Haki. Conqueror's Haki and Armament Haki intertwined on the blade, and suddenly collided with Mitsurugi's twin blades.


In an instant, a massive Haki overflowed, and the sky above split open...

Mitsurugi also had Conqueror's Haki?

An was surprised. She didn't expect someone with Conqueror's Haki to become a demon's slave.

The clouds were directly split apart by the massive Haki, revealing the towering sky, and the sun shone directly into the city without obstruction from the clouds.

During the collision, the samurai behind An had already arrived!

An deliberately retreated with the help of Mitsurugi's power. In her retreat, she turned around and stabbed the Asura Child behind her in the chest with her blade, using this resistance to twist her body and retreat to the other side.

But there were pursuers here as well, and she could only continue to evade.

But in the end, she couldn't dodge it. During the fifth change of position, Mitsurugi's blade struck her abdomen.


Blood continuously flowed out, and An even felt as if there was a black aura at her wound, as if it wanted to drill into her body?!

She was suddenly startled, and her Armament Haki instantly hardened that area.

However, just with this slight distraction, Toguro appeared behind her. With a punch, it was like the roar of heaven and earth, and a massive force burst out.

An couldn't dodge it. She could only grip her short sword tightly and gather her strength to strike back at Toguro's fist.


In the collision of strength, she was at a disadvantage, especially since her strike was too rushed. She was directly blasted hundreds of meters away by Toguro's punch, crashing directly into a building and causing it to collapse.

The building collapsed instantly, hitting An.

"As an alternative, why don't you join us and cooperate with us?" Mitsurugi approached calmly. An was no longer much of a threat to them.

"We in Wano will eventually replace the World Government as the new rulers of this world. By then, you will still be an Admiral of the Navy, as long as you become my loyal subordinate."

He showed an evil smile and said to An.

Indeed, they were lacking high-end combat power. Even if the Kamawari Clan received his enhancement, they could only act as middle-tier combatants. After he learned that the World Government had the Navy, the Black Order, and the Pushing Beasts, three organizations with powerful combat forces, he decided to build his own army.

In his army, the commander must also be a combatant of Admiral level like the Navy.

An lay in the ruins. Although Toguro's punch hurt her, it didn't directly render her powerless.

She was now thinking about what to do next, knowing that a direct confrontation was impossible.

She couldn't be the opponent of so many people, especially since Toguro and Mitsurugi were both very strong.

Running was also difficult because the other party had already blocked all her directions.

This is really troublesome...

An had a headache.

She lifted the bricks pressing on her body and stood up from the ruins.

Looking at the ten people surrounding her, she sighed lightly. "It seems that I'm going to die here this time. If I join you, can I still survive?"

"Of course," Mitsurugi smiled. "I just need you to be my spy in the Navy."

"Oh? How are you going to do it?" An felt puzzled.

She was curious about how Mitsurugi would ensure that she wouldn't betray him.

The answer was revealed in the next second. A tentacle formed from black energy emerged from Mitsurugi's body. That tentacle seemed to contain extremely strong dark energy. An frowned. She felt that the power was similar to the energy residue Mitsurugi had left on her wound before.

That energy seemed to want to penetrate her body at first...

Could it be that Mitsurugi had the ability to control others?

She looked at the eight people standing around Mitsurugi and Toguro. They were silent, but at this moment, they emitted a faint purple light similar to that tentacle.


were controlled by Mitsurugi?

And Mitsurugi wanted to continue controlling her?

An subconsciously took a step back, and the tentacle was quickly approaching. If she resisted, it would inevitably arouse Mitsurugi and Toguro's killing intent, but if she didn't resist, she would be controlled by Mitsurugi.

And at this moment, her extraordinary Observation Haki sensed words coming from a distance.

"Please retreat in this direction, we will help you."

An raised her eyebrows. She didn't have much time to think now. She directly cut off the tentacle that was about to bind her and quickly ran towards the direction where the voice came from.

"Don't think about running away!"

In that direction, Zoro was hidden. He saw An's movement and had already swung his sword. His attack couldn't stop An, but as long as he could delay her for a moment, it would be enough!

"I knew Admiral wouldn't give up so easily!"

Behind her came Mitsurugi's voice again. An dodged Zoro's slash, simultaneously twisting her body to avoid Mitsurugi's blade.

She had already seen the future. Even in the encirclement of so many people, as long as she briefly evaded, there would be no problem.

She dodged the two most dangerous strikes, but Toguro had already rushed over. An kept advancing, trying to distance herself from Toguro.

However, Toguro's physical strength was higher than hers, and while An surpassed Toguro in agility, it was now just a simple race. She couldn't outrun Toguro!

An suddenly turned around and swung her sword, intending to force Toguro back. However, Toguro relied on his body to take her blow head-on and, at the same time, heavily punched her abdomen.

The punch directly struck An's abdomen, and An spat out a mouthful of blood. With a bang, she flew far away!


The process of the outcome is written in the following part.