
Time passes quickly after Humphrey's unexpected visit to Knole. Not long after that day he set sail for America never to be heard from again, at least not directly. William had been able to find out that he didn't change at all, quickly gambling away the small fortune that Humphrey had been given to begin a new life with. After that it became much more diffcult to find out anything else about him.

News came of Emily delivering a healthy baby girl who they named Elizabeth. And as promised once summer came around both she and Lydia came to stay at Knole with their children and husbands. William and the rest of the men would disappear off doing whatever it is that men do leaving us ladies to enjoy the gardens where we watch Lydia's children play. To my delight Arthur took his first steps out in those gardens.

With how close in age Arthur and Elizabeth are there was some teasing between the three of us that they should be betrothed but we'd all come to find love in our marriages and we want the same for our children. Eventually though they had to return to their own estates although letters remained frequent between us all.

At the end of the year as the new season started William and I returned to London to attend some of the events. Despite two years having passed since the scandal rumours and whispers still followed us while we were there. It became clear that despite our now clearly loving marriage none of the ton would ever forget the circumstances of how it occurred.

It doesn't bother me though. While society may never truly accept me despite my being a Duchess, William love me and I have Arthur as well. And as if to prove our love Arthur is soon followed by Charlotte, Henry, Anthony and finally Sophia.

Thankfully in the face of their titles, estates and dowries my scandal did not extend too much onto our children so they are far more accepted by the ton than I will ever be. We're a large loving family and I would not have it any other way. I may never be fully worthy in the eyes of anyone expect William and our children but at least I now have a family who I love more than anything.