The Black Carbon Clan

Indeed, the emerging resistance forces are increasing, and Mitsurugi needs stronger power.

The master and apprentice of Himura Kenshin, the mysterious person who saved himself from death, more and more outsiders, and the remnants of the Kurozumi clan who have been lurking for decades, all of these are his enemies.

So he needs stronger power to deal with them.

That dark energy is already difficult to make him stronger. Although he can perceive that there are still some parts that have not been absorbed, it is no longer as easy to absorb as it was at the beginning.

He needs...


Yes, something similar!

He needs to make others admire or even worship him, to obtain that kind of spiritual imprint from them, so that he can stimulate the dark power in his body more.

However, how to make people worship him?

Rule with benevolence?

That's too troublesome, and he doesn't want to do that kind of thing at all.

It would be nice if there were simpler and more brutal methods.

"If people could see my words and deeds, they would surely be fascinated by my greatness."

Mitsurugi suddenly had an idea. He had been writing a diary before, and now he decided to infuse his dark power into it, turning his diary into a carrier of idol worship power.

As long as people read his diary, they would gradually worship him. When he became a general, he would spread this diary to the crowd, letting them watch one by one.

Although it's a bit troublesome, it's much simpler than infecting them one by one personally.

He decided to do it, and he returned to the general's mansion to prepare to modify his diary.


On the other side, the seriously injured An was indeed rescued by someone.

However, she was not rescued by the people of the Kurozumi clan, and they didn't have that ability.

At present, there are only four people in the Kurozumi clan.

The first is Kurozumi Suzume, she is a user of the Mimicry Devil Fruit ability; there is also Kurozumi Choumaru, he is a user of the Barrier Devil Fruit ability, both of these people lean toward support.

The remaining one is Kurozumi Orochi, this person is considered the Iron FW, and the last one is Kurozumi Kanjuro, but he will soon become a servant of the Mitsurugi family.

These four people did not have the ability to take An away in that time, even with the powerful external aid brought by Kaido, who was brought by Kurozumi Suzume.

However, An was still very relieved because she heard someone calling her in that direction. This is the application of advanced Observation Haki, similar to what Fujitora can do. Like Fujitora, she can read the hearts of others.

Among those voices, there was a person who revealed his identity, and after An saw the person at the last moment, she fell asleep very relieved.

Because that person is her colleague...



Although she didn't see his face clearly, the blue iconic mask was indeed a symbol of Raiden, and there were lightning bolts emanating from his body.

So, it could only be the Raiden of the Black Cult!

Only Raiden's speed could take An away in that instant without being noticed by Mitsurugi Mitsurugi.

Representing their respective departments, they came to Wano, but they had only contacted each other through Den Den Mushi before. This was the first time they had met.

And this first meeting happened in this kind of situation, which was unexpected by anyone.

Raiden quickly took An to a hidden basement. This place was not far from where she fell down. In the basement were members of the Kurozumi clan.

Old lady Kurozumi Suzume, old man Kurozumi Choumaru, and the short Kurozumi Orochi, these three people were there.

"Mitsurugi Mitsurugi is becoming more and more crazy! They actually attacked a general of the World Government!" Seeing An unconscious, Kurozumi Suzume said angrily.

Of course, at least ninety-nine percent of this anger should be fake.

"We have confirmed that the Mitsurugi family is indeed demonic, and our World Government will naturally oppose demons." Raiden placed An on the bed that had been prepared long ago and said to the three members of the Kurozumi clan.

"As long as your Kurozumi clan cooperates well, when the time comes, Wano will be ruled by you, and you will be the new generals of Wano."

His words made the three of them happy. Kurozumi Suzume immediately said, "With your words, we can rest assured. When the time comes, Wano can join the World Government, becoming an indestructible barrier for the World Government!"

Raiden nodded, then said, "The most urgent task now is to relocate. Your spy should have been discovered. When he exposes our whereabouts, we will face their crazy retaliation."

"You can rest assured." Kurozumi Orochi said somewhat flatteringly, "Kanjuro will never betray us, because this is his way of survival."

"No, I have noticed that Mitsurugi Mitsurugi's demonic power seems to be able to bewitch people's hearts, so the so-called personality and way of survival are unreliable." Raiden shook his head.


His words surprised Kurozumi Orochi. Orochi did not expect Mitsurugi Mitsurugi to still have this ability. No wonder Kanjuro said it was the last time when he passed on the message to him before.

He trembled all over, as if he would be caught and executed the next moment.

"Lord Raiden is right. We do need to relocate ourselves." Kurozumi Suzume said calmly. She smiled and said, "Our clan has been preparing for this moment for decades. How can we be easily discovered?"

"Let them block Flower Capital. We can leave this city through the underground passage. By then, let them run around in the city."

Kurozumi Suzume walked to a position and seemed to press something, and suddenly a door appeared in this dark basement.

Raiden nodded, took a look at An lying on the bed, and said slowly, "Just wait for a while, and when An wakes up, we will leave."

Kurozumi Orochi was somewhat excited at this moment. "We have already discovered the true face of the Mitsurugi family. As long as it is exposed, it should be easy to take down the Mitsurugi family under our leadership!"

Just a moment ago, he was trembling with fear, and now he was daydreaming. Kurozumi Orochi showed human cowardice and greed to the fullest.

After more than two hours, An finally woke up slowly, but she could only move a little at first.

To recover from her injuries, as Toguro had judged before, it would take at least a week.

But it's okay to move a little. The five of them hurriedly walked towards the narrow passage, ready to leave Flower Capital.

During the action, An also heard from Raiden about what happened here.

"It's also thanks to Wano's proficiency in Busoshoku Haki but ordinary in Kenbunshoku Haki. Otherwise, it wouldn't be so easy to take you away."

An nodded. She whispered to Raiden beside her, "But, how did you end up with the people of the Kurozumi clan?"