first class and meeting with helena

Alex slept the night late but got up early, the first class is transfiguration with Griffindor and he doesn't want to be late, he got ready and went to the common room , Cho is waiting for him and when she saw Alex coming from a different direction than the boys dormetories she asked him curiously and he said," I gained a personal room through answering some questions and riddles , no big deal". she is astonished by this when she heard it is the one at the west corridor. she heard rumours about it and asked Alex but he said ,"there is no inheritance , it's just a luxurious room". Cho

believed him and asked him about the puzzles , he answered her some fake riddles and they both arrived to the great hall. the breakfast is normal one bread and jam or butter . Alex ate and went to his classroom 15 minutes early.

when he arrived he saw McGonagall in her animagus form and bowed his head, McGonagall is surprised at first but decided to wait for the whole class to arrive before transforming , just nodded at Alex. Alex also sat in a bench he selected randomly and started to revise his textbook about introduction to transfiguration.

soon a few students arrived and Hermione tried to pet the cat, Alex gasped at her behaviour and told her about professor McGonagall ability to transform, she shocked and apologized to the cat and sat along side with Alex. all of the students except Ron and Harry arrived in another 10 minutes and Ron and Harry arrived late and discussed about McGonagall's face when the jumped and transformed to professor McGonagall. she repremind them and warn them that she would turn one of them into a pocket watch or a map.

McGonagall praised Alex and gave Ravenclaw

10 points for noticing her. she starts the class and explained the basic form of transfiguration and asked the little ones to turn a match into silver needle.

Alex turns it into a silver needle in his first attempt and it also has a design, McGonagall smiled at him and gave Ravenclaw another 10 points for it. Hermione also did turn it and earned 5 points at the end of the class Harry also turned it into needle thanks to his practice with Lily but none of others saw did it.

Alex has no other classes today and went to the 8th floor to meet Helena. after about half an hour search he found the ghost near a balcony. he introduced himself as Alex and one of the ravenclaw students. Helena looked uninterested and asked his business with her.

Alex showed the sapphire ring in his hand and said," do you remember this miss helena?".

Helena looked at the ring and try to remember for a moment then said while surprised," you got my mother's inheritance". Alex applied some false details about his trial and said the message from Rowena to Helena. Helena is crying while listening but calmed down after sometime , she looks at Alex and said, " thank you, Alex. do you check the other things like books and the lab". Alex told Helena about the room and also told her about the Rowena's bedroom, Helena asked Alex to take her there.

he allowed her to enter the room and thought of Rowena's bedroom and the two appeared there Helena said thanks to Alex once again and continued to roam around the room. Alex told her she could visit this room any time since he allowed her to enter give permission to use this room. Helena is grateful for it.

Alex left Helena in the place and went to library, he plans to use the potion and circuit change in a holiday and now he searching for a potion that can make his brain works fast, since he want to contain the magic during the 2 process to avoid detection and better development.