commotion at book shop

after coaxing Cho he looked around and saw wierd gazes on him, except Daphne and Hermione who knew about it everyone is looking at Alex like they saw a playboy and Lily is smirking with a teasing gaze , Alex knew what she wanted to say, he is giving a pleading gaze until someone shouted," hey , Alex congratulations on winning junior wizard duelling championship, you made Hogwarts a respected school around the wizarding world now man".

everyone looked towards the direction of voice and saw the twins,he sighed in relief and the grangers asked what are they talking about but Alex didn't know Lily is going drop a major bomb on him. as soon as they asked what is the championship, Lily began to explain everything making Alex nervous, then when the she is talking about vole family she looked and found Alex with a lost puppy look and ended there, Alex sighed in relief which made Cho, Hermoine and Daphne suspicious and they decided to investigate Alex later.

the Grangers attitude changed after hearing Alex winning the world championship in junior category, they are looking at him with sparkling eyes and discussing about the duels with James, soon they bought everything needed for this semester except books but after seeing there is a big crowd there all of them stopped and Alex knew this cause a headache if Lockhart saw him there, so he suggested they will go eat something in mean time the crowd will clear, but all of them stopped when there is a commotion and turned towards the shop to see Arthur Weasley and Lucius Malfoy fighting, Alex remembered the dairy and went there he expanded his magic but couldn't find the dairy, he is puzzled and looked towards the couldron which has only a red book, he sighed and thought," looks like I need to find it myself, the plot is messed up now".

James and mr.granger want to step in to separate them when Hagrid arrived and lifted them to stop the fight and separated them by lifting them, Lucius is challenging Arthur with empty provocation while Arthur is arguing with him.

this commotion stopped the crowd , Alex suggested them to buy books which is done effortlessly due to the crowd attracted to Lucius and Arthur , Alex is observing lucius moments and scanned the entire area with magic , but couldn't find it. they all bought the books while Alex avoided Lockhart not to have headache for today.

in the end, Lucius got out of their while cursing Weasley's, Alex met Ron and mrs.weasley who is waiting in line for signature of Lockhart, and Ginny who is looking at him shyly, the twins teased Ginny," oh! look Fred our little sis is going fall for someone, guess who?". Fred replied," who can it be other than our hero Alex?". Ginny pushed them away while glaring and the twins laughed at this, Alex smile froze as he is feeling 3 intense gazes on him while a 4th one is from Ginny who sensed 3 girls staring at Alex. now he is praying to end this day as fast it can be since Ginny is likely to be join in this group of yandere's if this goes any further.

Lockhart is signing the books with a smile that looks disgusting to Alex, the twins, Ron , Harry, the other men in group and Lily also felt disgusted from that, she told them to hurry up and finish this business here.

Hermoine , Daphne and Cho is discussing something while staring at Alex and it's definitely isn't good thing for him as he heard words like kill, exterminate and even heard shred to pieces which remind him of the dream, he shivered suddenly and noticed the long stare of Ginny also, now Alex has to get out of here before this girls pass a judgement on him, Lily at this time is standing and looking at ice cream parlor, Alex eyes lit up and he goes towards Lily asking he wants to eat some ice cream, lily who is already interested in it agreed after some persuasion from Alex, then Lily , Alex and Harry go to the restaurant and ordered the ice cream successfully escaped the judgement of girl for now.

but he didn't know there will be more trouble to him with these girls and those that are yet to meet him, he thought about a solution to basilisk if for any reason he couldn't enter the chamber and remembered the music player gifted to him by Remus, he want to invent something that will make a rooster cry sound and gave it to them , so that they can be safe .

the day ended with the shopping of books and Alex said he will see them in Hogwarts express , then with his family he went to potter manor while thinking how to imprint a rooster cry, then he remembered a village a few miles away from potter manor, after dinner when everybody went to sleep he created a voice recorder like device that looks like a box, then he used his broomstick with invisibility charm to arrive at the village and searched for roosters as soon as he saw them he scared them with an illusion and recorded it's cry continuously for 5 minutes.

he returned home, throw a silencio barrier around room and used the recorder to make pieces like those and transmitted the sound into the boxes, the boxes when open will gave a roosters cry continuously until it closed and he made enough pieces for him and his acquintaces, he slept that day.