Killing, powerful!

Could it be...

Is it really true that the only path left is to oppose Mitsuda?

Or is it that he has truly been possessed by a demon, causing him to behave so abnormally?

Heigorou gritted his teeth and swung his sword, fighting alongside the warriors.

The daimyo's forces were still strong, but they were stronger. Although they were outnumbered, Heigorou's strength far surpassed that of the warriors, so they managed to keep it evenly matched for a while.

However, as time passed, Heigorou grew more and more tired, and he began to falter.

Because among their opponents were strong fighters, and strong fighters could restrain other strong fighters.

And once there was someone to restrain, it was the time for the weak to come into play.


Someone struck Heigorou from behind with a sword, causing him to feel a sharp pain. He already had multiple wounds on his body.

Heigorou endured the pain and turned around to strike the person behind him, breathing heavily.

At this moment, the usefulness of Haoshoku Haki became apparent. Even a beginner Haoshoku Haki user could easily clear away the foot soldiers.

However, there was no one in Wano who possessed this ability for now.

Just as Heigorou was thinking this, suddenly a blade pierced through his body?!


Heigorou's eyes widened in shock. He had confirmed that there was no one behind him in such a short distance, so how...?

"Hanahime Heigorou, since you are sincerely protecting Kenshin Himura, then you shall follow him into the underworld."

A cryptic voice came from behind, sounding like it came from an old and dilapidated bellows. Heigorou struggled to turn his head and only saw a...

Dark shadow?!


A black shadow!

Although it had the shape of a person, its entire body was shrouded in darkness, with only a pair of eyes visible. It held a black longsword in its hand, which was now piercing through Heigorou's body!


Heigorou looked around the battlefield. Many of Shimogetsu Ushimaru's men had fallen, seemingly killed by this black shadow. Even Shimogetsu Ushimaru himself was seriously injured.

The ground was covered in corpses and blood. The daimyo's warriors also stopped, as they had received reinforcements. The sudden appearance of the black shadow dealt a devastating blow to the rebels.

"Who are you people?"

Heigorou asked in pain.

"By the order of our master, we are here to eradicate you rebels," the black shadow replied.


"Is it Mitsuda?" Heigorou couldn't help but ask.

"Do you think you can directly speak Mitsuda-sama's name?" the black shadow continued.


Heigorou sighed deeply. Every breath was extremely painful. He finally understood now. Mitsuda had turned into a monster.

He could not only control others but also create these black shadow monsters. He was no longer human. He was no longer the Mitsuda of the past!

Unfortunately, he was too foolish. It was clear what was happening, yet he only realized it now, deep in the heart of the storm of public opinion. Even someone like Shimogetsu Ushimaru, who didn't have as much information, had come to this conclusion. Yet he only realized it now.


It wasn't too late now.

Because he wouldn't die!

At least not now.

Just as the black shadow was about to strike Heigorou again, a flash of light faster than him appeared. Although it was in the distance, it struck his head faster and beheaded him.

"Unfortunately, I have no interest in entering the underworld before your master does."

In an instant, Kenshin Himura appeared.

He stood beside the black shadow, whose head dropped as if in slow motion, and then the entire body turned into darkness and dissipated.

He looked at the remaining black shadows and the stunned soldiers, saying coldly, "Mitsuda Mitsuda is just a little ghost who escaped death by my blade. The only possibility for me to enter the underworld is if he hides there to escape my vengeance, nothing more."

"Kenshin Himura?!"

The soldiers recognized Kenshin. His appearance had been sent to various towns by Mitsuda, so they knew who he was!

"How dare you show up before us!"

His appearance made the soldiers restless. Capturing Kenshin would bring them honor and wealth for a lifetime. They rushed toward Kenshin like mad.

"Kenshin, run!" Heigorou shouted when he saw Kenshin suddenly appear.

He knew Kenshin was strong, but facing so many people now, even Kenshin couldn't take on a thousand alone, right?

Although the enemies weren't a thousand, there were still hundreds of them, including those black shadows, which became more agitated when they saw Kenshin.

However, Kenshin didn't reply. He just assumed a stance with his sword and whispered softly,

"Uncle Heigorou, please close your eyes."

Then, in the next moment, the demon descended.

Heigorou didn't close his eyes as Kenshin had suggested, so he witnessed the scene. Kenshin assumed a stance with his sword, and then in an instant, he himself seemed to become a blade out of its sheath, like a thunderbolt from the blue, launching into a massacre.

Every strike of his sword was precise, slashing the enemies' necks before turning his blade toward the next person. No one could catch Kenshin's figure, so it was a massacre initiated by Kenshin alone!

Limbs shattered, blood splattered, bodies fell one after another, black shadows dissipated one by one. It seemed like the slaughter had gone on for a long time, yet it also seemed like it was just a moment. Kenshin crossed over everyone.

And then...

He left behind a ground littered with corpses!

The blood dyed the earth crimson, far more than when they rebelled before, making this world seem like a blood-soaked hell, chilling to the bone!


Shimogetsu Ushimaru, still standing there, looked dazedly at the scene. He looked at Kenshin Himura, blood still on his face, but it wasn't his own; it was the enemy's.

He couldn't help but mutter his name.

"Himura... Kenshin?"

He couldn't believe it. Could there really be such a powerful person in this world?

Powerful enough to ignore an army?

A single person easily slaughtered hundreds of soldiers with a single sword, and even though not much time had passed, it seemed like so much had happened in that moment.



Is this the swordsman who almost killed Mitsuda?

Heigorou, watching Kenshin who resembled a demon king, suddenly had a thought in his mind.

If he could get Kenshin Himura to help...

Then relying on him alone could overthrow the Mitsuda family's rule, right?!

Because he's too strong!